Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2019-02"
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- The 2019 European election: how anti-Europeans plan to wreck Europe and what can be done to stop itPublication . European Council on Foreign Relations; Franco, Lívia
- Criatividade e valores de vida em líderes e não líderes: o que faz a diferença?Publication . Almeida, Leonor; Andrade, Matilde; Netreba, Carol; Ramalho, Carmo; Rodrigues, MónicaA presente investigação pretende caracterizar e comparar o sistema de Valores de Vida e os níveis de Criatividade de uma amostra de trabalhadores portugueses , analisar as diferenças entre grupos com base nas variáveis: sexo, idade, habilitações literárias, estatuto profissional e tipo de função desempenhada (de líder e não líder), bem como analisar uma possível correlação entre valores e criatividade. A amostra é composta por 347 indivíduos trabalhadores, dos quais 82 participantes líderes e 265 participantes não líderes. Para a operacionalização das variáveis, foram aplicados o Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production e o Inventário de Valores de Vida. Entre os principais resultados, destacamos a correlação positiva entre o valor Criatividade e o nível de Criatividade, e a correlação negativa entre os Valores Lealdade à Família e Grupo e Responsabilidade e o nível de Criatividade. Quando consideradas as variável sexo e idade, foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas para os valores.
- Equity valuation : Ferro CorporationPublication . Ascensão, António Brás Monteiro; Martins, José TudelaThis dissertation’s objective is to present a practical implementation of the state-of-the-art equity investment methods analysed throughout the literature review. The investment analysis was set upon Ferro Corporation, a specialty chemicals USA-based global company. After carefully analysing the firm’s business operation alongside with industry and macroeconomic trends, it was possible to reach to the company’s fair value through the DCF and relative valuation methods. The final value estimation was set by only taking into consideration the DCF method, reaching a valuation of $22.43, representing a 2.19% premium over the company’s market price as of 31 August 2018, leading to a hold recommendation which is complemented by the relative valuation model. Finally, the present dissertation is compared with an equity research report produced by Deutsche Bank, following an examination between the differences on the used assumptions and methodologies.
- O contributo do endomarketing e da comunicação interna para a motivação do cliente internoPublication . Fortuna, Ana Margarida Ribeiro; Passos, Clotilde Maria Paulino; Ribeiro, Célia dos PrazeresCom a globalização e o aumento de competitividade entre as organizações, o papel do colaborador alterou-se. Reconheceu-se a sua importância para o sucesso da organização e passou a ser fundamental o seu bem-estar, assim como a sua motivação e o seu comprometimento para com a organização. Desta forma, torna-se necessário compreender o que motiva os colaboradores e como faze-lo corretamente para que seja benéfico para a organização e para o próprio colaborador. Assim, este estudo como principal objetivo conhecer a relação entre endomarketing, comunicação interna e a motivação do cliente interno. A investigação caracteriza-se como exploratória, quantitativa, descritiva-correlacional, transversal e não experimental. Foi elaborado um instrumento para a recolha de dados constituído por três escalas, de modo a averiguar a relação entre as três variáveis: endomarketing, comunicação interna e motivação. Este foi enviado para várias organizações de diferentes zonas do país e de diferentes ramos de atividade e foi possível construir uma amostra aleatória com 145 participantes. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que existe uma relação positiva entre o endomarketing e a motivação, ou seja, à medida que os fatores da escala de endomarketing aumentam, bem como a comunicação interna, a motivação dos colaboradores também aumenta. Isto é, todas as variáveis têm uma relação positiva entre si, confirmando assim as hipóteses em estudo. Podemos, assim, considerar que a comunicação interna potencia o desenvolvimento do endomarketing, que por sua vez contribui de forma positiva e significativa para a motivação do cliente interno, permitindo concluir que o endomarketing e a comunicação interna potenciam a motivação do cliente interno.
- Netnography on superfoods : researching consumer attitudes towards nutrient-rich foods on social mediaPublication . Valová, Sona; Oliveira, Pedro deAlthough unsupported by science, the so-called “superfoods” have find their way to catch consumers attention. Nonetheless, limited research on how people truly feel towards this, relatively new category of foods, as well as how they use social media in order to express their attitudes towards them. Using a qualitative method of netnography, the aim of this study is to provide empirical data on what and how feelings towards superfoods are being expressed on social media. A theoretical basis of dietary and vitamin practices as well as uses and gratifications theory have been applied. Results of the research show that consumer attitudes vary between feelings of distrust, uncertainty and enthusiasm. Sources of distrust were found mainly towards contemporary agricultural system and intentions of the healthy food industry. On the other hand, consumers felt enthusiastic about educating themselves on the topic and about health benefits, that superfoods could bring to their health. Uncertainty was expressed mainly about consumption of superfoods and about using the term “superfood” itself. It was also discovered, that attitudes of distrust and uncertainty can also overlap within a consumer and that enthusiastic consumers could have a positive impact on uncertain consumers. Online users turned to social media to seek and share information regarding superfoods.
