CRC-W - Livros e Partes de Livros / Books and Books Parts
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- Criatividade e valores de vida em líderes e não líderes: o que faz a diferença?Publication . Almeida, Leonor; Andrade, Matilde; Netreba, Carol; Ramalho, Carmo; Rodrigues, MónicaA presente investigação pretende caracterizar e comparar o sistema de Valores de Vida e os níveis de Criatividade de uma amostra de trabalhadores portugueses , analisar as diferenças entre grupos com base nas variáveis: sexo, idade, habilitações literárias, estatuto profissional e tipo de função desempenhada (de líder e não líder), bem como analisar uma possível correlação entre valores e criatividade. A amostra é composta por 347 indivíduos trabalhadores, dos quais 82 participantes líderes e 265 participantes não líderes. Para a operacionalização das variáveis, foram aplicados o Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production e o Inventário de Valores de Vida. Entre os principais resultados, destacamos a correlação positiva entre o valor Criatividade e o nível de Criatividade, e a correlação negativa entre os Valores Lealdade à Família e Grupo e Responsabilidade e o nível de Criatividade. Quando consideradas as variável sexo e idade, foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas para os valores.
- Pais, filhos e tecnologias digitais móveis: perceções de utilização e critérios para escolha de atividadesPublication . Brito, Rita; Dias, PatríciaPretendemos perceber que tipo de apps os pais consideram adequadas para utilização pelos seus filhos e conhecer a opinião das crianças na utilização de dispositivos digitais móveis. Recorremos aos dados do estudo hAPPy kids, nomeadamente 1968 questionários a pais de crianças até 8 anos e entrevistas a 81 famílias com filhos até 8 anos. Os pais reconhecem o potencial educativo das tecnologias, mas recorrem frequentemente a modelos “tradicionais”, como a sua prpria infância ou as atividades realizadas em educao formal, para avaliarem as apps como educativas ou no. Preferem que os filhos usem apps que explorem conteúdos escolares mas, ao contrário dos pais, as crianças preferem ver vídeos, jogar jogos de simulação e ação/aventura. As preferências das crianas, e o facto de os conteúdos mobile lhes proporcionarem diverso, no so muito valorizados pelos pais, focando-se no desenvolvimento e na aprendizagem.
- Live2Work project: increasing the chances for successful integration of people in situations of professional vulnerabilityPublication . Pinto, Joana Carneiro; Pinto, Helena RebeloThe Live2WorkProject is an ERASMUS+ Key Action 2 Strategic Partnership for cooperation and the exchange of good practices involving four countries (Portugal, France, Denmark and the Czech Republic). Its purpose is to develop an intervention methodology for end - users working with young adults (18 - 30 years) in situations of professional vulnerability, including migrants and refugees. Throughout this work, we intend to briefly p resent the six outputs that constitute the project, namely, the conceptual framework, the toolbox, the course guide, the in - service training courses, the online audio - visual learning scenarios, and the Moodle courses and learning platform on website. Particular attention will be given to the challenge of refugees’ integration on a global scale, and to the theoretical rationale of the project. In particular, we will explain the contributions from career normative models, career design, construction and management models, career systemic models, and career culturally adequate models to the development of the theoretical rationale that sustains the project.
- Desenvolvimento sustentável para um envelhecimento ativo e saudávelPublication . Rosa, Marta; Silva, Andreia; Arriaga, Miguel
- Crianças, famílias e tecnologias: Que desafios? Que caminhos?Publication . Brito, Rita; Dias, PatríciaA sociedade em que vivemos está profundamente marcada pela integração das tecnologias digitais no nosso quotidiano. Assim, as crianças nascem em lares onde proliferam o computador, os smartphones e os tablets, tendo contacto com estes dispositivos desde cada vez mais cedo, utilizando-os nas suas rotinas diárias, procurando estar entretidas constantemente.
