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Guidelines for supporting children with disabilities' play: methodologies, tools, and contexts

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All children want to play. This is also true for children with disabilities. Facilitating their engagement in play, whatever children’s capacities, is a central premise of people who view play as fundamental for their development and well-being. Play for the sake of play, just for recreational pleasure and enjoyment, without any secondary goal. In this book you’ll find guidelines to support children with disabilities’ play. They can be a useful tool for ensuring that children with disabilities can fully enjoy their right to play, for improving the quality of children’s play, enhancing their play satisfaction and participation, and reducing play deprivation. Written in a lay-person language, providing ready-to-use information, this book is for parents, teachers, rehabilitation professionals, toy manufacturers, policy makers and in general for all of those interested in the topic of play for children with disabilities. This publication results from the research and work of a transdisciplinary team, all participants in the COST Action “LUDI - Play for Children with Disabilities”.




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