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Instruments for evaluation of the risk of prolongation of hospitalization

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Objective: To map the existence of instruments for evaluation of the risk of prolonged hospitalization time with hospital discharge delay of the patient. Methods: It was conducted a scoping review of the literature in accordance with suggested by the Joanna Briggs Institute. It was carried out research on the electronic platform Ebscohost: Medline, Cinahl, MedicLatina, Cochrane Data Base of Systematic Reviews; PubMed, in repositories (RIMAS, RIAP, RIUIS, RCAAP and Veritati) and Google Scholar. The bibliographic references of the selected documents were consulted. Results: From the research carried out, 7 articles were selected for analysis, which included 4 instruments: Patient Status of Continence, Ambulation, Age, Social Background and Thought Processes; 4-Score, Blaylock Risk Assessment Screen and The Multidisciplinary Record. Conclusion: The risk of prolonged hospitalization time with hospital discharge delay can be evaluated using 4 types of instruments. This assessment focuses mainly on the patient's cognitive function, age, reliance on daily living activities, mobility and social support, and is committed to an early and preventive discharge planning.
Objetivo: Mapear a existência de instrumentos para avaliação do risco de prolongamento do tempo de internação com retardo da alta hospitalar do paciente. Métodos: Efetuada revisão da literatura do tipo scoping de acordo com o proposto pela Joanna Briggs Institute. Efetuada pesquisa na plataforma eletrônica da Ebscohost: Medline, Cinahl, MedicLatina, Cochrane Data Base of Systematic Reviews; na PubMed, em repositórios (RIMAS, RIAP RIUIS, RCAAP e Veritati) e no Google Scholar. Consultadas as referências bibliográficas dos documentos selecionados. Resultados: Da pesquisa efetuada selecionaram-se 7 artigos para análise, que abordavam 4 instrumentos: Patient Status of Continence, Ambulation, Age, Social Background and Thought Processes; 4-Score, Blaylock Risk Assessment Screen e The Multidisciplinary Record. Conclusão: O risco de prolongamento do tempo de internação com retardo da alta hospitalar pode ser avaliado através de 4 tipos de instrumentos. Esta avaliação foca-se principalmente na função cognitiva do paciente, na sua idade, no seu nível de dependência nas atividades de vida diárias, na sua mobilidade e apoio social de que dispõe, apostando-se num planejamento de alta precoce e preventivo.



Length of stay Patient discharge Review literature as topic Risk assessment Medição de risco Tempo de internação Alta do paciente Literatura de revisão como assunto


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