11 results
Search Results
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- Risk behaviors to psychoactive substances use in children and young people in LisbonPublication . Deodato, Sérgio; Nunes, Elisabete; Capelas, Manuel; Seabra, Paulo; Sarreira-Santos, Alexandra; Medeiros-Garcia, LurdesObjective: To characterize the risk behavior of the psychoactive substances use in a youth population of Lisbon. Method: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study. Participants were 113 children and young people who responded to the Portuguese version of the Risk and Health Behavior questionnaire - Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Results: Participants with regard to age were between 9-13, most attending the 5th grade, living with parents, had good school performance, good relationship with colleagues while 1/4 refer problems. When concerned, recourse to the mother, but it is significant the attention of peers. As for the trial of psychoactive substances was found: 9.7% tobacco, 19.5% alcohol, other substances 5.3%. Conclusion: With regard to risk behavior stands primarily to early alcohol testing. Emerged as protective factors: family relationship and relationship with the school space. This age group may constitute the ideal time for prevention.
- Instruments for evaluation of the risk of prolongation of hospitalizationPublication . Modas, Diana Andreia Santos; Nunes, Elisabete Maria Garcia TelesObjective: To map the existence of instruments for evaluation of the risk of prolonged hospitalization time with hospital discharge delay of the patient. Methods: It was conducted a scoping review of the literature in accordance with suggested by the Joanna Briggs Institute. It was carried out research on the electronic platform Ebscohost: Medline, Cinahl, MedicLatina, Cochrane Data Base of Systematic Reviews; PubMed, in repositories (RIMAS, RIAP, RIUIS, RCAAP and Veritati) and Google Scholar. The bibliographic references of the selected documents were consulted. Results: From the research carried out, 7 articles were selected for analysis, which included 4 instruments: Patient Status of Continence, Ambulation, Age, Social Background and Thought Processes; 4-Score, Blaylock Risk Assessment Screen and The Multidisciplinary Record. Conclusion: The risk of prolonged hospitalization time with hospital discharge delay can be evaluated using 4 types of instruments. This assessment focuses mainly on the patient's cognitive function, age, reliance on daily living activities, mobility and social support, and is committed to an early and preventive discharge planning.
- Nurse's interventions in preventing falls in hospitalized children: scoping reviewPublication . Brás, Alexandra Margarida Ribeiro; Quitério, Margarida Maria de Sousa Lourenço; Nunes, Elisabete Maria Garcia TelesOBJECTIVES: map both nursing interventions for the prevention of falls in paediatric age during hospitalization and the instruments for assessing the risk of falls in paediatrics. METHODS: scoping review according to the protocol of Joanna Briggs Institute, with acronym PCC (P - children, C - fall preventive nursing interventions and instruments for assessing the risk of falling, C - hospital admission), in three sources of information (EBSCO, PubMed and SciELO). RESULTS: the sample consisted of seven articles. The education of the child/family is the basis of the interventions, and the instruments for assessing the risk of falling identified were: Humpty Dumpty Falls Scale, GRAF PIF, CUMMINGS, I'M SAFE and CHAMPS. CONCLUSIONS: the education of children/parents on preventive measures is important and should be reinforced during hospitalization, using different methodologies. The Humpty Dumpty Falls Scale was the most analyzed.
- Intervenções de enfermagem promotoras da adaptação da criança/jovem/família à hospitalização: uma scoping reviewPublication . Barros, Inês; Lourenço, Margarida; Nunes, Elisabete; Charepe, ZaidaObjetivo: Identificar o processo de adaptação da criança e família à hospitalização e mapear as intervenções de enfermagem promotoras da adaptação à hospitalização da criança/jovem/família. Método: Elaboração de uma Scoping Review com base no Joanna Briggs Institute (2014). Critérios de inclusão - População: Criança, Jovem (0-18 anos); Conceito: Intervenções promotoras da adaptação e Contexto: Hospitalização. Os estudos considerados foram estudos quantitativos, qualitativos e revisões sistemáticas. Pesquisa de artigos em três bases de dados eletrónicas – PUBMED, MEDLINE e CINAHL. Critério de selecção: datados entre 2012 e 2019 e em regime full text. Línguas de inclusão: Português e Inglês. Resultados: Foram analisados 14 artigos, salientando-se que o desenho de estudo incluem 2 revisões sistemáticas da literatura, 7 estudos qualitativos e 5 quantitativos. Os resultados da análise foram organizados por temas: adaptação da criança à hospitalização, adaptação dos pais à hospitalização e estratégias promotoras de adaptação à hospitalização. As intervenções dirigidas à criança centram-se no fortalecimento dos mecanismos de enfrentamento e no aumento da segurança, tendo estas sido categorizadas em estratégias comunicacionais; atividades lúdicas/brincar e atividades de relaxamento; promoção da esperança e estratégias de coping. Conclusão: As intervenções de Enfermagem promotoras da adaptação à hospitalização mapeadas visam diminuir a ansiedade e stress da criança/família, aumentando a capacidade para receber informação, participar nos cuidados e em decisões. Destacam-se a brincadeira terapêutica, informações antecipatórias, técnicas de relaxamento, distração, humor, musicoterapia, kits de adaptação, grupos terapêuticos e estratégias promotoras de esperança.
