Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2022-02-03"
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- Mulheres, criminalidade e reclusão : narrativas de mulheres ex-reclusas por crime de tráfico de drogaPublication . Almeida, Nadira Sandy Querido; Vieira, Isabel Maria Paula Amado de FreitasA presente investigação busca, por um lado, compreender as trajetórias de vida das mulheres ex-reclusas por crime relacionados com tráfico de drogas e por outro, identificar as consequências do cárcere nos seus projetos de vida. A pesquisa parte do pressuposto de que percursos de risco influenciam a entrada dessas mulheres para o crime e, tentamos analisar esses percursos, nos distintos momentos da vida dessas mulheres, quando estas optaram pela entrada para o crime de tráfico de drogas. Temos também como objetivo contribuir com algum tipo de suporte para o planeamento de estratégias de prevenção e repensar as políticas e/ou intervenções levadas a cabo junto destas mulheres, com a finalidade de reinserção social. Paralelamente a isso, buscamos identificar quais as transformações desencadeadas pela experiência da prisão e estudar essas trajetórias que conduziram essas mulheres ao cárcere, delineando os fatores e/ou elementos que as levaram cometer o crime de tráfico de droga, tendo como base o discurso das mulheres. A pandemia gerada pelo SARS2-Covid 19, impediu-nos o acesso ao campo e criou diversos constrangimentos no processo de recolha de dados, o que condicionou o desenho da investigação e os resultados obtidos, traduzindo-se em várias limitações.
- Artists going digital to overcome Covid-19 in Brazil’s musical scene : Caetano Veloso case studyPublication . Requixa, Maria Ribeiro de Campos Tavares; Victorino, Mariana Hidalgo Barata MartinsThe Covid-19 pandemic represents an unprecedented global crisis. It has transformed society, changed consumption patterns, and drastically affected various fields, such as the cultural sector. Consequently, restrictions on staying at home and policies of social distancing have imposed countless challenges for one of the most representative pillars of this sector: the music industry. Thus, the singularity of the condition generated by the pandemic led much of cultural life to adapt to digital platforms. The music industry was faced with the need to reinvent itself, and the increasing prevalence of artists on social networks was observed, translating into an opportunity for the sector. Throughout 2020, their use allowed several musicians to record performances from their homes, give concerts online, collaborate with other artists, and communicate with their fans. This dissertation aims to investigate how social media has the potential to significantly contribute to overcome a crisis such as Covid-19, in one of the sectors and countries most affected by the pandemic, the Brazilian music industry. One of the main players of this industry, in Brazil, will be used as a case study: how, the iconic and unmistakable Caetano Veloso, at the age of 79, used one of these platforms, Instagram, to adapt to the new reality, and how this impacted his career and audience is analyzed.
- Trabalho em plataformas digitais : a qualificação do vínculo contratualPublication . Machado, Cátia Inês Araújo; Ribeiro, Ana Teresa da Silva FerreiraNo presente estudo propomo-nos a analisar o enquadramento dos prestadores em plataformas digitais, no âmbito do ordenamento jurídico laboral português, começando por abordar o fenómeno da economia on-demand, o conceito de trabalhador à luz do ordenamento jurídico português e do direito da união europeia. Por fim, analisaremos decisões de instâncias internacionais e comparadas e tentaremos apresentar uma solução para problema apresentado.
- The effect of home office on the quality of working life in terms of a global pandemicPublication . Simon, Corinna; Fernandes, Daniel Von Der HeydeThe global pandemic changed the way of working for people worldwide due to social distancing measures. From a managerial perspective, it is essential to understand how the implementation of home office affects jobs and consequently employees' quality of working life (QWL). The objective of this dissertation was to study the reliability of the proposed theory of Hackman and Oldham (1975) in times of a global pandemic and home office. Moreover, the aim was to use this framework to understand the effects of home office on the QWL. The results confirm the general approach of Hackman and Oldham with minor exceptions and provide relevant insights about the job changes due to the implementation of home office and their effects on satisfaction as a representative of QWL. The empirical research provides evidence that the implementation of home office increased employees' autonomy and required skill variety in order to perform their job since working from home. In contrast, employees perceive their jobs as less significant, identify less with their jobs and receive less feedback since working from home, which affects satisfaction negatively. The empirical results indicate that the QWL of employees is negatively affected by the implementation of home office.
