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Louchet, Chantal
Atravessando as fronteiras geográficas, a publicidade tem que se adaptar à nova realidade do país onde vai ser transportada. Escolhemos nesse artigo estudar a recetividade da publicidade televisiva da famosa “Vache qui rit” francesa em Portugal, quais foram as escolhas / as adaptações dos tradutores para fazer passar a mensagem de marketing deste produto especifico num país outro que a França, analisando não só o texto de partida francês e a sua tradução portuguesa mas antes de mais recordando o contexto, a sua importância na interpretação porque só há discurso contextualizado, sabendo que não podemos realmente atribuir um significado a um enunciado fora de contexto.
When crossing geographical borders, advertising must adapt to the new reality of the country to which it will be transported. In this article, we have chosen to study the responsiveness of television advertising for the famous French “Laughing Cow” in Portugal, what were the choices/adaptations made by the translators to convey the marketing message of this specific product in a country other than France, analysing not only the French source text and its Portuguese translation, but first of all by recalling the context, its importanceinthe interpretationprocessbecause there is only contextualized discourse,and we know that meaning cannot truly be assigned to utterances that are out of context.
When crossing geographical borders, advertising must adapt to the new reality of the country to which it will be transported. In this article, we have chosen to study the responsiveness of television advertising for the famous French “Laughing Cow” in Portugal, what were the choices/adaptations made by the translators to convey the marketing message of this specific product in a country other than France, analysing not only the French source text and its Portuguese translation, but first of all by recalling the context, its importanceinthe interpretationprocessbecause there is only contextualized discourse,and we know that meaning cannot truly be assigned to utterances that are out of context.
Tradução Publicidade Recetividade La vache qui rit A vaca que ri Translation Advertising Receptivity