Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2018-01-01"
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- The ambivalence of Leo Strauss’ understanding of Public AffairsPublication . Henriques, Mendo Castro
- Semana Santa, turismo e hospitalidade: uma possibilidade teológicaPublication . Duque, João ManuelO artigo parte de um desafio: relacionar a dimensão turística da Semana Santa com a sua dimensão teológica. O caminho proposto implica o recurso à categoria operativa da hospitalidade. Explorando a dimensão antropológica fundamental dessa categoria, que permite a sua identificação como categoria teológica, considera-se que a atividade turística possa possuir profundo significado teológico. Partindo dessa constatação, relaciona-se com a identidade humana e cristã como memória da paixão, nela incluindo a consciência da condição humana vulnerável e sofredora.
- Percepções dos educadores sobre a inclusão na educação pré-escolar: o papel da experiência e das habilitaçõesPublication . Dias, Paulo César Azevedo; Cadime, Irene Maria DiasEm Portugal, a extensão dos serviços de educação especial à educação pré-escolar é relativamente recente. São também escassos os estudos que avaliam as percepções dos educadores de infância sobre as práticas inclusivas. Neste trabalho, pretendemos avaliar as percepções dos educadores de infância sobre a inclusão. Recorreu-se a uma amostra de 118 educadores de infância portugueses, a quem foi administrado o Inventário de Inclusão. Os resultados indicam que a implementação de práticas inclusivas está relacionada com a percepção de apoio e utilização anterior de práticas inclusivas. Educadores mais novos, com menos experiência letiva e com menos experiência na aplicação de práticas inclusivas possuem mais crenças sobre a inclusão. Educadores mais velhos e que trabalham mais tempo com crianças com necessidades educativas especiais percebem como melhores os efeitos da inclusão. Esses resultados são discutidos à luz da literatura existente, apresentando-se também implicações para a prática educativa e para a investigação.
- Media representation of children’s privacy in the context of the use of “smart” toys and commercial data collectionPublication . Milosevic, Tijana; Dias, Patricia; Mifsud, Charles; Trueltzsch-Wijnen, Christine W.The growing use of “smart” toys has made it increasingly important to understand the various privacy implications of their use by children and families. The article is a case study of how the risks to young children’s privacy, posed by the commercial data collection of producers of “smart” toys, were represented in the media. Relying on a content analysis of media coverage in twelve European countries and Australia collected during the Christmas season of 2016/2017, and reporting on a follow-up study in selected countries during the Christmas season of 2017/2018, our article illustrates how the issue of children’s privacy risks was dealt with in a superficial manner, leaving relevant stakeholders without substantive information about the issue; and with minimum representation of children’s voices in the coverage itself.
- Beyond advertising narratives: Josefinas and their storytelling productsPublication . Dias, Liliana; Dias, PatríciaIn the last few years, advertising narratives have become increasingly important. Facing an environment of fierce competition and communication overload, brands needed to reinvent their communication strategies, and stories became protagonists, particularly in the digital environment. This article addresses a new way of applying storytelling in marketing, which is using it to extend products. In our theoretical framework, we review the general importance of storytelling as a communication tool and strategy, departing from the notion of storytelling as the essence of human communication (Fisher, 1987). As empirical work, we present the case study of Josefinas, a Portuguese luxury handmade shoe brand. For each new product, the brand presents a story that not only explains the inspiration for the product, but also communicates values, a lifestyle, emotions, and inspires. We studied a sample of communication pieces and applied a thematic matrix (Kuckartz, 2014), with coding categories inspired by storytelling models and also by brand equity (Aaker, 1991) and product extension (Kotler and Keller, 2012) models. In our findings, we stress the originality of the brand in going beyond advertising in its use of narratives, applying it to add layers of meaning to their products, which are reflected in the brand image, and even in its equity. Thus, we conclude by suggesting the concept of ‘product narratives’.
