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  • Digital games as safe places: the case of animal crossing
    Publication . Ferreira, Cátia; Ganito, Carla; Gonçalves, Soraia
    Digital games have become a popular cultural pastime and a profitable media industry, with an average player age of 32. During the lockdown years, the many facets of digital games came to light, particularly their capacity to encourage the development of safe spaces for interaction and communities. Games that encourage creativity and content creation, like Second Life, Animal Crossing, and Minecraft, for example, give users a variety of safe spaces to express themselves and grow creatively. The article addresses the function of video games as safe spaces using a mixed-methods approach, emphasizing the role played during the pandemic and using Animal Crossing as an example. Three primary techniques for gathering data were an online survey, netnography, and document analysis. Through the Animal Crossing: New Horizons case study, we were able to confirm that players do, in fact, view the game as more than just a way to pass the time. They make expressive and proactive use of it, deriving immense pleasure from producing and disseminating content that is uniquely personalized for them. It is a tool for escapism and provides a feeling of belonging to players who agree that the New Horizons Fan Community is a united, helpful, caring, and generous community.
  • “Values on air”: using narratives to “follow” top management values entering ethical organisational reputation
    Publication . Tavares, Patrícia
    Introduction: Corporate reputation is an increasingly valuable intangible organisational asset. Reputation is perceptual, multidimensional, specific and varies from stakeholder to stakeholder. However, there is still a lack of research on the ethical reputation formation process. Despite the recognised importance of espoused values—those adopted by top management—research examining their impact on internal and external stakeholders' perceptions is limited. This study aims to bridge that gap by employing a combination of qualitative methods, namely semi-structured interviews and archival data on cases and events, to build narratives that assess the interplay between organisational values and stakeholder perceptions, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of the ethical reputation formation process. Goals and Methods: This study aims to understand how the values ​​embraced by top management play a role in forming an ethical corporate reputation. Using a qualitative processual approach and a narrative construction strategy, 62 in-depth interviews were conducted with members of a national radio group's management and various other internal and external stakeholders. In addition, archival data on cases and events identified in the interviews, in 28 cases, support the narrative-building process. The methodology employed in this study allows for advancing qualitative research innovation, particularly in understanding the ethical corporate reputation formation process as a valuable intangible asset. Results: Five narratives emerge from the analysis and support identifying a process for mapping the integration of top-management values in an organisation's ethical reputation. This process maps the values' “circulation” within the organisation and their diffusion to internal and external stakeholders within relationships, organisational communications, and events. Conclusions: Narrative building strengthens the mapping of a process by resorting to semi-structured interview thematic analysis and archival case identification and analysis. It sheds light on how top management's espoused values affect an organisation's ethical reputation construction.
  • Architecture and its metaphors. The poetic form as exprience
    Publication . Rudari, Federico
    While language can be understood as an expression of the phenomenal unity between the world and man, it is the poetic form that has always explained both mythical and physical phenomena of the human experience (Paz 1973). Following the idea of a primordial connection between poetry and understanding, I aim to explore the possibility of expanding the poetic model to other human cognitive experiences, and the architectural one in particular. The metaphorical relational structure between signifier and signified at the core of poetics can be translated in architectural terms in multiple ways: the relationship between container and contained space, built materiality and its experienceable in between, and many more. In this way, space as an external object becomes part of its subject: this is the limit and only possibility of knowledge. The emphasis given to the experiential dimension of the spaces we inhabit shifted the focus from what architecture is, has or does, to how its users feel and, ultimately, on who they are (Klingmann 2007). From the Situationist International to Antonioni’s cinema and experience economy, this contribution addresses architectural forms as part of a social life which determines use, reception, and participation by communities, renewing the attention on experience rather than function.
  • Role-taking, role-making: the mask as a tool in David Wojnarowicz’s Arthur Rimbaud in New York
    Publication . Rudari, Federico
    Traditionally, theatre actors wore masks to embody individuals with no clear identity. Masks did not feature specific anthropomorphic qualities, leaving audiences free to imagine the malleable and anonymous characters between fiction and actual plausibility. In contrast, in the photographic series Arthur Rimbaud in New York by artist, writer, and activist David Wojnarowicz, the use of a Rimbaud mask seems to have an opposite intention, overlapping meanings and allowing spatiotemporal compression. Portraying the French poet in different contexts and activities, Wojnarowicz is able to interpret the notion of identity and belonging following a narrative that is fictional, biographical and collective, addressing queer histories and temporalities. This paper discusses the multiple possibilities that the mask represents in this work.
