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Live2Work project: increasing the chances for successful integration of people in situations of professional vulnerability

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The Live2WorkProject is an ERASMUS+ Key Action 2 Strategic Partnership for cooperation and the exchange of good practices involving four countries (Portugal, France, Denmark and the Czech Republic). Its purpose is to develop an intervention methodology for end - users working with young adults (18 - 30 years) in situations of professional vulnerability, including migrants and refugees. Throughout this work, we intend to briefly p resent the six outputs that constitute the project, namely, the conceptual framework, the toolbox, the course guide, the in - service training courses, the online audio - visual learning scenarios, and the Moodle courses and learning platform on website. Particular attention will be given to the challenge of refugees’ integration on a global scale, and to the theoretical rationale of the project. In particular, we will explain the contributions from career normative models, career design, construction and management models, career systemic models, and career culturally adequate models to the development of the theoretical rationale that sustains the project.



Live2Work project Life projects Pprofessional vulnerability, Young adults Migrants and refugees


Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


Inscience Press

CC License