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  • Diagnóstico das ONG em Portugal 2015-2024
    Publication . Rocha, Francisco M. A. S. Martins da; Pires, Hélder; Rodrigues, Leonor; Vareta, Mariana; Mendes, Américo M. S. Carvalho; Pinto, Filipe B.; Franco, Raquel Campos
  • Revolutionizing customer engagement via gamified chatbots: a paradigm shift
    Publication . Elmashhara, Maher Georges; Cicco, Roberta De; Silva, Susana C.; Hammerschmidt, Maik; Silva, Maria Levi
    In today’s fast-paced marketplace, companies are using AI, particularly chatbots, to enhance customer experiences and boost sales. Despite advancements, many consumers are still hesitant to use chatbots for purchases, often abandoning them after initial interactions. To address this, businesses are adding gamification elements like rewards and discounts to chatbot interactions. This research examines how gamified chatbots influence customer engagement and sales, focusing on two motivations: utilitarian (practical) and hedonic (pleasure-based). Through three empirical studies, the findings reveal that emotional engagement can decrease purchase intent for utilitarian motivations, while hedonic motivation more effectively drives purchases. Different types of gamification, such as knowledge-based and chance-based rewards, also affect buying behavior. The study highlights the importance of consumer autonomy, showing that chatbots with chance-based rewards are more effective. These insights help businesses improve engagement and sales through gamified chatbot strategies.
  • The relative roles of common- and cross-ownership
    Publication . Huse, Cristian; Ribeiro, Ricardo; Verboven, Frank
    Overlapping ownership has gained considerable momentum in the last decades, yet little is known about the role of its sources. We quantify the relative importance of common-ownership (by shareholders external to an industry) and cross-ownership (by firms within the industry). We focus on the global automobile industry, over the period 2007–2021, and document that common-ownership links constitute between 31% and 39% of the equity ownership of automobile manufacturers, while cross-ownership links amount to 6%–9%. We show that not accounting for these relatively modest cross-ownership links has important implications: it can increase the average weight assigned by managers to the profit of competitors by between 33% and 68%.
  • Regulating adult-use cannabis
    Publication . Lourenço, Ana; Carvalho, Maria Carmo; Summavielle, Teresa; Marreiros, Hélia; Ribeiro, Mafalda
    The public debate on adult-use cannabis regulation is often driven by prejudice rather than scientific evidence. This policy paper maps clinical, social, economic, and legal literature on cannabis regulation to promote informed discussion and support evidence-based policy design.
  • Integrating palliative care in intensive care burn units: a systematic review
    Publication . Pereira, Sandra Martins; Ribeiro, André Filipe; Gomes, Barbara
  • Líderes com sabedoria prática: liderados mais propensos a “abrir o bico”
    Publication . Rego, Arménio; Cunha, Miguel Pina e; Leal, Susana
    Três estudos sugerem que os líderes dotados de maior sabedoria prática geram dois efeitos nas equipas: (1) os liderados sentem maior segurança psicológica para mostrarem o que realmente são e pensam e, por isso, (2) ficam mais propensos a expressar “voz” – ou seja, a “abrir o bico”. Esta propensão pode ser vantajosa para que o líder tome decisões mais judiciosas e as más práticas sejam evitadas.
  • A systematic review exploring nursing competences in palliative care
    Publication . Hökkä, Minna; Pereira, Sandra Martins; Hernández-Marrero, Pablo; Kyngäs, Helvi; Pölkki, Tarja
  • Dynamic resectorization to improve utility of healthcare systems
    Publication . Teymourifar, Aydin; Trindade, Maria A. M.
    This study discusses a regional healthcare system including several hospitals with different characteristics. We define a utility function for the system based on the sectorization concept to form a balance between hospitals in terms of important outputs such as waiting times and demands. Since the determined system is dynamic, the balance state is lost over time; consequently, resectorization is done over time. We simulate the system utilizing the data of a case study. We characterize multiple periods and calculate the utility of the system's current state. We design resectorization scenarios based on boosting the capacity and quality of hospitals. Numerical results demonstrate that substantial improvement of utility with resectorization is achievable.
  • Assigning patients to healthcare centers using dispatching rules
    Publication . Teymourifar, Aydin; Trindade, Maria A. M.
    This study proposes a model for the balanced assignment of patients to healthcare centers in a region. In the suggested model, it is supposed that patients want to go to the nearest center, which causes an imbalance in the workloads of resources between centers. This disproportion is undesirable not only for the centers but also for the patients. Thus, balancing assignments is targeted. This goal is expressed in a model with a multi-objective function. Since balancing is one of the main goals of the sectorization concept, we characterize the model based on it. Unlike studies in the literature, we do sectorization employing dispatching rules. This diminishes the problem's complexity and makes it suitable for solving actual, large, and dynamic problems. We simulated the system using the Rockwell Arena software. We consider the effect of different seasons, days, and hours on the system. The dispatching rule used for sectorization is optimized using the OptQuest software. The numerical results demonstrate that by optimizing the dispatching rule, it is possible to enhance the objective function significantly.