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  • Cidadania e construção cívica revisitando adultos: um processo de capacitação na terceira idade
    Publication . Figueiredo, Amélia Simões; Rabiais, Isabel
    O principal objetivo da educação de adultos para a cidadania é proporcionar a aquisição de competências que propiciem a inserção responsável através do desenvolvimento social e humano em projetos, considerando que a lógica do desenvolvimento local se estrutura em torno da intencionalidade das orientações da ação formativa, na promoção de valores comunitários. Neste enquadramento, surge o projeto “Capacitar para salvar”, no âmbito da missão da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, que se expande agora aos estudantes da Universidade sénior. Assumimos como objetivos caracterizar os atores no que concerne ao género, idade; divulgar os indicadores de avaliação de processo e reforçar a importância da formação de adultos na promoção de valores. Metodologicamente estamos perante um estudo de abordagem quali-quantitativo, com recurso à análise de conteúdo e ao tratamento estatístico dos dados, resultantes da aplicação de questionários a estudantes de uma universidade sénior numa Junta de Freguesia da cidade de Lisboa. Os resultados apontam uma intencionalidade da ação dos atores, movida e assente na racionalidade de procedimentos ensinados, instruídos e treinados sobre suporte básico de vida. As conclusões sugerem a capacitação dos atores, numa perspetiva de cidadania e saúde que anuncia a (re)construção identitária e o desenvolvimento de uma consciência cívica visada.
  • Nursing teaching strategies used to promote collaboration and teamwork: an integrative literature review
    Publication . Romeiro, Joana; Figueiredo, Amélia Simões
    Objective To identify in nursing literature published between 2010-2014 the teaching strategies capable of promoting collaboration and teamwork. Methods This integrative literature review allowed the selection of empirical studies in nursing literature published between January 2010 and December 2014. The review was taken in April 2015, using the EBSCOhost platform to search in databases such as CINAHL® Plus with Full Text, Nursing & Allied Health Collection, Cochrane Collection, MedicLatina and MEDLINE with Full Text, Academic Search, and Education Research Complete. Results Findings revealed 18 empirical studies. Academic approaches based on high and low-fidelity simulations, “role play”, work group, reflective discussions and clinical stages were the strategies employed. Conclusions The present study emphasizes the need to develop instruments that can be used in the evaluation of the competence to collaborate and work as a team in students in the first years of nursing studies.
  • Missionários, conservadores e visionários: modos de ser professor
    Publication . Figueiredo, Amélia Simões
    A obra agora publicada resulta de um percurso profissional, científico e cultural da autora e constitui uma reflexão fundamental para quem tem a vocação do ensino. Alexandre Castro Caldas Médico, Professor Catedrático e Diretor do Instituto Ciências da Saúde da UCP. A autora apresenta sobre este tema uma perspetiva única, simultaneamente científica e poética pela simbólica que utiliza. Margarida Vieira Coordenadora da área de Enfermagem da UCP. Saliento a honestidade e o mérito científico da pesquisa que lhe esteve subjacente. Beatriz Araújo Professora Associada Convidada do ICS. Muito se tem escrito sobre profissionalização e identidade, mas o estudo realizado por Amélia Simões Figueiredo traz nova luz para estas questões. Marta Lima Basto Professora Coordenadora (aposentada), Membro da Comissão Científica do Doutoramento em Enfermagem da U. Lisboa e Investigadora da ui&de. É de apreciar a construção do texto, a sequência e a condução do leitor, bem como, de modo relevante, os formatos de itinerário(s), no processo de identidade e nos mundos socioprofissionais.
  • Family transitions to homelessness: a qualitative approach
    Publication . Figueiredo, Amélia Simões; Ferrito, Cândida; Santos, Alexandra Sarreira; Deodato, Sérgio; Seabra, Paulo; Vidal, Teresa; Figueiredo, Henriqueta
    Objectives: to characterize the homeless families who use a Public Shower Room; identify significant life events/phenomena for the family’s transition to homelessness; understand the relationship between significant life events; identify future expectations of respondents. Methods: an exploratory, descriptive study using the interview and thematic content analysis. Sample consisted of public shower room users. Results: mental illness, social, personal and family factors justify the transition of subjects to homelessness. The total absence of hopelessness alternates with expectations for the future based on resilience and hope. Final Considerations: we highlight in the study the self-determination expressed in small expressions of the narrative, on the one hand, as well as aspects related to the evolution of family relationships, on the other.