- Hope promoting interventions in parents of children with special health needs: a scoping reviewPublication . Carvalho, Matilde; Lourenço, Margarida; Charepe, Zaida; Nunes, ElisabeteThe concept of hope has been identified as central to nursing and have gained visibility in the caring of children with special health needs and their families. With the emergence of new challenges in pediatric nursing and knowing the needs and adversities parents are facing in their daily life, interventions that promote hope should be highlighted. Objective: to map the interventions that have been implemented and evaluated to promote hope in parents of children with special health needs. Method: a scoping review was held, following Joanna Briggs Institute methodology, in the databases Pubmed, CINHAL complete and SciELO, in portuguese, english and spanish and in the time window from 2008 to 2018. Results: Seven studies were included in this review. The research that was found is mostly qualitative, dispersed in time and differentiated in terms of conceptual framework. Mostly evaluated in individuals, the studies encompass either group and individual interventions, with a large variability of contexts and intervention characteristics. Conclusion: discussions about hope promoting interventions in pediatric nursing care are currently occurring, the need for more research persists for the validation of hope promotion interventions in parents of children with special health needs.
- Nursing practice environment in primary health care: a scoping reviewPublication . Lucas, Pedro Ricardo Martins Bernardes; Nunes, Elisabete Maria Garcia TelesOBJECTIVE: To examine the scientific evidence about the nursing practice environment in Primary Health Care. METHODS: Three-step scoping review. 1) An initial research on CINAHL and MEDLINE. 2) A broader search using the same keywords and search terms in the remaining EBSCOHost platform databases. 3) Search the bibliographical references of the selected articles. The studies selected were from 2007 to 2018. RESULTS: 19 articles were included, most reported findings of the nursing practice environment and results for clients, nurses, nurse managers and the efficiency of organizations, in Primary Health Care. CONCLUSION: Improving the environment of nursing practice has consequences on the quality of nursing care, with increased results for clients, nursing and Primary Health Care.
- Perceção dos pais sobre o estado nutricional de crianças de idade pré-escolarPublication . Lourenço, Margarida; Nunes, Elisabete; Vaz, Judite; Andrade, Filipa; Deodato, SérgioIntrodução: A avaliação do estado nutricional, para além de ser uma etapa indispensável no estudo de uma criança, é um importante indicador de saúde e bem-estar. A sua monitorização é importante para se detetar precocemente o excesso de peso. A evidência demonstra que os pais que não reconhecem problemas de peso nos seus filhos, subestimando o excesso de peso dos mesmos. Objetivo: Classificar o estado nutricional das crianças de idade pré-escolar; analisar a perceção parental relativamente ao estado nutricional das mesmas. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, transversal, descritivo. Amostra não probabilística por conveniência constituída por 78 crianças com idades entre 4 e 6 anos a frequentar agrupamento escolar de Lisboa e pais. Instrumento de recolha de dados através de questionário sócio-demográfico e do esquema silhuetas “Body Silhouette Chart”. Efetuada avaliação antropométrica da criança. Dados recolhidos no primeiro semestre de 2014. Análise estatística efetuada através do software estatístico IBM® SPSS® Statistics 19. Resultados: 67,1% das crianças apresenta peso normal. Maioria dos pais tem uma imagem real e ideal de peso normal (47.4% e 55.4% respetivamente). Não existe diferença estatisticamente significativa entre perceção real e perceção ideal dos pais (X2=-2,693, p=0.007). Não existe diferença estatisticamente significativa entre perceção real e ideal em função do género das crianças (imagem real [U=616.00, p=0.688]; imagem ideal [U=574.50, p=0.527]). Existe correlação estatisticamente significativa entre a perceção real dos pais e o IMC (rs=0.40, p<0.001). Conclusão: A maioria das crianças apresenta um estado nutricional adequado, porém verifica-se uma grande percentagem de crianças pré-obesas e obesas, pelo que se delineou uma intervenção junto das crianças, pais e profissionais. A maioria dos pais percecionam filhos com peso normal e gostam que assim seja, embora exista um número significativo em que a perceção ideal seja a pré-obesidade. Conclui-se que não existe discrepância entre a imagem real e ideal dos filhos.
