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  • #146. miRNAs salivares como biomarcadores da Diabetes Mellitus tipo II
    Publication . Martins, Alexandra; Santos, Luís Silva; Rosa, Nuno; Correia, Maria
    Objetivos: Estudar o potencial de miRNAs salivares como biomarcadores em DMT2, pela revisão sistemática da evidência disponível sobre alterações de expressão de miRNAs associadas a DMT2, e identificar os miRNAs que, por terem expressão alterada em DMT2 e terem já sido detetados na saliva, são candidatos promissores a utilização como biomarcadores salivares de DMT2. Materiais e métodos: Pesquisa sistemática nas bases de dados PubMed, Web of Science e Science Direct, para identificação de estudos em que os miRNAs tenham sido quantificados em pacientes com DMT2 e construção de uma base de dados com a anotação dos resultados desses artigos. Análise estatística dos resultados globais para verificar quais os miRNAs que podem configurar biomarcadores DMT2. Verificar dos miRNAs identificados se alguns foram já identificados em fluidos orais e/ou quais os que podem ser encontrados nestes fluidos. Resultados: Foram encontrados 776 artigos não duplicados que referem miRNAs como biomarcadores para DMT2, dos quais foram selecionados 115, sendo apenas 31 incluídos nos resultados. Da análise desses artigos, verificou‐se que 53 miRNAs foram encontrados como estando alterados em amostras de pacientes diabéticos vs. amostras de pacientes com tolerância normal à glicose, e 17 estão alterados quando se comparam pacientes com tolerância normal à glicose e tolerância alterada à glicose (pré‐diabéticos). Entre estes 2 grupos de comparações, há 12 miRNAs comuns em que 3 estão aumentados em DMT2, 2 estão diminuídos e 5 estão contrarregulados. Todos estes miRNAs encontram‐se na saliva, contudo o melhor candidato a biomarcador é o hsa‐miR‐375, porque está consistentemente alterado e tem uma alteração (fold change de 1,72). Conclusões: Estudos têm demonstrado que existem perfis específicos de microRNA em paciente com DMT2, em comparação com pacientes sem DMT2. Esta informação é relevante, pois os microRNA podem ser utilizados como biomarcadores para o diagnóstico e prognóstico, bem como potenciais alvos terapêuticos da DMT2. Por fim, existem alguns estudos, em que a amostra não é a saliva, que indicam o hsa‐miR‐375 como biomarcador da DMT2. Contudo, é necessário mais estudos de validação do hsa‐miR‐375 como biomarcador salivar na DMT2.
  • Biocompatibility and effectiveness of a novel, organic olive oil-based denture adhesive: a multicenter randomized and placebo-controlled clinical trial
    Publication . Azevedo, Luís; Correia, André; Almeida, Carlos F.; Molinero-Mourelle, Pedro; Correia, Maria; Highsmith, Jaime del Río
    To assess the clinical efficacy of a novel, organic olive oil-based denture adhesive and its effect on Candida albicans growth in maxillary edentulous individuals wearing complete dentures, individuals were selected from two dental schools in Portugal and Spain. Twenty-eight complete dentures were relined, following a standardized protocol. The novel product (test) was compared with a commercialized adhesive (control) and Vaseline (placebo) randomly assigned in a cross-study design. The retention resistance was measured with a gnathometer and a dynamometer. The patients related outcome evaluations with a five-point questionnaire, and the Candida albicans growth in a Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) medium was used to evaluate differences between the placebo and experimental product. Twenty-three participants were included. The dynamometer evaluation showed significant differences between not using a denture adhesive and using either (experimental, p = 0.03; control, p = 0.04) and no significant differences between the two adhesives (p > 0.05). In the subjective analysis, the experimental adhesive showed a significantly longer effectiveness (p = 0.001), and the control reported better results in taste (p = 0.03) and in chewing (p = 0.001). The test adhesive showed better (p < 0.001) Candida albicans growth inhibition. The experimental adhesive showed longer effectiveness than the control and the placebo with a better inhibition capacity for the growth of Candida albicans. Patients reported better abilities for speech, chewing, taste, and retirement in the control adhesive.
