Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2021-08-01"
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- 40 years of excellence: an overview of technovation and a roadmap for future researchPublication . Dabić, Marina; Marzi, Giacomo; Vlačić, Božidar; Daim, Tugrul; Vanhaverbeke, WimThe International Journal of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management (Technovation) is a flagship journal in the fields of management and technological innovation. This renowned position is largely a result of academic interest, as demonstrated by the large number of citations received from other prestigious journals, as well as downloads from across the globe. This study honors the 40th anniversary of Technovation and provides an overview of the journal's accomplishments since its conception in 1981 using Thomson Reuters Web of Science Core Collection database, complemented by both the Elsevier Scopus and EBSCO Business Premier databases, as well as the journal's webpage. This study highlights the main contributors (i.e. authors, universities, countries accountable for the journal's high ranking), the most cited articles, and the thematic profile of the journal through an extensive bibliometric analysis of Technovation publications. Finally, this study outlines growing research trends and proposes trajectories for future research.
- Embedding environmental sustainability within the modern dental curriculum – exploring current practice and developing a shared understandingPublication . Duane, Brett; Dixon, Jonathan; Ambibola, Giwa; Aldana, Clara; Couglan, James; Henao, Daniel; Timus, Daniela; Veiga, Nélio; Martin, Nicolas; Darragh, Jáuregui‐Hogan; Ramasubbu, Darshini; Perez, Francesc; Schwendicke, Falk; Correia, Maria; Quinteros, Maria; Harten, Maria van; Paganelli, Corrado; Vos, Peter; Lopez, Rosa Moreno; Field, JamesIntroduction: Evidence concerning the interactions between human health and planetary health has grown extensively in recent years. In turn, the perceived importance of environmental sustainability within higher education is growing at a rapid rate. This paper provides a summary of key elements as they apply to dentistry, and provides an introduction to the reader of an early consensus of how sustainability could be included as part of the dental curriculum. Methods: The consensus opinion within this paper largely centres around discussion at the ADEE sustainability workshop at the annual conference in Berlin (August 2019). In order to help inform discussions at the workshop, a brief scoping questionnaire was circulated to potential participants regarding their understanding and current teaching practices in sustainability. An infographic was designed to help delegates remember the important elements of sustainable dentistry. Delegates discussed the concept of sustainability alongside the infographic, and how they could link these with the Graduating European Dentist (GED) curriculum. Results: The discussions within the workshop largely centred around 4 main themes: Disease prevention and health promotion, Patient education and empowerment, Lean service delivery and Preferential use of strategies with lower environmental impact. Discussion: It is apparent that there is a widespread need for teaching materials relating to environmental sustainability; this includes specific learning outcomes relating to the 4 educational domains of the Graduating European Dentist curriculum, and methods for teaching and assessing these outcomes. Conclusion: This paper reports consensus on the first phase of a pan‐European working group on Sustainability in dental education.
- Effectiveness of psychological interventions in the treatment of perinatal depression: a systematic review of systematic reviews and meta-analysesPublication . Branquinho, Mariana; Rodriguez-Muñoz, María de la Fe; Maia, Berta Rodrigues; Marques, Mariana; Matos, Marcela; Osma, Jorge; Moreno-Peral, Patricia; Conejo-Cerón, Sonia; Fonseca, Ana; Vousoura, EleniBACKGROUND: Perinatal depression is a high prevalent mental health problem with serious consequences. Evidence about effective psychological interventions in treating perinatal depression has been increasing, but it lacks a comprehensive synthesis of findings. METHODS: A systematic review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses concerning the effectiveness of psychological interventions in treating perinatal depression (depression during pregnancy and the first 12 months postpartum) in adult women was conducted. The electronic databases MEDLINE (PubMed), PsycINFO, The Cochrane Library, Web of Science and Prospero were searched, on May 2020, using a combination of keywords. Data were independently extracted by two authors and a synthesis of the results was presented. Methodological quality was independently assessed by two authors, using AMSTAR-2. RESULTS: Seven systematic reviews were included and reported, overall, the effectiveness of psychological interventions in decreasing depressive symptoms in women in the perinatal period, both short and long-term. CBT was found to be the most effective intervention, regardless of the treatment format. LIMITATIONS: Grey literature was not searched, and some studies may overlap among the included systematic reviews. These (the included reviews) were rated with low methodological quality, which weakens the evidence of the reported results. CONCLUSIONS: CBT is currently the most evidence-based psychological intervention, provided in different delivery formats (individual, group, face-to-face or Internet-based). Further studies, including systematic reviews, with other types of psychological interventions (e.g., third-wave CBT) and with higher quality are needed.
