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- Assistive technologies as rights enablersPublication . Encarnação, Pedro; Cook, Albert M.The Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability establish the rights for all children. For some children, enjoying those rights depends on or is facilitated by assistive technology, that is, products adapted or designed for improving the functioning of disabled people and all services inherent to the selection, acquisition, and use of assistive products. This chapter reviews the definition of assistive technology and briefly describes assistive products categories to show the breadth of assistive products available. It then discusses children rights and how they can be mediated or moderated by assistive technologies. Some of the challenges and ethical issues of assistive technology provision for children are also examined.
- Brexit. Uma questão de racionalidade políticaPublication . Bongardt, Annette; Torres, FranciscoO Brexit conduz-nos à questão da dimensão óptima (ou sustentável) da União Europeia. Países com preferências permanentemente divergentes ou mesmo irreconciliáveis com os objectivos da União podem e devem optar pela saída, escolhendo livremente o próprio caminho sem bloquear o processo de integração europeia. O Brexit escolha livre e democrática do RU é por isso um desenvolvimento lógico e positivo para a Europa.
- Broadband in schools: does it help or hurt student performance?Publication . Belo, Rodrigo; Ferreira, Pedro; Telang, RahulThis paper provides empirical evidence on the effects of broadband Internet usage in schools on student performance in terms of national exams scores. We use a rich panel of data that has information on test scores, as well as broadband usage for all schools in Portugal, allowing us to control for school-specific effects. Additionally we use an instrument to account for possible unobserved time-varying effects. For 9th grade students, our estimates indicate that a higher use of broadband Internet is detrimental for students' test scores, despite this effect seeming to be wearing off with time. We find that the adverse effect tends to be reinforced for boys and weakened for girls, compared to the pooled estimates. We also find that schools with worse performance right before the introduction of broadband Internet in schools suffered the most. Our results suggest that introduction of broadband Internet in schools is not enough to improve students' performance. Broadband deployment in schools needs to be accompanied by complementary measures that support the use of the technology in productive ways.
- Changing perspectives on disability and technology: events, trends and personal choicesPublication . Hoogerwerf, Evert-Jan; Andrich, Renzo; Bühler, Christian; Craddock, Gerald; Witte, Luc de; Encarnação, Pedro; Mavrou, Katerina; Miesenberger, KlausIn this chapter, eight (past-)presidents of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) reflect on their personal engagement with the technology and disability field. The result is a patchwork of personal contributions, reflecting aspects of the contemporary history of Assistive Technology in its broadest sense, relevant for our collective memory and for those attracted to this field for their professional career.
- O exercício do poder disciplinar no ordenamento jurídico angolanoPublication . Nigiolela, MárciaO Exercício do poder disciplinar é uma reflexão científica, com elementos práticos relevantes, sobre a realidade jurídica do exercício deste direito conferido por lei ao empregador. Na obra, a autora discorre sobre o âmbito de aplicação do mesmo, a sua natureza e as consequências. Fica de fora o exercício do poder disciplinar na função pública por ser uma matéria reservada a outro ramo do Direito que não o Direito do Trabalho, área de investigação da autora.
- Guidelines for supporting children with disabilities' play: methodologies, tools, and contextsPublication . Encarnação, Pedro; Ray-Kaeser, Sylvie; Bianquin, NicoleAll children want to play. This is also true for children with disabilities. Facilitating their engagement in play, whatever children’s capacities, is a central premise of people who view play as fundamental for their development and well-being. Play for the sake of play, just for recreational pleasure and enjoyment, without any secondary goal. In this book you’ll find guidelines to support children with disabilities’ play. They can be a useful tool for ensuring that children with disabilities can fully enjoy their right to play, for improving the quality of children’s play, enhancing their play satisfaction and participation, and reducing play deprivation. Written in a lay-person language, providing ready-to-use information, this book is for parents, teachers, rehabilitation professionals, toy manufacturers, policy makers and in general for all of those interested in the topic of play for children with disabilities. This publication results from the research and work of a transdisciplinary team, all participants in the COST Action “LUDI - Play for Children with Disabilities”.
- How humans judge machinesPublication . Hidalgo, César A.; Orghian, Diana; Canals, Jordi Albo; Almeida, Filipa de; Martin, NataliaHow would you feel about losing your job to a machine? How about a tsunami alert system that fails? Would you react differently to acts of discrimination depending on whether they were carried out by a machine or by a human? What about public surveillance? How Humans Judge Machines compares people's reactions to actions performed by humans and machines. Using data collected in dozens of experiments, this book reveals the biases that permeate human-machine interactions. Are there conditions in which we judge machines unfairly? Is our judgment of machines affected by the moral dimensions of a scenario? Is our judgment of machine correlated with demographic factors such as education or gender? César Hidalgo and colleagues use hard science to take on these pressing technological questions. Using randomized experiments, they create revealing counterfactuals and build statistical models to explain how people judge artificial intelligence and whether they do it fairly. Through original research, How Humans Judge Machines bring us one step closer to understanding the ethical consequences of AI.
- Introducing LUDI: a research network on play for children with disabilitiesPublication . Besio, Serenella; Carnesecchi, Marco; Encarnação, PedroThis paper presents LUDI, an interdisciplinary network of research centred on the topic of play for children with disabilities. The primary aim of the network is to ensure the theme is given the widest recognition as an independent field of research and intervention. Currently, the network comprises over 80 researchers and practitioners from 27 European countries. It is funded by the EU COST Programme through the means of an interdisciplinary Action started in May 2014 and lasting four years. The present contribution will discuss the scientific and social background and their implications that lead to the creation of the network, activities carried out during the first year of the Action and introduces the expected results of the ongoing activities.
- Introduction of non-topological costs in syntactic analyses: the case of Gulbenkian estatePublication . Fernandes, Pedro AfonsoSpace syntax is a set of theories and techniques for analysing urban settlements and buildings. Focused on the study of the configuration of convex spaces, space syntax is based on the concept of topological depth, that is, in the number of steps to go from some space (or axial line) to every other space in a spatial complex. Typically, non-topological costs like stairs, ramps, accentuated slopes or walls are not considered in space syntax analyses, or are incorporated in an insufficient fashion, namely, with the arbitrary introduction of axial lines in order to increase depth. This article proposes an innovative method to deal with these costs that uses logic programming with Prolog language. In this way, it is possible to better understand the relative segregation of the Gulbenkian estate within its urban environment, the city of Odivelas near Lisbon (Portugal), noting that it was the largest public housing estate built within the scope of the resettlement plan for those displaced by the great floods of November 25-26, 1967, established by the Ministry of Public Works and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in the late 1960s.
- Liderar equipas de trabalho: desafios e boas práticasPublication . Caeiro, LuísA liderança de equipas é a área da gestão em que é mais difícil pôr as ideias a resolver os desafios do dia a dia. O objetivo deste livro é ajudar a fazer a ponte entre a teoria e a prática: compreender os processos de grupo, as funções de liderança e a forma como os vivencia, para adotar as melhores práticas nos cenários concretos de trabalho. O livro convida-o também a uma experiência desafiante: olhar para si como líder de equipa e questionar as práticas habituais para compreender melhor os efeitos no seu desempenho pessoal, na equipa e na organização. São apresentados instrumentos de avaliação das funções de liderança e dos processos de grupo, para aprofundar o conhecimento da equipa, a autoconsciência dos comportamentos de liderança e a avaliação dos impactos nos parceiros. No final de cada tópico sistematizam-se as melhores práticas e as condicionantes da sua aplicação.
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