  • SalivaPRINT Toolkit – protein profile evaluation and phenotype stratification
    Publication . Cruz, Igor; Esteves, Eduardo; Fernandes, Mónica; Rosa, Nuno; Correia, Maria José; Arrais, Joel P.; Barros, Marlene
    The value of the molecular information obtained from saliva is dependent on the use of in vitro and in silico techniques. The main proteins of saliva when separated by capillary electrophoresis enable the establishment of individual profiles with characteristic patterns reflecting each individual phenotype. Different physiological or pathological conditions may be identified by specific protein profiles. The association of each profile to the particular protein composition provides clues as to which biological processes are compromised in each situation. Patient stratification according to different phenotypes often within a particular disease spectrum is especially important for the management of individuals carrying multiple diseases and requiring personalized interventions. In this work we present the SalivaPRINT Toolkit, which enables the analysis of protein profile patterns and patient phenotyping. Additionally, the SalivaPRINT Toolkit allows the identification of molecular weight ranges altered in a particular condition and therefore potentially involved in the underlying dysregulated mechanisms. This tutorial introduces the use of the SalivaPRINT Toolkit command line interface ( as an independent tool for electrophoretic protein profile evaluation. It provides a detailed overview of its functionalities, illustrated by the application to the analysis of profiles obtained from a healthy population versus a population affected with inflammatory conditions. Biological significance We present SalivaPRINT, which serves as a patient characterization tool to identify molecular weights related with particular conditions and, from there, find proteins, which may be involved in the underlying dysregulated cellular mechanisms. The proposed analysis strategy has the potential to boost personalized diagnosis. To our knowledge this is the first independent tool for electrophoretic protein profile evaluation and is crucial when a large number of complex electrophoretic profiles needs to be compared and classified.
  • Embedding environmental sustainability within the modern dental curriculum – exploring current practice and developing a shared understanding
    Publication . Duane, Brett; Dixon, Jonathan; Ambibola, Giwa; Aldana, Clara; Couglan, James; Henao, Daniel; Timus, Daniela; Veiga, Nélio; Martin, Nicolas; Darragh, Jáuregui‐Hogan; Ramasubbu, Darshini; Perez, Francesc; Schwendicke, Falk; Correia, Maria; Quinteros, Maria; Harten, Maria van; Paganelli, Corrado; Vos, Peter; Lopez, Rosa Moreno; Field, James
    Introduction: Evidence concerning the interactions between human health and planetary health has grown extensively in recent years. In turn, the perceived importance of environmental sustainability within higher education is growing at a rapid rate. This paper provides a summary of key elements as they apply to dentistry, and provides an introduction to the reader of an early consensus of how sustainability could be included as part of the dental curriculum. Methods: The consensus opinion within this paper largely centres around discussion at the ADEE sustainability workshop at the annual conference in Berlin (August 2019). In order to help inform discussions at the workshop, a brief scoping questionnaire was circulated to potential participants regarding their understanding and current teaching practices in sustainability. An infographic was designed to help delegates remember the important elements of sustainable dentistry. Delegates discussed the concept of sustainability alongside the infographic, and how they could link these with the Graduating European Dentist (GED) curriculum. Results: The discussions within the workshop largely centred around 4 main themes: Disease prevention and health promotion, Patient education and empowerment, Lean service delivery and Preferential use of strategies with lower environmental impact. Discussion: It is apparent that there is a widespread need for teaching materials relating to environmental sustainability; this includes specific learning outcomes relating to the 4 educational domains of the Graduating European Dentist curriculum, and methods for teaching and assessing these outcomes. Conclusion: This paper reports consensus on the first phase of a pan‐European working group on Sustainability in dental education.
  • I-6. Oraloma da Diabetes Melitos tipo 1 e 2 - um estudo comparativo
    Publication . Brás, Vítor Daniel Moreira; Correia, Maria José; Rosa, Nuno das Neves; Barros, Marlene Tourais de
  • #097. Presença de genes de resistência a antibióticos na cavidade oral: uma revisão sistemática
    Publication . Sousa, Sara; Martins, Jorge; Rosa, Nuno; Barros, Marlene; Correia, Maria José