- Telluric and climate-related risk awareness, and risk mitigation strategies in the Azores archipelago: first steps for building societal resiliencePublication . Ivcevic, Ante; Rego, Isabel Estrela; Gaspar, Rui; Statzu, VaniaIslands are often considered excellent socio-ecological laboratories for testing the rapidity of global change since they experience the climate effects of sea-level rise faster than other areas. The Azores are a Portuguese volcanic archipelago located on the junction of the three tectonic plates: the Eurasian, the African and the North American plates. São Miguel, the main island of the Azores archipelago, hosts three active volcanoes, but the last significant volcanic eruption was the Capelinhos volcano on the island of Faial in 1957. Hence, the Azores offers the opportunity to assess insular risk awareness, facing both telluric and climate-related hazards. The key research question emerges from their natural situation: how does the local population perceive the threat of the natural hazards that occur in Azores? Because risks are socially constructed and depend on the uniqueness of territories, risk mitigation strategies must focus on the individual experiences of local dwellers, as a relationship between risk awareness and such strategies may be expected. To analyze this relationship, a web-based survey with a questionnaire including these variables was administered to a sample of Azoreans. The study aimed to assess risk awareness of the Azorean population and find a relationship between this and reported mitigation strategies. The results gave a preliminary insight into Azorean risk awareness of natural hazards and showed a significant positive relationship between risk awareness-raising activities and reported mitigation strategies. This is relevant information for municipalities and regional governments of areas with similar risk exposures, showing that, although risk awareness alone is not enough for measures to be implemented, it may be an important motivational first step for this to occur.
- Meta-analysis on parent–teacher agreement on preschoolers’ emotional and behavioural problemsPublication . Carneiro, Alexandra; Soares, Isabel; Rescorla, Leslie; Dias, PedroBased on a meta-analysis, this study aimed to examine cross-informant agreement between parents and teachers about Internalizing, Externalizing and Total Problems in preschool children using community and clinical samples and to test the effects of the type of sample, the measure used for assessments, and child sex on agreement between informants. The meta-analysis involved 23 studies assessing cross-informant agreement for preschool children. Informants were parents and teachers. The level of cross-informant agreement tended to be low. Meta-regression analyses showed that the child’s sex, the type of sample, and the measure used for assessments did not predict the level of cross-informant agreement on emotional and behavioural problems. The findings were in line with previous research results. Furthermore, the studied variables did not contribute to the prediction of agreement, suggesting the development of further studies that focus on other variables that may interfere with agreement in informants’ reports and will contribute to explaining different ratings of internalizing and externalizing problems in preschool-aged children.
- Adolescents’ empowerment for mental health literacy in school: a pilot study on prolismental psychoeducational interventionPublication . Morgado, Tânia; Loureiro, Luís; Botelho, Maria Antónia Rebelo; Marques, Maria Isabel; Martínez-Riera, José Ramón; Melo, PedroAdolescence is a critical life phase for mental health and anxiety an emerging challenge for adolescents. Psychoeducational interventions to promote mental health literacy (MHL) on anxiety in adolescents are needed. This study aimed to test the primary outcome of a future fullscale trial: improvement of adolescents’ anxiety MHL components on recognition, prevention strategies, and self-help strategies. A sample of 38 adolescents, 24 (63.2%) females and 14 (36.8%) males, with an average age of 14.50 years (SD = 0.89) participated in this study. Each class was allocated to the intervention group (IG, n = 21) or the waiting list control group (WLCG, n = 17) with single-blinded randomization. MHL was assessed using the QuALiSMental. The ProLiSMental psychoeducational intervention consists of four or eight weekly sessions of 90 or 45 min for adolescents, using different active pedagogical methods and techniques. There also are initial and final sessions with adolescents, legal guardians, and teachers. There was a significant improvement with a small to relatively strong effect size in many dimensions of anxiety MHL components. This study suggests the progression to the full-scale trial and values the important role of mental health and psychiatric nurses in the adolescents’ empowerment for MHL in schools.
