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  • Innovation in Portuguese schools: what is the grammar of its conceptualization?
    Publication . Martins, Natália; Palmeirão, Cristina; Alves, José Matias
    Massification of schooling ensured all students access to education. Until now, the industrial school model was ideal, however, due to the coexistence of cultural and socioeconomic differences, it has become ineffective. Consequently, problems of school failure, dropout and hidden school dropout related to the school mission emerged. Thus, the solution reached, after several relatively unsuccessful “top-down” reforms, is the emergence of a “bottom-up” change which allows schools to reconstruct while adapting to changes in society and addressing the needs of each student. Given this, there is a need to alter the grammar of schooling which remains rooted in time and has become an obstacle to students’ learning. In 2018, innovation began to be seen as a possible pathway toward constructing a more personalized education through the implementation of innovation plans in schools. Accordingly, we created and applied an analysis matrix to 66 of the 88 innovation plans pertaining to the 2022/2023 school year, with the aim of answering the following questions: what problems or difficulties have been diagnosed in the design and development of the innovation projects? What variables are used to solve the diagnosed problems? Do the areas and dimensions utilized entail effective innovation in organizational and pedagogical practices capable of improving educational processes and outcomes? Findings indicate that, considering the reference table, a greater investment by schools is needed for a desired profound change in the grammar of schooling. It is noted that, given the identified problems, mainly focusing on school failure, there is a clear emphasis by most plans on changes in teachers’ professional development and evaluation strategies. Nevertheless, it seems clear that the macro-level dimensions were the most neglected, with a significant number of plans lacking information regarding the school organization and management, the school environment and top leadership. Therefore, these data suggest that at the micro- level, which refers to educational action in the classroom, all dimensions were very evidently considered by most plans, ignoring organizational dimensions that have the potential to change the working models of teachers and students.
  • Happiness in school organizations: the role of leadership (a scoping review)
    Publication . Vale, Andreia; Ribeiro, Luísa Mota; Alves, José Matias
    Introduction: Educational organizations are increasingly concerned with students’ well-being and happiness in order to improve the quality of learning and promote the sustainability of teaching. Literature has shown that teacher happiness is related to students’ happiness and contributes to better academic performance, greater motivation and psychological well-being. In an increasingly uncertain, unpredictable and competitive school organizational reality, it is important that top and middle leaders recognize the significant power they have to influence the members of their organization, whether positively or negatively. The practice of successful leadership in a school context is essential to promote positive environments and inspire confidence in teachers, technicians, educational assistants and students. Objectives: Map the existing literature to understand the role of leadership in promoting student and teacher happiness in school environments. Methodology: A Scoping Review was carried out, following the guidelines proposed by PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews), to ensure methodological validity and reliability. The research was carried out in five scientific databases, considering the defined eligibility criteria. Results and discussion: A total of 17 articles were analyzed, as they met the established inclusion criteria. It was found that school happiness is promoted by factors such as a sense of belonging, interpersonal relationships, academic self- efficacy and teachers’ personal and pedagogical skills. Regarding the analysis of the role of leadership, it was possible to perceive that there are several styles that are related to happiness in the school environment. Conclusion: This review showed that the combination of leadership styles is fundamental, since there is no single leadership style that is considered effective for all contexts and situations, and it may vary depending on the school environment and circumstances.
  • Identification of depressing tweets using natural language processing and machine learning: application of grey relational grades
    Publication . Ullah, Wusat; Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia; Nawaz, Muhammad; Zulqarnain, Rana Muhammad; Siddique, Imran; Sallah, Mohammed
    Depression is a global public health concern that affects millions of people worldwide. Social media platforms, where individuals connect and share personal data, have emerged as potential sources for mental health detection. This study explored the use of computational models to identify individuals with depression based on Twitter posts. We retrieved and cleaned 1.6 million tweets using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques for feature extraction. The Grey Relational Grade (GRG) technique was applied to investigate the association between likes and shares of Twitter posts. Furthermore, the significant values of GRG in both cases, when data is limited and when data is large, represent that GRG provides better results at large data sets. The equal distri bution and selection approach (EDSA) can extract a small sample to describe the large data set and apply the GRG technique. Subsequently, we applied various machine learning models to classify user tweets into "stressed" or "not stressed" categories. These models achieved promising results, demonstrating high accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. Specifically, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, XGBoost Classifier, and Random Forest Classifier yielded accuracies of 96, 95, 96, and 97%, respectively. These findings suggest the potential of social media data and computational models for mental health detection, thus opening avenues for further research and development.
  • Políticas penales, prisión y género: debates feministas contemporáneos y miradas cruzadas desde diferentes latitudes
    Publication . Pereira-Soares, Mónica Catarina; Carvalho-Matos, Raquel Navais de; Tapia-Argüello, Sergio Martin
    La prisión es la institución moderna por excelencia para el ejercicio del control sociopenal, un lugar donde violencias que son prohibidas en otras circunstancias son permitidas, y en donde otras, que se encuentran ampliamente normalizadas —como la violencia de género— son trasplantadas en sus propios términos. El feminismo ha debatido vigorosamente la posibilidad de que la justicia criminal-penal y la institución penitenciaria puedan no solo reproducir, sino también combatir los fenómenos de la violencia; debate que originó dos líneas dicotomizadas conocidas como «feminismo carcelario» y feminismo anticarcelario o abolicionista. En el presente artículo, pretendemos analizar críticamente ambas posturas para poder pensar las políticas penales más allá de dicha dicotomía. Por un lado, contraponemos el viraje punitivista feminista y la hipóstasis de las reivindicaciones feministas traducidas en políticas de justicia; por otro, buscamos criticar la idealización de las acciones «más allá de lo penitenciario» o un reconocimiento como «intrínsecamente radical» de los procesos de justicia hechos «en los márgenes» de las instituciones formales, incluyendo la prisión. Para este efecto, nos apoyaremos en las exploraciones teóricas y observaciones recientes desde América Latina y de la Península Ibérica. Finalmente, se considerarán implicaciones en las políticas criminopenales y comunitarias.