- How do individual and cultural characteristics influence the propensity to shop online?Publication . Grosso, Inês Barata Lameira de Morgadinho; Fernandes, Daniel Von Der HeydeThe pandemic has brought global attention to a practice that has been studied over the past few years and is called eCommerce. This online phenomenon has become more relevant in the last decade and it is expected to remain this way for a long period of time. It has changed the daily lives of millions of people around the world and led to the success of some high-tech companies, as well as the bankruptcy of other enterprises. However, despite the spread of online purchases, there is still a portion of people that seems to resist it. This paper will acknowledge and explore the individual and cultural characteristics that motivate or preclude consumers from buying online. Why do some people adapt and others resist to the new form of retail? The paper results showed that age, education and income have significant impacts in online adherence. Moreover, consumers that spend more time on the Internet and have a computer or a tablet are more likely to engage in eCommerce. Culture and Political Orientations showed significant positive effects in the propensity to shop online, namely: Individualism and Liberal Political Orientation.
- The role of cruelty-free and vegan logos on purchase intention : investigating the effects of certification, logo recognizability and pro-environmental attitudePublication . Cardoso, Bárbara Marques Freire; Romeiro, Paulo Alexandre Mendes RamosAs consumers become increasingly aware of the negative environmental consequences of buying certain products, they demand more transparency and responsible behaviors from manufacturers. In this context, eco-labels emerge to empower shoppers with knowledge so that they can make informed sustainable purchases. However, since there is a vast number of eco-labels on the market, brands need to choose wisely the logos that will add some value to customers, in terms of environmental implications, without overwhelming or growing mistrust. This dissertation aims to clarify how eco-label communication impacts the purchase intention of skincare by using two types of logos: cruelty-free and vegan. It further explores if certification influences consumers’ buying decisions. For such, an online survey was distributed, and the results indicated that logo communication has a positive impact on purchase intention, as does certification. However, the two logos used did not show significant differences between them. Hence we argue that different claims do not matter in this case. Additionally, other variables were incorporated. Logo recognizability exhibited a positive effect on purchase intention, and pro-environmental attitude moderated the relationship that eco-labels have on the willingness to purchase. In conclusion, this study gives marketers relevant insights on how they can increase purchase intention by incorporating eco-labels in their products, which can be translated into higher sales volume.
- How scarcity messages influence consumers’ willingness to pay : the mediation effect of perceived exclusivityPublication . Monteiro, Carolina Martins Leitão Pardal; Romeiro, Paulo Alexandre Mendes RamosScarcity messages are marketing strategies known to leverage businesses’ sales and profits. Common well-known types are limited, special and seasonal editions, usually associated with the luxury industry. In consumers’ minds, the high prices are justified by the hedonic feelings they generate. In a FMCG context, the purpose of this investigation is to understand how scarcity messagesinfluence consumers’ willingness to pay, considering the mediated effect of perceived exclusivity on this relationship. The research approach started by a focus group, whose findings allowed to choose the chocolate industry as the center of this investigation, as well as the creation and confirmation of four stimuli representing limited, special, seasonal and regular edition chocolates of an imaginary brand, “Fenice”. Followingly, the main study resided on an online survey to gather data from a wider sample, from which a quantitative analysis was executed using IBM SPSS Statistics. The findings show scarcity messages increase consumers’ willingness to pay, with limited editions having the highest impact, followed by regular, special and seasonal editions. Additionally, it was also concluded that perceived exclusivity has a positive effect on the relationship between scarcity messages and willingness to pay. As for future research, seasonal editions could be explored in further detail, as well as their impact on consumers’ willingness to pay.