- Measuring experience in international business: a systematic literature reviewPublication . Parracho, João; Silva, SusanaThe paper explores the indicators that measure the experience in international business. Literature review was used to ascertain the state of the art of the existing indexes and theories. The internationalisation of businesses is a fundamental strategic step to increase companies' competitive advantage and profits. Nevertheless, even though internationalisation is widely accepted as an important source of value for companies and is a broad object of investigation, there is still much to study about how to measure experience at the level of international business. The absence of a coherent approach to measure experience in international businesses in past empirical studies made it difficult to create a solution with theoretical concepts that would support further studies in this matter. The results are not contradictory, but complementary, as, through individual internationalization indicators, it is possible to evolve and create indices, such as the Transnationality Index or the Transnational Activities Spread Index. The biggest constraint on the analysed indices is the fact that they focus mainly on the internationalisation of transnational companies and the type of data that was used to build the indexes (secondary data). However, by studying international experience through the number of years and the network spread, it is possible to overcome some of the existing challenges.
- Sequencing versus continuous granular sludge reactor for the treatment of freshwater aquaculture effluentsPublication . Santorio, Sergio; Couto, Ana T.; Amorim, Catarina L.; Rio, Angeles Val del; Arregui, Luz; Mosquera-Corral, Anuska; Castro, Paula M. L.Ammonium and nitrite levels in water are crucial for fish health preservation and growth maintenance in freshwater aquaculture farms, limiting water recirculation. The aim of the present work was the evaluation and comparison of two granular sludge reactors which were operated to treat freshwater aquaculture streams at laboratory-scale: an Aerobic Granular Sludge - Sequencing Batch Reactor (AGS-SBR) and a Continuous Flow Granular Reactor (CFGR). Both units were fed with a synthetic medium mimicking an aquaculture recycling water (1.9–2.9 mg N/L), with low carbon content, and operational temperature varied between 17 and 25 °C. The AGS-SBR, inoculated with mature granules from a full-scale wastewater treatment plant, achieved high carbon and ammonium removal during the 157 operational days. Even at low hydraulic retention time (HRT), varying from 474 to 237 min, ammonium removal efficiencies of approximately 87–100% were observed, with an ammonium removal rate of approximately 14.5 mg NH4+-N/(L⋅d). Partial biomass washout occurred due to the extremely low carbon and nitrogen concentrations in the feeding, which could only support the growth of a small portion of bacteria, but no major changes on the reactor removal performance were observed. The CFGR was inoculated with activated sludge and operated for 98 days. Biomass granulation occurred in 7 days, improving the settling properties due to a high up-flow velocity of 11 m/h and an applied HRT of 5 min. The reactor presented mature granules after 32 days, achieving an average diameter of 1.9 mm at day 63. The CFGR ammonium removal efficiencies were of approximately 10–20%, with ammonium removal rates of 90.0 mg NH4+-N/(L⋅d). The main biological processes taking place in the AGS-SBR were nitrification and heterotrophic growth, while in the CFGR the ammonium removal occurred only by heterotrophic assimilation, with the reactor also presenting complete and partial denitrification, which caused nitrite production. Comparing both systems, the CFGR achieved 6 times higher ammonium removal rates than the AGS-SBR, being suitable for treating extremely high flows. On the other hand, the AGS-SBR removed almost 100% of ammonium content in the wastewater, discharging a better quality effluent, less toxic for the fish but treated lower flows.