22 results
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- Religiosity index and quality of life in the search for better blood pressure controlPublication . Guerra, Grazia Maria; Oliveira, Jefferson Carlos de; Fistarol, Isabela Ribeiro Braga; Vieira, Margarida; Deodato, Sérgio; Tsunemi, Miriam Harume; Bortolotto, Luiz AparecidoSystemic arterial hypertension (SAH) is a chronic non-communicable disease, and currently the relationships between religiosity, physical and mental health have been investigated. The objective of this study was to verify the association of the religiosity index through the DUREL scale with the best control of blood pressure (SBP ≤ 120 and DBP ≤ 80) and quality of life in hypertensive patients. A prospective longitudinal study was conducted with 56 hypertensive patients, who were followed up for 120 days and underwent a 20-day interval nursing visit, in which a counseling program was developed. The instrument for quality of life, the DUREL Religiosity Scale, was applied and Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor (ABPM) was performed at the beginning and end of the study. The study involved 30 women (55.6%) and 26 men (44.4%), mean age of 53.9 ± 10 years, mean BMI of 30.3±5 kg/m2, waist circumference (WC)=99.7±5cm; PAS=153.6±28mmHg; DBP=91.6±17mmHg and Heart Rate (HR)=69±13bpm. Regarding BP control (SBP ≤ 120 and DBP ≤ 80), at the end of 120 days, it was observed that only 4 (7.14%) patients controlled their BP by the clinic’s measurement and 25 patients by the measurement of the ABPM, those being 7 (12.5%) in the wake period and 18 (32.1%) in the sleep period. However, there was no association with the Index of Religiosity and quality of life when compared to the control variable of blood pressure. Given the data, it was determined that the religiosity index was not sensitive enough to identify patients with a better control of BP after 120 days of follow-up.
- Risk behaviors to psychoactive substances use in children and young people in LisbonPublication . Deodato, Sérgio; Nunes, Elisabete; Capelas, Manuel; Seabra, Paulo; Sarreira-Santos, Alexandra; Medeiros-Garcia, LurdesObjective: To characterize the risk behavior of the psychoactive substances use in a youth population of Lisbon. Method: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study. Participants were 113 children and young people who responded to the Portuguese version of the Risk and Health Behavior questionnaire - Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Results: Participants with regard to age were between 9-13, most attending the 5th grade, living with parents, had good school performance, good relationship with colleagues while 1/4 refer problems. When concerned, recourse to the mother, but it is significant the attention of peers. As for the trial of psychoactive substances was found: 9.7% tobacco, 19.5% alcohol, other substances 5.3%. Conclusion: With regard to risk behavior stands primarily to early alcohol testing. Emerged as protective factors: family relationship and relationship with the school space. This age group may constitute the ideal time for prevention.
- Decisão ética em enfermagem : do problema aos fundamentos para o agirPublication . Fernandes, Sérgio Joaquim Deodato; Nunes, LucíliaA presente tese resultou do estudo realizado com o propósito da obtenção do grau de doutor em enfermagem, na Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Incide sobre a decisão ética em enfermagem, definindo o conceito de problema ético de enfermagem, enunciando as fases de construção da decisão ética e significando os fundamentos utilizados pelos enfermeiros no seu agir profissional. O estudo parte de dois problemas de investigação, a saber, o que constitui problema ético na prática clínica de enfermagem e como é que os enfermeiros constroem a decisão ética para resolver esses problemas. Destes problemas resultaram três questões de investigação: o que constitui problema ético de enfermagem; de que forma os enfermeiros constroem a decisão ética de enfermagem e por fim, quais os fundamentos utilizados pelos enfermeiros, na sua prática clínica, para suportarem a construção da decisão ética de enfermagem. As questões de investigação formuladas deram origem a três objetivos, a saber, definir o conceito de problema ético de enfermagem; descrever a construção da decisão ética de enfermagem e ainda, significar os fundamentos da construção da decisão ética de enfermagem. Para estes objetivos desenhou-se um estudo de abordagem qualitativa, exploratório e descritivo, com recurso à entrevista como método de recolha de dados e a utilização da análise de conteúdo para a sua análise. A tese, elaborada sob orientação da Sra. Professora Doutora Lucília Nunes, inclui um enquadramento apriorístico do estudo (Parte I), onde se identifica o conhecimento atual na área da decisão ética de enfermagem, se sintetiza a ancoragem teórica de referência e se situa o campo epistemológico escolhido. Ancoramo-nos em Aristóteles, Kant e Paul Ricoeur quanto à decisão ética e em Lucília Nunes e Margarida Vieira na ligação da ética à enfermagem. Tendo em conta o contexto problemático e metodológico do estudo, situamo-nos no pos-modernismo enquanto campo epistemológico de referência. A uma clarificação da metodologia utilizada do estudo (Parte II), segue-se a apresentação dos resultados na Parte III. A parte IV é destinada à teorização da decisão ética de enfermagem, discutindo os resultados do estudo com os referenciais teóricos adotados. Como principais conclusões, relevamos a definição do conceito de problema ético de enfermagem, enquanto incerteza face à escolha das intervenções a realizar pelo enfermeiro, a natureza não processual da construção da decisão ética de enfermagem e uma predominância da utilização de fundamentos éticos para esta decisão. Como propostas futuras, este estudo sugere o aprofundamento da investigação na área de ligação entre a decisão clínica e a decisão ética de enfermagem.