- A technological overview on intervention projects in ageing populationPublication . Arriaga, Miguel; Filipe, Jessica; Mata, Francisco; Chaves, Nicole; Raposo, Beatriz; Rosa, Marta; Silva, Carlota Ribeiro da; Camara, Gisele; Horgan, Rita; Santos, Benvinda dos; Costa, AndreiaPurpose: Given the new society challenges and the growing elderly population in Portugal, the promotion of active and healthy aging is a priority. Consequently, there is a need to create intervention programs and projects using digital and technological platforms, to promote the good practices in this area, as this is one of the main goals of the International Center on Ageing (CENIE). The objectives are the creation of a national registration database, the intervention programs / projects implemented survey in Portugal, the status verification of each project through available information and its characterization and detailed analysis of the interventions to identify good practice criteria in the development, implementation, evaluation and reporting process as well as the constant underlying technological update. Design/methodology/approach: Ninety-six interventions, carried out between 2004 and 2018, were identified to contribute for improving the quality of life and autonomy of the elderly, carried out between 2004 and 2018. Findings: Among these, the main themes are the fall prevention, physical activity promotion, promotion of intergenerational relations, healthy eating promotion, promotion of cognitive development and the promotion of socialization. Practical implications: Suggestions for future investigations include the need to engage contact with entities, such as Health Center clusters and City Councils, in order to validate the existence of updated and innovative interventions, as well as to carry out a thorough evaluation, so as to characterize and describe interventions that promote attitude changes and good practice development opportunities with the purpose of increasing and extending quality of life in accordance with this new life cycle configuration.
- Pathway analysis of the dynamics of teacher educators’ professional digital competencePublication . Madsen, Siri Sollied; Saure, Heidi I.; Lie, Marit H.; Janeš, Aleksander; Klančar, Andreja; Brito, Rita; Thorvaldsen, SteinarInstitutions offering teacher education have generally been criticized for giving pre-service teachers an insufficient education regarding the pedagogical use of digital technology. In this study we investigate the dynamics of professional digital competence (PDC) among teacher educators (in primary, secondary and early childhood teacher education programmes) in Norway, Slovenia, and Portugal. A survey was constructed based on the understanding of digital competence consisting of an individual’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Three constructed variables from the survey (Attitudes, Knowledge and skills, and Use, regarding digital technology in higher education) were analysed, and we found small differences in mean scores between the three countries. However, a pathway analysis via regressions revealed markedly different dynamics of PDC, and we discuss implications of our findings on teacher educators’ use of digital technology.
- Ubuntu & human rights: contributions of an indigenous philosophy to the training of Portuguese social workersPublication . Martins, Teresa Escabelado; Jesus, AntonelaIn a time when global politics has shown a growth of governments with oppressive ideologies, Ubuntu highlights the interdependence of all people and their potential in co-constructing more dignified social realities. Through the realization of focus groups with Social Work students and new graduates, we intend to demonstrate (i) the alignment of Ubuntu with SW’ central values; (iii) the understanding of current Portuguese Social Work undergraduate and graduate students about indigenous knowledge; (iv) the integration of these meanings in readings of social reality, the contributions and limits associated with such philosophy; finally, (v) the reflection of the participants around the influence social structures associated with imperialism bring to life trajectories. Contributions are given around education and practice in Social Work with a proposal to review and update community Social Work under the ubuntu philosophy.
- Objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável em ação na FFCS: o envolvimento dos estudantes da Licenciatura em Serviço SocialPublication . Monteiro, Daniela; Silva, Catarina Vieira daNeste relato dá-se a conhecer uma experiência educativa no âmbito da UC de Serviço Social Contemporâneo III (SSC III) da UCP que utilizou metodologias de ensino-aprendizagem colaborativas sobre os ODSo.
- Pour comprendre la formation en service social: Marie-Thérèse Lévêque et l'institut de service social de Lisbonne, Portugal (1935-1944)Publication . Branco, Francisco; Santos, Maria Isabel