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- Externalising the EU’s border management as intergovernmental setback and rights hamperingPublication . Marques, Sergio TavaresThe EU has adopted policies of transferring external border controls to neighbour countries (Turkey, Libya, Albania, etc.) to manage migration lato sensu from a distance. The New Pact on Migration and Asylum further supports this strategy. Different types of migratory flows are, accordingly, handled away from the EU territory, officials and surveillance. The enforcement of this policy raises serious EU law questions. Despite the provision of Article 67(2), TFEU, those agreements can be celebrated under intergovernmental procedures where the CJEU lacks jurisdiction (cases C‑208/17 P to C‑210/17 P). In addition, externalisation may downgrade fundamental rights protection of migrants and asylum-seekers in general (v.g. detention and ‘pushbacks‘) and could cause their unlawful removal. All in all, this presentation will address these two lines of legal shortcomings of outsourcing the EU‘s border controls, i.e., the intergovernmental setback as well as incompliances with migrants‘ rights.
- Inteligência Artificial na União Europeia: formas de regular a tecnologia que já nos regulaPublication . Fernandes, Paula GuedesA Inteligência Artificial (IA) é uma realidade no cotidiano mundial. Ao mesmo tempo em que é responsável por muitos benefícios para a sociedade, esta tecnologia, quando não regulada, também pode impactar negativamente direitos fundamentais. Em razão disso, há alguns anos, diferentes atores da sociedade debatem formas de regular a IA. Em um primeiro momento, as iniciativas criadas eram de soft law, com a estipulação de padrões e princípios éticos, somados a estratégias nacionais. Porém, no atual cenário, discute-se a implementação de regulações vinculantes, de forma a criar requisitos mínimos de funcionamento, direitos e outras obrigações. Logo, o intuito do presente trabalho é explorar as possibilidades de regulação da IA, a partir de uma abordagem ético-jurídica.
- Visual art works in the public domain (Article 14 of Directive 2019/790)Publication . Rocha, Maria VictóriaFor the first time in the European Union (EU), Article 14 of Directive 2019/790 grants a positive status to public domain with reference to works of visual art. Any material resulting from acts of reproduction of a work of visual art in the public do- main is not subject to copyright or related rights, unless such material is original, in the sense that it is the author’s own creation. The provision’s purpose is to prevent copyright-fraud, which has been practiced by museums and other owners. Avoid this practice is especially important in the digital market. Article 14 is clarificatory and codifies the concept of originality according to the Court of Justice settled case law. The provision also aims to avoid divergent approaches across the EU, which lead to uncertainty that affects cross-border dissemination of works of art in the public do- main. The transposition of this provision should be minimalistic. Article 14 does not define what are works of visual art and does not determine the consequences of the infringement of the provision. Articles 2 and Recital 13 do not contain an exhaustive list of what should be considered a Cultural Heritage Institution. All these issues create doubts about the effectiveness of Article 14. Our purpose is to analyze Article 14 of Directive 2019/790 and the issues it raises.
- The right to housing and the residential tenancy regulation: should more be done at a European level?Publication . Afonso, AnaWith a view to «combat social exclusion and poverty», a «right to social and housing assistance» has been included in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (Article 34, para. 3). In spite of its vagueness, a right to housing can presently be considered a European Union principle. Protection of tenancies is a facet of an effective right to housing and European Union citizens could benefit from a stable and balanced tenancy contract law regulation. However, tenancy contract law has been left out of European Union «agenda». Creating a set of «model rules» could, nonetheless, be most useful. The absence of legal authority of such texts shall not diminish its importance since they slowly settle a common juridical heritage and influence decisions within the Member States. The drafting of a «default contract » or a set of «model rules» is, notwithstanding, far from being a simple task. Adjusting protection of the tenant’s interests to a functioning market is a huge challenge, already at a national level. In fact, wherever average wages are considerably low and rent prices are very high, reconciling landlords and tenants interests seems far from reachable.