- A commentary on spiritual leadership and workplace spirituality in nursing managementPublication . Ribeiro, Mónica; Caldeira, Sílvia; Nunes, Elisabete; Vieira, MargaridaAim: Bring to discussion how spiritual leadership and workplace spirituality, on a health care system that faces constant challenges and seeks constant adaptations, as a way to guarantee nurses’ well-being and quality of care Background: The work environment has shown to have impact on staff well-being. Workplace spirituality relates to sense of belonging, motivation and commitment. A spiritual leadership is fundamental to develop workplace spirituality. Evaluation: Starting from literature, a reflection on the theme was carried out based on the results of the development of spiritual leadership and workplace spirituality in health care institutions, in professionals and in patients. Key issues: Nurses have spiritual needs which need to be also addressed in order to promote the sense of identification with the institutions vision and goals. A relation between spiritual leadership, workplace spirituality and subjective well-being is often found in literature, and this is critical evidence towards new management and leadership dynamics and models in health care institutions, that should integrate workplace spirituality. Conclusion: Nursing leaders are responsible for workplace spirituality facilitation. Nursing leadership and workplace spirituality seem both an answer and way to the change of health institutions management paradigm, but more studies are needed to inform this change in practice.
- Estado nutricional de crianças em idade pré-escolarPublication . Lourenço, Margarida; Nunes, Elisabete; Fernandes, Sérgio Joaquim Deodato; Vaz, Maria Judite Antunes; Andrade, Filipa Maria Reinhardt Fialho deIntrodução: Um dos desafios de saúde para o século XXI prende-se com o aumento da prevalência da obesidade infantil, assumindo a monitorização do estado nutricional importância basilar para um desenvolvimento harmonioso e uma vida adulta saudável. Objetivo: Classificar o estado nutricional de crianças em idade pré-escolar. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo não experimental, descritivo e transversal. Amostra foi constituída por 87 crianças, distribuídas por dois jardins-de-infância da área metropolitana de Lisboa. Colheita de dados foi realizada no primeiro semestre de 2014. Para análise de dados foi utilizada a estatística descritiva. Resultados: Têm excesso de peso 28,74% crianças. Destas, 19,54% apresentaram pré-obesidade e 9,20% obesidade. Conclusão: A prevalência de crianças com excesso de peso nesta amostra foi elevada. A promoção da saúde deverá ser iniciada o mais precocemente possível, de forma a capacitar a criança e dotá-la de ferramentas que lhe permitam fazer escolhas saudáveis ao longo da vida.
- Quality of the leader-member relationship and the organizational commitment of nursesPublication . Nunes, Elisabete Maria Garcia Teles; Gaspar, Maria Filomena MendesObjective: To understand the perception of the quality of leadership relationships and the organizational commitment of nurses, and to analyze the influence of this relationship quality. Method: Cross-sectional and correlational study, with a quantitative approach, using a non-probability convenience sampling with 408 nurses. The data were collected through questionnaires at Central Hospital in Lisbon, between January and March 2013. The statistical analysis of the data was carried out using IBM® SPSS® Statistics 19 software. Results: Three hundred forty-two questionnaires were considered valid. The quality of the leadership relationship was satisfactory, and the nurses were poorly committed to the organization. The quality of the leadership relationship was statistically correlated with organizational commitment: there was found a moderate association to affective commitment (rs=0.42, p < 0.05), a low association with the normative commitment (rs=0.37, p < 0.05), and a very low association with the calculative commitment (rs=0.14, p < 0.05). Conclusion: Leadership exerts influence on organizational commitment. An opportunity to improve the quality of the leadership relationship between nurses and their leaders was found, with the consequent possibility of developing organizational commitment.