- A user perspective on online business modellingPublication . Freitas, João Pedro Martins; Bohnsack, RenéWith the increasingly digitalization in the organizations, the process of creating and capture of value is changing. This change is leading towards a need of tools to support business model innovation, such as online business model’s development tools (BMDT). Although the research about how these BMDT’s work, there is still a lack of knowledge about users’ experience and its usability. The Smart Business Modeler was chosen to develop a study about user experience on online business modeling. This dissertation applies a survey designed to be answered by business students and a participant observation with founders of startups from the hospitality industry; and can operate as a first step to more advanced studies about user experience and usability for software tools for business model development.
- Desafios e estratégias de adaptação ao longo do processo de acolhimento familiar : perspetivas dos jovens acolhidosPublication . Tavares, Mariana Marques; Negrão, Mariana Andrade Sottomayor; Veríssimo, LurdesAtualmente, a investigação acerca da temática do acolhimento familiar em Portugal é ainda reduzida, particulamente no que diz respeito à perspetiva dos jovens acolhidos. Neste sentido, a presente investigação tem como principal objetivo compreender a perspetiva dos jovens acolhidos acerca dos principais desafios e estratégias de adaptação vivenciados ao longo do processo de acolhimento familiar. Este estudo contou com cinco participantes, com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 18 anos (M=15,6), todos em situação de acolhimento familiar. Foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa e, com base num guião de entrevista semiestruturado construído para o efeito, foram realizadas entrevistas. Os resultados obtidos colocam em destaque o papel das relações simultaneamente como desafio e fator de adaptação significativo (ao nível das redes de suporte formais e informais). Estas relações são de vários âmbitos: relação com a família biológica, com a família de acolhimento e, ainda, a relação com a escola e com os pares. São também apresentadas as limitações deste estudo, os seus contributos, as suas implicações práticas e, ainda, sugestões para futuras investigações.
- Equity valuation : Continental AGPublication . Klotzner, Julian; Martins, José TudelaThe main goal of this dissertation is to find the fair value of German top-tier automotive and tire supplier Continental AG. The fair value of the company is computed by making use of different methodologies such as the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model and the Multiples approach. The aim of this dissertation lays in issuing a buy, hold or sell recommendation based on the target price computed in comparison with the trading price at the end of the data collection period. The DCF approach led to a fair value of EUR 177 per share, while the multiples method valued Continental between EUR 141 p.s. and EUR 157 p.s.. The analysis of the different methods led to the conclusion that a share price of EUR 158 per share as of 01.01.2019 supports an upside potential of about 30% and a buy recommendation. The recommendation is in line with top-tier investment banks and leading equity research institutes. This dissertation discusses differences between the valuation of Continental AG by Credit Suisse (EUR 174 p.s.; hold; 08.2018) , Warburg Research (EUR 200 p.s.; buy; 12.2018) and the author (EUR 158 p.s.; buy; 12.2018).
- The dynamics of conflict within an online gaming community : understanding the conflict process in an online gaming setting and what to look out for as a company : a case on The Elder Scrolls Online gaming communityPublication . Franieck, Lucas; Oliveira, Pedro deThis dissertation aims at taking a deeper look into social interactions within online gaming. Specifically, it explores the dynamics of conflict within the online gaming community of the Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game “The Elder Scrolls Online”. A netnographic approach is taken to understand how conflict within such a community emerges and develops. It also addresses how conflict in this online setting can escalate and how players engage in these conflicts. The way in which players associate these conflicts to the company who develops the game is also explored. Data were analyzed using a qualitative thematic approach. The results describe that conflict within this community is a complex process that emerges whenever a player perceives that another party has frustrated or is about to frustrate a concern of his/her regarding his/her gaming experience. Conflict is then escalated depending on how players engage with each other in regard to that concern. Less cooperative conflict handling styles, group polarizations and magnitude of frustration experienced are observed to lead to conflict escalation. In such situations, players engage in hostility, personal attacks and shaming. While some players attribute their frustration to the company, others see conflicts within the community as socially originating. This dissertation therefore discusses the implications of studying conflicts within online gaming communities and proposes that these communities are an enriching field for the study of conflict as issues tied to the content and context of the game can blend with broader social issues.
- Energy patterns for business model innovationPublication . Sousa, Mariana Cid Correia Barreira de; Bohnsack, RenéSeveral transformations are occurring in the energy sector, from new emerging technologies, governmental pressure for decarbonisation and clean energy targets, to new market regulations. This changes impact on how the energy is produced and distributed to consumers, increasing the urge for energy utilities to innovate their traditional established business models, to remain competitive in the energy landscape. Business model innovation is essential to organizational performance, and it has the power to change the logic of entire industries. Business model patterns are a promising tool to support business model innovation, which can be described as solutions to recurrent problems in a business model context. Although there are several published collections of business model patterns, a structured overview on energy patterns in order to support business model innovation in the energy field is missing. In the interest of filling the gap between business models and the energy sector, an energy pattern taxonomy for business model innovation was created. Applying the modified-Delphi card sorting methodology by Paul (2008), in an iterative way, 1 expert in business models and in the energy field was asked to perform a card sorting activity in a model revised and validated by 2 other experts in a previous phase, resulting in a taxonomy with 51 energy patterns organized in 10 meaningful groups. This pattern taxonomy is useful to help energy utilities to innovate and reform their business models, and it can be used from academics and scholars to managers to innovate the business models of their firms.