- Direitos fundamentais no feminino: conceptualização e práticaPublication . Tavares, Sandra
- PortugalPublication . Calvão, Filipa; Guerra, Clara
- O Pilar Europeu do Direitos Sociais, a nova diretiva sobre conciliação e o seu impacto no ordenamento jurídico portuguêsPublication . Carvalho, Catarina de OliveiraO papel da UE na defesa dos direitos sociais em tempo de crise mostrou-se dececionante, tendo sido tal proteção assumida, no âmbito do Conselho da Europa, pela Carta Social Europeia e pelo Comité Europeu dos Direitos Sociais. A procura de convergência em matéria social ocorreu com a aprovação do Pilar Europeu de Direitos Sociais. Apesar do ceticismo com que o Pilar foi encarado, acabou por conduzir, com surpreendente brevidade, à aprovação de duas Diretivas. Um desses diplomas foi a Diretiva 2019/1158 relativa à conciliação entre a vida profissional e a vida familiar dos progenitores e cuidadores, que tem o mérito de formalizar de modo inequívoco a ligação entre a conciliação e a igualdade de género no âmbito laboral. Neste texto, iremos destacar alguns dos aspetos mais relevantes da Diretiva e o seu impacto no ordenamento jurídico português.
- Direitos fundamentais e identidade de géneroPublication . Gomes, Inês EspinhaçoA identidade de género corresponde à profunda experiência interna e individual de género de cada pessoa, constituindo um elemento essencial da sua identidade. Assim, o direito à (autodeterminação da) identidade de género e o direito à não discriminação em razão da identidade de género são direitos fundamentais que encontram proteção, quer na Constituição portuguesa, quer nas normas internacionais e europeias de direitos humanos. Tal constatação sobrevive a qualquer tentativa de desvirtuação dos ideais da igualdade, da diversidade e da inclusão.
- Os créditos laborais no processo especial de revitalização: breves notas e inquietaçõesPublication . Costa, Ana RibeiroO memorando de entendimento sobre as condicionalidades de política económica, apresentado em Maio de 20113, previa, sob o título “regulação e supervisão do setor financeiro”, a alteração do Código da Insolvência e da Recuperação de Empresas (CIRE), o que veio a ser concretizado pela Lei n.º 16/2012, de 20-04. A mais importante das alterações consubstanciou-se na criação do processo especial de revitalização. Este processo tem início num requerimento do devedor, que manifesta a vontade de iniciar negociações no sentido de alcançar a sua revitalização, através da aprovação de um plano de recuperação (...)
- Public procurement and sustainable developmentPublication . Carvalho, RaquelPublic procurement has been evolving from an economic instrument into a mixed one with the inclusion of horizontal policies (both environmental and social ones). The latest Directives regarding public procurement have turned some of the previous “suggested” instruments into binding law, namely the sustainability principle, mandatory procedure dematerialization, ecolabels, life-cycle costing as a factor within the most economically advantageous tender criterion, social protection of persons with disabilities, specific procedure rules concerning certain social contracts, and innovation as an instrument to achieve sustainability. This legal instrument has been recognised as a strong legal mechanism to achieve the 12th SGD goal for promoting sustainable public procurement practices, in line with national policies and priorities (target 12.7). This is why public procurement actors must consider EU determinations such as The New Green Deal, which intends to make EU economy sustainable: “public authorities, including the EU institutions, should lead by example and ensure that their procurement is green”(European Commission, 2019a, §2.1.3). Since public procurement appears to be an interesting instrument for transitioning from a linear economy to a circular (sustainable) one, the EU has also published the Circular Economy Action Plan, the latest dating from March 2020 (European Commission, 2020a) and including a “sustainable products policy” to help public procurers design procurement and economic operators adapt their business models thereto. Both documents focus on “reducing and reusing materials before recycling”, particularly in resource-intensive sectors such as textiles, construction, electronics, and plastics. While many Member States have been implementing green public procurement (hereinafter: GPP) in several economic fields, studies have shown that procedures still lack common methodologies, among other difficulties regarding the Life Cycle Costing (hereinafter: LCC) factor implementation. In this paper, we will therefore go through several of these national legal solutions and practices to understand how far GPP has been implemented and which methodologies are being applied (GPP Good Practice), dwelling particularly on the latest Portuguese guides concerning GPP, and analyse how far the present implementation meets the requirements of circular economy (Portuguese National Strategy of Green Public Buy 2020: hereinafter: ENCPE 2020a). This is the first step towards building guidelines for both public procurers and economic operators: as regards the first, in order to help them design adequate sustainable public procurement procedures; as for the latter, to help them adapt their business models accordingly. Sustainable development within public procurement can only be achieved that way.