  • Users of the Public Bathhouse of Alcântara: health profile diagnosis
    Publication . Figueiredo, Amélia Simões; Resende, Ana; Ferrito, Cândida; Rabiais, Isabel; Caldeira, Sílvia
    Background: The community outreach project of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, which involves the public bathhouse of Alcântara, started out of the need to identify its users. Objectives: To characterize the users’ socio-demographic and health profile and describe their use of social and health resources. Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive study, of quantitative nature, was conducted with the application of a questionnaire to a sample of 145 participants. Results: The typical user is male, single, aged 25-35 years and lives alone (21%). This user goes to the public bathhouse two to three times per week. Most of the users (58.3%) have no bathroom, 29.7% are homeless, 35.2% are not registered in any health care center, and 24.8% have mental disorders. Conclusion: The typical bathhouse user is of working age, was born in Lisbon and in the Portuguese-speaking African Countries, and has no source of income. The main reasons leading to the use of the public bathhouse are the economic difficulties, the homeless condition, and the lack of sanitary conditions.
  • Intervenções de enfermagem na transição de cuidados em adultos com acidente vascular cerebral: uma scoping review
    Publication . Sousa, Marisa; Cabrita, Rita; Mamadhussen, Suraiya Mansurali; Ferrito, Cândida; Figueiredo, Amélia Simões
    Introdução: O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) é um evento que, de modo súbito, muda a vida das pessoas e dos seus familiares. A evidência científica aponta para a necessidade de que os sistemas de saúde estabeleçam intervenções que possam favorecer a continuidade de cuidados após a fase aguda com ênfase no período de reabilitação e reinserção social e comunitária. Tendo em conta a intervenção fundamental do enfermeiro na transição de cuidados, torna-se pertinente a realização desta scoping review. Objetivo: Identificar as intervenções de enfermagem na transição de cuidados, particularmente, em adultos com diagnóstico de AVC que usualmente apresentam limitações após a alta hospitalar. Materiais e Métodos: A revisão foi realizada segundo o protocolo de Joanna Briggs Institute. Resultados: De acordo com os critérios definidos foram incluídos na análise 5 artigos. Os processos de transição de cuidados analisados nos artigos foram maioritariamente desenvolvidos ou geridos por enfermeiros ou por equipas multidisciplinares nas quais o enfermeiro assumiu um papel primordial. Conclusão: Identificaram-se intervenções de enfermagem que se mostraram eficazes na transição de cuidados da pessoa com diagnóstico de AVC, que devem ser desenvolvidas em momentos chave, nomeadamente, na preparação da alta, no momento da alta e no acompanhamento nas semanas seguintes à alta hospitalar.
  • Spirituality in the undergraduate curricula of nursing schools in Portugal and São Paulo-Brazil
    Publication . Caldeira, Sílvia; Figueiredo, Amélia; Conceição, Ana Paula; Ermel, Célia; Mendes, João; Chaves, Erika; Carvalho, Emília; Vieira, Margarida
    Spirituality is considered a dimension of nursing care, which is often recognized as being neglected, mainly due to a lack of education. Several studies have addressed nursing students’ perceptions and skills for providing spiritual care, but there is little evidence on how spirituality is addressed in undergraduate nursing curricula. This study comprised Portuguese and Brazilian nursing schools (from São Paulo) and describes how spirituality is addressed in undergraduate nursing curricula. It is descriptive and the survey research was performed in 2014–2015. The questionnaire was composed of closed and open-ended questions and was sent by e-mail. A total of 129 answers were obtained, mostly from Portugal. Results indicated that several curricular units include spirituality, although having different contents. The learning outcomes are consistent with improving nursing students’ integral education, developing the clinical reasoning regarding spirituality, and improving the assessment of the patient across the life span. Nevertheless, it seems that spirituality is poorly addressed in clinical practice. Few nursing schools have courses or curricular units specifically dealing with spirituality, but they do provide some form of teaching on the subject. No standard curriculum exists, but teachers believe that it is a very important subject that should be included in the courses taught.