    Objetivos: O uso excessivo e, muitas vezes, desnecessário de antibióticos pode originar a seleção de genes de resistência a antibióticos. Os biofilmes, especificamente os orais, são conglomerados bacterianos que potenciam a preservação dos genes de resistência a antibióticos. Além disso, há estudos que destacam a propagação dos genes de resistência a antibióticos para outros locais do organismo. Deste modo, é de extrema importância compreender quais são os genes de resistência a antibióticos na cavidade oral, como se pode fazer a sua determinação e estimar o seu impacto na ecologia da cavidade oral. Pretendeu‐se verificar: (i) quantos estudos foram realizados in vivo, em amostras com origem na cavidade oral; (ii) que métodos foram utilizados para a deteção dos genes de resistência a antibióticos; (iii) e quais os genes de resistência a antibióticos encontrados. Materiais e métodos: A revisão bibliográfica foi realizada na base de dados PubMed® do NCBI (19‐04‐2016), com a seguinte estratégia: acrescentou‐se sucessivamente cada grupo de palavras‐chave: pesquisa 1 – «antibiotic resistant bacteria» AND «oral biofilm» AND «saliva» AND «mouth»; pesquisa 2 – «antibiotic resistance» AND «oral biofilm» AND «saliva» AND «mouth». Foi obtido um total de 254 artigos científicos, analisados quanto à metodologia utilizada e respetivos resultados. Adicionaram‐se 20 artigos referenciados por um artigo da primeira pesquisa. Desse total de 274, foram excluídos os artigos com objetivo de testar terapias alternativas aos antibióticos, e estudos em Candida, ficando 135 artigos. Destes foram selecionados apenas os estudos realizados na cavidade oral, obtendo‐se 50 artigos, dos quais 30 referem a presença de genes de resistência a antibióticos. Resultados: Dos artigos selecionados a maioria utiliza exclusivamente técnicas de cultivo (46,7%), 6,7% usam a reação de polimerase em cadeia e 3,3% a versão quantitativa da reação da polimerase em cadeia. A título de exemplo, foram encontrados 18 genes de resistência a antibióticos ß‐lactâmicos, na cavidade oral. Conclusões: Dos poucos estudos focados na cavidade oral, verifica‐se a existência de genes de resistência a antibióticos no biofilme oral. É, deste modo, de extrema importância realizar estudos de quantificação de genes de resistência a antibióticos, de forma a conseguir avaliar o impacto no microbioma oral.
  • Protein quality assessment on saliva samples for biobanking purposes
    Publication . Rosa, Nuno; Marques, Jéssica; Esteves, Eduardo; Fernandes, Mónica; Mendes, Vera M.; Afonso, Ângela; Dias, Sérgio; Pereira, Joaquim Polido; Manadas, Bruno; Correia, Maria José; Barros, Marlene
    Biobank saliva sample quality depends on specific criteria applied to collection, processing, and storage. In spite of the growing interest in saliva as a diagnostic fluid, few biobanks currently store large collections of such samples. The development of a standard operating procedure (SOP) for saliva collection and quality control is fundamental for the establishment of a new saliva biobank, which stores samples to be made available to the saliva research community. Different collection methods were tested regarding total volume of protein obtained, protein content, and protein profiles, and the results were used to choose the best method for protein studies. Furthermore, the impact of the circadian variability and inter- and intraindividual differences, as well as the saliva sample stability at room temperature, were also evaluated. Considering our results, a sublingual cotton roll method for saliva collection proved to produce saliva with the best characteristics and should be applied in the morning, whenever possible. In addition, there is more variability in salivary proteins between individuals than in the same individual for a 5-month period. According to the electrophoretic protein profile, protein stability is guaranteed for 24 hours at room temperature and the protein degradation profile and protein identification were characterized. All this information was used to establish an SOP for saliva collection, processing, and storage in a biobank. We conclude that it is possible to collect saliva using an easy and inexpensive protocol, resulting in saliva samples for protein analysis with sufficient quality for biobanking purposes.
  • New targets for Zika Virus determined by human-viral interactomic: a bioinformatics approach
    Publication . Esteves, Eduardo; Rosa, Nuno; Correia, Maria José; Arrais, Joel P.; Barros, Marlene
    Identifying ZIKV factors interfering with human host pathways represents a major challenge in understanding ZIKV tropism and pathogenesis. The integration of proteomic, gene expression and Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs) established between ZIKV and human host proteins predicted by the OralInt algorithm identified 1898 interactions with medium or high score (≥0.7). Targets implicated in vesicular traffic and docking were identified. New receptors involved in endocytosis pathways as ZIKV entry targets, using both clathrin-dependent (17 receptors) and independent (10 receptors) pathways, are described. New targets used by the ZIKV to undermine the host's antiviral immune response are proposed based on predicted interactions established between the virus and host cell receptors and/or proteins with an effector or signaling role in the immune response such as IFN receptors and TLR. Complement and cytokines are proposed as extracellular potential interacting partners of the secreted form of NS1 ZIKV protein. Altogether, in this article, 18 new human targets for structural and nonstructural ZIKV proteins are proposed. These results are of great relevance for the understanding of viral pathogenesis and consequently the development of preventive (vaccines) and therapeutic targets for ZIKV infection management.
  • #145. Proteoma oral humano: da saliva ao diagnóstico das doenças cardiovasculares
    Publication . Silva, Rafael; Pinho, Lilibetty; Barros, Marlene; Correia, Maria José; Rosa, Nuno