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Introdução: A reabilitação oral protética fixa pode ser executada com recurso a retentores
dentários ou, na sua ausência, utilizando implantes dentários. A existência de limitações
anatómicas e morfológicas pode impedir que o implante seja colocado na sua posição
protética ideal, dificultando a reabilitação. Devido a essas limitações, podem surgir diversos
problemas, como por exemplo, o comprometimento estético associado ao aparecimento do
canal de acesso do parafuso em áreas visíveis. Para contornar essa situação, foram
desenvolvidas soluções dinâmicas com “angled screw channels” que permitem que o
acesso ao canal do parafuso seja feito com recurso a uma chave de aperto multiangular.
Materiais e Métodos: Com o intuito de testar o comportamento mecânico de 3 soluções
dinâmicas de aparafusamento (BHS30®, UBH30® 4 estrias, UBH30® 6 estrias), foi realizado
um estudo laboratorial, que se dividiu em dois ensaios distintos. Num primeiro ensaio, as
amostras de cada sistema foram apertadas com o torque recomendado de 30, a 0º e
a 30º, e foram realizados 10 e 30 ciclos de aperto. Foi igualmente testado um sistema de
parafuso não angulado da Neodent® como meio de comparação. No final de cada intervalo
de repetições, o parafuso e a chave de aperto foram analisados com recurso a lupas de
laboratório com o intuito de analisar a presença de possíveis deformações e alterações de
superfície. No segundo ensaio, os mesmos sistemas foram submetidos a um torque
progressivo até que ocorreu fratura e/ou deformação de um dos componentes de forma a
determinar o valor de torque máximo que estes suportam. Posteriormente, os mesmos
foram igualmente analisados com as lupas de laboratório de forma a caracterizar a falha.
Resultados: Comparando os valores médios de torque entre o sistema reto e as soluções
dinâmicas, não se verificou a existência de diferenças significativas. Por sua vez,
comparando os diferentes sistemas dinâmicos, verificou-se que o sistema UBH30® de 4
estrias é aquele que apresenta valores médios de torque mais elevados, sendo também o
único sistema que não apresenta variações nos valores de torque entre a angulação de 0º
e 30º. O sistema BHS30® é aquele que suporta valores de torque máximo mais elevados.
Conclusão: Dentro das limitações deste estudo experimental, verifica-se que estas
soluções dinâmicas podem ser consideradas uma opção viável na implantologia, desde que
se respeite o comportamento biomecânico dos materiais. No entanto, são necessários mais
estudos para comprovar a sua aplicabilidade clínica e o sucesso das reabilitações
protéticas executadas a longo prazo.
Introduction: Fixed prosthetic oral rehabilitation can be performed using dental retainers or, in their absence, using dental implants. The existence of anatomical and morphological limitations can prevent the implant from being placed in an ideal prosthetic position, making rehabilitation a challenge. Due to these limitations, several problems can arise, for example, the aesthetic compromise associated with the appearance of the screw access channel in visible areas. To overcome this situation, dynamic solutions with “angled screw channels” were developed, which allow access to the screw channel using a multiangular screwdriver. Materials and Methods: To test the mechanical behavior of 3 dynamic solutions (BHS30®, UBH30® 4 grooves, UBH30® 6 grooves) a laboratorial study was carried out, which was divided into two tests. In the first test, the samples of each system were tightened with the recommended torque of 30, at 0º and 30º, and 10 and 30 tightening cycles were performed. It was also tested a Neodent® standard screw as a way of comparison. At the end of each interval of repetitions, the screw and the screwdriver were analyzed using laboratory loupes in order to analyze the presence of possible deformations and surface changes. In the second test, the same systems were submitted to a progressive torque until a fracture and/or deformation of one of the components occurred, in order to be able to determine the maximum torque value that they support. Later, they were also analyzed with laboratory loupes in order to characterize the failure. Results: Comparing the mean values of torque between the standard system used and the dynamic solutions, it wasn’t verified the existence of significant differences. Comparing the different dynamic systems, it was found that the UBH30® 4 grooves is the one with the highest average torque values, being also the only system that doesn’t show variations in torque values between 0º and 30º. BHS30® is the system that supports higher maximum torque values. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this experimental study, it seems that these dynamic solutions can be considered a viable option in implantology, as long as the biomechanical behavior of the materials is respected. However, further studies are needed to prove the clinical applicability and the long-term success of prosthetic rehabilitations.
Introduction: Fixed prosthetic oral rehabilitation can be performed using dental retainers or, in their absence, using dental implants. The existence of anatomical and morphological limitations can prevent the implant from being placed in an ideal prosthetic position, making rehabilitation a challenge. Due to these limitations, several problems can arise, for example, the aesthetic compromise associated with the appearance of the screw access channel in visible areas. To overcome this situation, dynamic solutions with “angled screw channels” were developed, which allow access to the screw channel using a multiangular screwdriver. Materials and Methods: To test the mechanical behavior of 3 dynamic solutions (BHS30®, UBH30® 4 grooves, UBH30® 6 grooves) a laboratorial study was carried out, which was divided into two tests. In the first test, the samples of each system were tightened with the recommended torque of 30, at 0º and 30º, and 10 and 30 tightening cycles were performed. It was also tested a Neodent® standard screw as a way of comparison. At the end of each interval of repetitions, the screw and the screwdriver were analyzed using laboratory loupes in order to analyze the presence of possible deformations and surface changes. In the second test, the same systems were submitted to a progressive torque until a fracture and/or deformation of one of the components occurred, in order to be able to determine the maximum torque value that they support. Later, they were also analyzed with laboratory loupes in order to characterize the failure. Results: Comparing the mean values of torque between the standard system used and the dynamic solutions, it wasn’t verified the existence of significant differences. Comparing the different dynamic systems, it was found that the UBH30® 4 grooves is the one with the highest average torque values, being also the only system that doesn’t show variations in torque values between 0º and 30º. BHS30® is the system that supports higher maximum torque values. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this experimental study, it seems that these dynamic solutions can be considered a viable option in implantology, as long as the biomechanical behavior of the materials is respected. However, further studies are needed to prove the clinical applicability and the long-term success of prosthetic rehabilitations.
Implantes dentários Pilares dentários Pilares angulados Canais de parafuso angulado Soluções dinâmicas Ball Head System Universal Ball Head Dental implants Dental abutments Angled abutments Angled screw channel Dynamic solutions