  • Empowering to save
    Publication . Rabiais, Isabel; Figueiredo, Amélia Simões; Deodato, Sérgio
    Introduction: The 2012-2016 National Health Plan emphasizes the importance of gains in health “through the alignment around common goals, the integration of sustained efforts from all sectors of society, and the implementation of strategies focused on citizenship, on equality and access, on quality and on healthy policies”. Based on the Universidade Católica Portuguesa’s mission of “generating and sharing critical, innovative and socially relevant knowledge to the service of integral development of the person and the common good”, and considering that the human being is conceptualized as a person who materializes in a health project, taking care of herself, others, things and the surrounding world, arises, the training project in basic life support in secondary schools. This project aims to empower the students for a civic intervention, as health promoting agents, preventing disease and building a healthy society. Methods: Qualitative/quantitative study, using content analysis and statistic treatment of questionnaires of students in a sample of 10 schools. Results: Regarding the adressed subject and content, most of the students, consider them very important. They argue that the project motivates and empowers them for a safer intervention for emergency situations. They feel directly involved for being able to save lives, assuming that this responsibility not only belongs to doctors and nurses, but to everyone. Conclusions: The results higlight the importance of strengthening these intervention projects within the educational community, by empowering the interveners, in a perspective of citizenship and health as integrative concepts in society.
  • Parenting of children with autism spectrum disorder: a grounded theory study
    Publication . Viana, Clara Roquette; Caldeira, Sílvia; Lourenço, Margarida; Figueiredo, Amélia Simões
    Background: Parenting a child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) involves several processes and emotions during this transition. In addition to the family's natural transition when a child is born, the family of a child with ASD has to deal with the particularities of the disability, its characteristics, and its evolution. Methods: This is a qualitative grounded theory study aiming to deepen the knowledge about the process of parenting children with ASD. Data were collected using interviews and observations of nine couples and one single mother. Results: Coding and analysis led to the main theme, which is as follows: parenting of children with ASD as representative of the parents' transformation while caring for the child, also based on adaptation throughout this experience. Conclusions: Parenting is a dynamic process, grounded on the interaction of different contexts, such as family, education, health, and society, and on the co-construction of different times and episodes. These characteristics underline the complex and individual nature of parenting children with autism, which requires specific assessments and interventions by nurses when caring for these families, whether in a family nursing context, community nursing, and pediatric nursing or midwifery.
  • Experiences of homeless families in parenthood: a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative evidence
    Publication . Andrade, Filipa Maria Reinhardt; Figueiredo, Amélia Simões; Capelas, Manuel Luís; Charepe, Zaida; Deodato, Sérgio
    The objective of this systematic review was to identify the available qualitative data and to develop a framework to address the life experiences of homeless families in parenthood. The research was performed in the PubMed and CINAHL Complete databases, for works published in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. Studies that included qualitative data, or both qualitative and quantitative data, were considered for this research. A total of 358 articles were obtained, of which 37 were assessed for eligibility, and 26 were rejected. In the end, 11 studies were selected. The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Qualitative Research was used. These studies were conducted mostly in the United States, in temporary/transitional shelters for nuclear or single-parent families (led by women) in a homeless situation. In this context, the area which arose as the more relevant one was mental health, followed by the social studies. Two types of dimensions emerged from the results: mediating dimensions (which include the categories “Insecurity”, “Lack of Privacy”, “Isolation”, “Stigma” and “Disempowerment”) that are responsible for difficulties related to education, and behavioural changes in both the parents and the children; and supporting dimensions (which include the categories “Context as a Facilitator”, “Relationship with Others” and “Parents’ and children’s Self”) that lead to motivation, as well as the acquisition of strategies by the parents, to resolve parenting issues. This research helps expand nursing knowledge and presents a synthesis of the life experiences of homeless families in parenthood. Nursing can respond to the vulnerable population, due to its predominant role in promoting their health.