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A rápida evolução tecnológica e os consequentes desafios em matéria de proteção de dados pessoais levaram à necessidade de rever o quadro normativo, razão pela qual surge o RGPD. Desta forma, e considerando o novo regime, torna-se premente analisar os seus impactos na geolocalização no contexto laboral. Atéà data de entrada em vigor do RGPD, a discussão centrava-se na consideração ou não da geolocalização como um meio de vigilância à distância. Agora, com o RGPD, importa indagar sobre a admissibilidade ou não do consentimento como requisito de legitimidade de tratamento de dados, a aplicação dos artigos 20º e 21º do CT e os novos procedimento a observar.
Fast-paced technological evolution and the challenges it brings in personal data protection led to the need to review the regulatory framework, and as a result, the GDPR was adopted. As a result, and in the light of the new regulations, it is important to analyze the impact it will have in geolocation, namely in the work context. Up to the date of enforcement of the GDPR, the discussion was solely whether geo-localization could be considered a means of long-distance surveillance. Now, under the new framework, the discussion shifts to whether consent is or not necessary as a requirement to the lawfulness of data processing, to whether articles 20 and 21 of the Portuguese Labor Code apply and to the intricacies of the new procedure.
Fast-paced technological evolution and the challenges it brings in personal data protection led to the need to review the regulatory framework, and as a result, the GDPR was adopted. As a result, and in the light of the new regulations, it is important to analyze the impact it will have in geolocation, namely in the work context. Up to the date of enforcement of the GDPR, the discussion was solely whether geo-localization could be considered a means of long-distance surveillance. Now, under the new framework, the discussion shifts to whether consent is or not necessary as a requirement to the lawfulness of data processing, to whether articles 20 and 21 of the Portuguese Labor Code apply and to the intricacies of the new procedure.
RGPD CNPD Geolocalização Dados pessoais Direito à reserva da vida privada Geolocation Personal data Right to privacy