- Nursing Activities Score by assistance sites in intensive care unitsPublication . Cyrino, Claudia Maria Silva; Dell’Acqua, Magda Cristina Queiroz; Castro, Meire Cristina Novelli e; Oliveira, Elaine Machado de; Deodato, Sérgio; Almeida, Priscila Masquetto Vieira deObjective: To compare the Nursing Activities Score (NAS) between the Assistance Sites in an Intensive Care Unit. Method: Descriptive, retrospective study, carried out in the Intensive Care Unit of a teaching hospital. The patients were organized in Assistance Sites according to their clinical characteristics and the nursing team's composition was organized in accordance with the Nursing Activities Score (NAS). The confidence interval was set at p < 0.05. Results: the majority were male surgical patients with a mean age of 56.8 years. The postoperative care Site presented the greatest patient turnover. The overall average NAS was 71.7%. There was a difference in the nursing workload between the different Assistance Sites. The shorter length of stay and the nonsurvivors contributed to increasing the workload in the ICU. Conclusion: Comparing the NAS in the different Sites made it possible to organize the work process of the nursing team according to each group, contributing to patient safety.
- Will artificial intelligence be a blessing or concern in assistive robots for play?Publication . Adams, Kim; Encarnação, Pedro; Rios-Rincón, Adriana M.; Cook, Al M.The recent advances and popularity of artificial intelligence (AI) offer exciting possibilities to improve technology but they also raise concerns. In this paper, we use our research to present the potential benefits of using AI in assistive technology for children with disabilities to access play, and examine potential ethical concerns surrounding data required by AI algorithms. Since play is a key factor in child well-being and cognitive development, secondary disabilities may arise as a consequence of motor impairments. Assistive robots for augmentative manipulation can be instrumental in providing children with physical disabilities play opportunities, but we need to take a principled and user-centered approach to technical innovations.
- Motivação organizacional: fatores precursores da motivação do colaboradorPublication . Ribeiro, Marco Ferreira; Passos, Clotilde; Pereira, PauloEste estudo visa abordar a temática da motivação organizacional, a evolução histórica da perceção da motivação por parte da gestão, a sua relação com a satisfação no trabalho, as diferentes teorias da motivação que foram surgindo ao longo do tempo e, em especial, a apresentação de um estudo empírico. O objetivo principal desta investigação é verificar a aplicabilidade da Teoria dos Dois Fatores de Herzberg na sociedade portuguesa atual e mostrar a importância da motivação do colaborador para o desempenho organizacional, contribuindo para a divulgação da importância desta temática na investigação científica. Quanto ao estudo empírico foi desenvolvida uma investigação de cariz quantitativo, descritivo e correlacional. A recolha de dados foi feita através de um inquérito por questionário online, tendo sido constituída uma amostra não probabilística de 45 indivíduos e, para o tratamento dos dados obtidos, foi utilizado o programa estatístico SPSS 23. Neste estudo empírico foi possível verificar a aplicabilidade da Teoria dos Dois Fatores na sociedade portuguesa, uma vez que se verifica uma relação direta entre os fatores higiénicos ou motivacionais com a motivação do colaborador, a definição da missão, o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional e a satisfação do colaborador, apesar de não se verificar a mesma relação relativa às atividades de acolhimento/formação e a partilha de resultados.
- 'I am not being sponsored to say this': a teen youtuber and her audience negotiate branded contentPublication . Jorge, Ana; Marôpo, Lidia; Nunes, ThaysThe field of microcelebrity is increasingly monetised, professionalised, and institutionalised, with the growing recognition of content creators as social media influencers. This article looks at the integration of branded content within youth digital culture, where participatory possibilities for self-expression are more and more entwined with consumer culture. It seeks to discuss how digital producers understand brand culture and how audiences negotiate the meanings of the commercialism inserted in their content. We look at the case of SofiaBBeauty, a successful young Portuguese youtuber, who has been vlogging since she was 12. The article analyses her association with brands in 12 videos in 2017 (vlog, haul, giveaway, Q&A, first impression, etc.), and the comments by the users showing acceptance and appraisal of, negotiation, or criticism towards, the brand and/or the youtuber. We explore the way Sofia connects her self-presentation with products/brands to appear close to her young audiences, and brands her persona as she is growing up to adulthood; how she presents her commercial recommendations as genuine and pregnant with affect, and whether the audience accepts it or not; as well as how she positions herself in the global YouTube community of practice, where connection with brands aggrandizes her persona in the eyes of the audience. Sofia's videos create a post-feminist subject where consumption is articulated with independence, capability, and empowerment (Banet-Weiser, 2011), while engaging her audiences in a commodification process (Berryman & Kavka, 2017).
- ForewordPublication . Vieira, Eduarda; Macchia, Andrea
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