  • Blurred boundaries: exploring the influence of work-life and life-work conflicts on university teachers’ health, work results, and willingness to teleworking
    Publication . Sobral, Filipa; Dias-Oliveira, Eva; Morais, Catarina; Hodgson, Julia
    COVID-19 lockdowns forced organizations to rapidly shift from face-to-face interactions to online platforms, leading to unforeseen challenges. This study retrospectively examines the extreme conditions of teleworking, which blurred the boundaries between home and workspaces, providing a unique opportunity to assess perceptions of work-life and life-work conflicts and their consequences. Data were collected from university teachers through an anonymous online survey (N = 383). A path analysis using IBM SPSS AMOS software assessed the relationship between work-life and life-work conflicts, burnout, performance, and willingness to continue teleworking. Results suggest work-life and life-work conflicts produce different spillovers. Both conflicts significantly contributed to burnout, but only life-work conflict significantly related to perceived performance, and this relationship was negative. Burnout was negatively associated with perceived performance but had no significant relationship with willingness to continue teleworking after lockdowns. Conversely, the relationship between perceived performance and willingness to continue teleworking was significantly positive. These findings emphasize the interplay between work-life and life-work conflicts and their effects on workers’ perceptions. Organizations should consider these dynamics when designing remote work policies to mitigate burnout and enhance employee performance and satisfaction. It is crucial for leadership to take responsibility for prioritizing the well-being of workers and their working conditions, as their actions significantly influence work design, individual and team goals, and the overall organizational climate.
  • More than words: conceptualizing narrative computational thinking based on a multicase study
    Publication . Schlauch, Michael; Sylla, Cristina; Gil, Maitê
    This paper presents an investigation that compares and analyzes the interactions of three groups of pre-and-primary school children with three different storytelling systems. We identify emerging patterns through which they engaged in what we refer to as narrative computational thinking. The latter describes broadened aspects of narrative literacy practices that are linked to computational thinking. By applying a multicase study approach and through various vignettes, we illustrate how children applied computational thinking to understand and influence the narrative possibilities offered by the different tools. Our results illustrate circumstances under which digital storytelling activities provide a favorable basis for narrative computational thinking, and that when computational thinking functions as a scaffold for story creation, it encourages a blend of creativity and computational thinking, providing a compelling approach to introducing emerging digital literacies to young children in a narrative context.
  • Educação social em Portugal: exigências de formação
    Publication . Vaz, Cindy; Camões, Ana; Sousa, Isabel; Martins, Rosa; Baptista, Isabel
    A Pedagogia Social define-se como saber educacional que enquadra os processos de formação ao longo da vida, desenvolvidos numa perspetiva de solidariedade social, constituindo-se como o conhecimento profissional dos educadores sociais. Com base nestes pressupostos, quisemos saber em que medida ela é valorizada no âmbito da formação inicial proporcionada pelas Instituições de Ensino Superior com oferta em Educação Social. Assim, elegemos três objetivos de estudo visando identificar e caracterizar o lugar da Pedagogia Social nos planos de estudo das licenciaturas existentes em Portugal, bem como na formação dos respetivos docentes, tentando, por último, indagar sobre a perceção dos atores profissionais. Para esse efeito, optámos por uma abordagem metodológica de caráter qualitativo, com recurso à consulta documental e à inquirição direta de atores. A análise dos dados recolhidos permitiu concluir que a Pedagogia Social é valorizada pelos atores institucionais, no que diz respeito à oferta curricular e ao perfil dos docentes.
  • Workshop: how to plan an interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach
    Publication . Lima, Rui M.; Mesquita, Diana
    This workshop aims to support participants to be able to plan an interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach, exploring several dimensions of PBL. The conceptual fundamentals, such as framing PBL in the Active Learning continuum, PBL principles, project typologies, and PBL models, will be briefly discussed, serving as a basis for the workshop. During the practical part of the workshop, the participants will experience a simulation of a project, working in teams to develop a plan for a specific PBL approach. At the end of the workshop, the participants will present a visual and simplified plan for their proposal in a gallery walk. After a short presentation of one specific example, at the end of the workshop, the participants would have clarified some of the main elements of PBL, leaving a seed that can be deepened. The activities were planned inductively, and carried out in teams, with three main parts: basic concepts (1); planning a PBL approach (2); examples and discussion (3).
  • Examining professional identity: an exploratory study of images and social representations about the pedagogical coordinator
    Publication . Nagel, Jaqueline Salanek de Oliveira; Silva, Ariane Franco Lopes da; Sandini, Sabrina Plá
    The study examines the social representations of pedagogical coordinators regarding their professional identity and raises the following questions: How does the coordinator perceive his profession? How does he understand others’ views on his role? What images of the coordinator are conveyed by online magazines, and how do these images relate to the coordinator’s own representations? With the support of the theory of social representations, the research examines images of pedagogical coordinators in online magazines and analyses the responses of coordinators to two questions regarding their professional identity. The data was treated by content analysis and image analysis techniques as part of social representations investigations. The results show consensual images about the coordinator and some discrepancies between this image and those that he thinks others have about him. The results contribute to the debate about the construction of this professional identity.