- Caros participantes do 2 - Congresso Nacional da ACEPS "cidadania em saúde: borómetro social e humano"Publication . Ferreira, Idalice; Vieira, Margarida; Martins, Rosa; Cunha, Madalena; Albuquerque, Carlos; Deodato, Sérgio; Neves, Ana Paula; Magalhães, Manuela; Ribeiro, Olivério
- Conscientious objection: reflections for nursing in PortugalPublication . Paço, Sandra; Deodato, SérgioObjective: to discuss conscientious objection in nursing, identifying the ethic and legal basis for this decision-making. Methodology: qualitative study in which the methodology used was ethical reflection based on a legal analysis of the laws in question, proceeding to a bibliographical and documentary research Conclusions: Portuguese law and ethical pillars that form the basis of the Code of Ethics of nurses in Portugal defend the freedom of conscience as a professional practice. However, the obligation to protect human life, which imposes the need for coordination between this protection and the exercise of the right to conscientious objection on the part of the nurse, is also clear.
- Need of surgical dressing in postoperative surgicalPublication . Alves, Ana Isabel Gomes; Rabiais, Isabel Cristina Mascarenhas; Fernandes, Sérgio Joaquim Deodato; Ribeiro, Rita Luzia MoraisSurgical procedures are frequent these days, as well as the search for appropriate and safe procedures for patients, requiring more research and optimize nursing care. The correct procedures in the surgical dressing are also important to the success of the intervention. Purpose: To identify the need for surgical dressing in postoperative. Methods: A study has been carried out which consists in systematic literature revision and it has taken place where seven items were selected. Results: The results of the analyzed studies on the subject, showed themselves to be quite different on the need for care/aseptic environment in the surgical wound in the immediate postoperative period and in use of surgical dressing. Conclusions: It can be concluded that a majority of studies have shown that the occlusive surgical dressing, immediate after surgery with washing and disinfection standard, does not necessarily decrease the prevalence of surgical wound infection. Although some authors consider very important the realization of occlusive dressing in the first 48 hours after surgery
- Palliative care production for health professionals in the context of home carePublication . Silva, Alexandre Ernesto; Duarte, Elysangela Dittz; Fernandes, Sérgio Joaquim DeodatoObjectives: to analyze palliative care production developed by health professionals to home care patients. Methods: this is an exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, using the transpersonal care theoretical framework. Thirteen interviews were conducted with health professionals and 18 observations were conducted on different cases. Content analysis was performed using MAXQDA©. Results: actions performed: maintenance and follow-up measures to people eligible for palliative care, in acts of dialogue and "listening" to caregivers and users, conducting guidelines for the care and self-care process, performing technical procedures, delivery of materials, referrals and medical prescriptions to users. Final Considerations: it is perceived the need for advances in the implementation of government policies in Brazil that insert palliative care into the Health Care Network through educational, managerial and care actions that ensure human dignity, thus allowing the development of these and other palliative care interventions.
- Elements and strategies for ethical decision-making in nursingPublication . Nora, Carlise Rigon Dalla; Deodato, Sérgio; Vieira, Margarida; Zoboli, ElmaThis study aimed to identify the elements and strategies that facilitate the ethical decision-making of nurses faced with ethical problems, from publications on the theme. An integrative literature review was carried out. Data collection was performed between the months of April and May 2014, in the databases: SciELO, CINAHL, LILACS and MEDLINE. Original, theoretical and case study articles, with a health team that included nurses, published in Portuguese, English and Spanish were included. A total of 19 studies were selected, the analysis of which resulted in three categories: external factors of ethical decision-making in nursing, individual factors of ethical decision-making in nursing and facilitating strategies of ethical decision-making in nursing. It was concluded that nurses need to use strategies that develop sensitivity, ability and ethical competence, in order to make prudent ethical decisions, contributing to the quality of health care.
- Nursing Activities Score by assistance sites in intensive care unitsPublication . Cyrino, Claudia Maria Silva; Dell’Acqua, Magda Cristina Queiroz; Castro, Meire Cristina Novelli e; Oliveira, Elaine Machado de; Deodato, Sérgio; Almeida, Priscila Masquetto Vieira deObjective: To compare the Nursing Activities Score (NAS) between the Assistance Sites in an Intensive Care Unit. Method: Descriptive, retrospective study, carried out in the Intensive Care Unit of a teaching hospital. The patients were organized in Assistance Sites according to their clinical characteristics and the nursing team's composition was organized in accordance with the Nursing Activities Score (NAS). The confidence interval was set at p < 0.05. Results: the majority were male surgical patients with a mean age of 56.8 years. The postoperative care Site presented the greatest patient turnover. The overall average NAS was 71.7%. There was a difference in the nursing workload between the different Assistance Sites. The shorter length of stay and the nonsurvivors contributed to increasing the workload in the ICU. Conclusion: Comparing the NAS in the different Sites made it possible to organize the work process of the nursing team according to each group, contributing to patient safety.
- A proteção dos dados pessoais de saúdePublication . Deodato, SérgioA proteção dos dados pessoais de saúde assume uma enorme relevância atual, sobretudo pela facilidade de acesso e pela possibilidade de divulgação indevida. Nesta obra alude-se à proteção dos dados pessoais de saúde na dupla perspetiva ética e jurídica, num diálogo situado em contexto de saúde. Pretende-se argumentar a favor da necessidade desta proteção em todo o sistema de saúde, invocando os fundamentos éticos e jurídicos mais relevantes.
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