  • Where propaganda lives on: introduction
    Publication . Ribeiro, Nelson; Zelizer, Barbie
    Marked by high polarization and the dissemination of falsehoods via online platforms, contemporary media ecosystems are being used by a plethora of political actors to manipulate people’s perceptions of reality. Over the last decades the propagation of fake information mostly via social media has been labelled disinformation or fake news, concepts that we argue may not be the most adequate to fully understand how such practices impact public opinion and how they differ from other used in the past. We call for the concept of propaganda to be reconsidered as a theoretical construct used to problematize the different strategies and tactics used in the digital environment by actors aiming to deceive different publics.
  • Long live chairman Mao: propaganda about Mao Zedong in chinese primary school textbooks (1984-1999)
    Publication . Zhou, Shenglan
    This article examines the portrayal of Mao Zedong in Chinese literacy textbooks published within the context of the Patriotic Education Campaign during the 1980s and 1990s. Employing critical discourse analysis, this study reveals that Mao is depicted as an authoritative, charismatic, and industrious political leader who maintains a frugal lifestyle and close ties with the people. The textbooks primarily highlight his role during the Chinese revolutions and the early years of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), while avoiding discussion of his later political conflicts and flawed economic policies. This deliberate approach allows the Chinese Communist Party to construct a favorable image of Mao, aimed at preserving Maoism’s legitimacy among younger generations of Chinese who may not be well-acquainted with the Chinese revolutions. Consequently, the collective memories cultivated about Mao through the education system serve as a form of proregime propaganda, illustrating the intricate and symbiotic relationship between education and propaganda in the PRC.
  • Bodies in space: for a queer ecology of contagion
    Publication . Rudari, Federico
    Bodies are essential instruments for cognition and interpretation, as well as the experience of our surroundings and the outer world. However, dominant powers have often influenced sets of ecological affordances to exercise control over bodies and their experience, where public health has been a recurrent motivation justifying critical standards, narratives, and coercive measures. This article, instead, aims at looking at the possibility of contagion as necessary to create new ecologies. Through the analysis of two installations from the Portuguese context, Ama como a estrada começa (Loving as the road begins, 2019) by João Pedro Vale and Nuno Alexandre Ferreira and Vampires in Space (2022) by Isadora Neves Marques, the disruption of the normative understanding of contagion is subverted in a celebration of encounters and fluidity (both metaphorical and literal), addressing possible ecologies between queerness and fantasy.
  • Compilative translation and the role of the translator in the Portuguese theater: the Case of Claudio Tolcachir’s A Omissão da Família Coleman (2017-2023)
    Publication . Maia, Rita Bueno
    The present article reflects on the experience of translating Claudio Tolcachir’s theatre play La omisión de la familia Coleman into Portuguese for the Artistas Unidos Company to showcase the complexities of translating for the theater. Through archival and ethnographic methods, data were gathered that suggest that the different target texts produced in both dramatic/literary and theatrical/performed translation are compilative in nature. Furthermore, the plurality in these target texts is approached as both a cause and a consequence of the indeterminacy of the translator’s role in the different rewriting phases that stem from the textual interlingual rendering of a source text to the performed translated version. At the end of the article, two translation problems are tackled that revolve around the translation of objects. These examples aim at demonstrating my own hesitations as to whether the translator’s responsibility is to render a text in which objects - mentioned in characters’ discourses and in stage directions that suggest the object’s presence on set - are not only recognized by audiences but also interpreted in a similar vein as by the source text audience.
  • Superchiens: une expérience collaborative en classe de FLE
    Publication . Louchet, Chantal; Beaufils, Anne-France
    O presente trabalho apresenta uma experiência colaborativa sobre o tema do voluntariado, realizada com duas turmas de alunos de Línguas Estrangeiras Aplicadas da Universidade Católica de Lisboa. A investigação qualitativa baseia-se nos progressos das ciências cognitivas, que puseram em evidência o papel das emoções na aprendizagem, nomeadamente através da alavanca "motivação". A teoria da aprendizagem cooperativa é igualmente invocada, fazendo das interações um fator de progresso coletivo. Neste contexto, o estudo teve como objetivo observar o efeito do projeto colaborativo nas competências linguísticas e extralinguísticas dos estudantes. Foram utilizadas várias ferramentas digitais: Framapad para a organização e o acompanhamento do projeto, WordPress para o sítio Web "Les Superchiens", Facebook e Instagram. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário preenchido pelos estudantes no final da atividade e as respostas foram analisadas utilizando técnicas de análise de conteúdo. De acordo com os resultados, o projeto reforçou a comunicação entre os estudantes e desenvolveu as suas competências linguísticas, bem como certas competências extralinguísticas (autonomia, autoconfiança, ouvir os outros). Favoreceu igualmente o desenvolvimento de competências técnicas (edição e legendagem de um vídeo, criação de um logótipo, de um sítio Web), que são cada vez mais necessárias para entrar no mercado de trabalho.