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O nosso trabalho prende-se com o estudo da responsabilidade do banco pela não concessão de crédito. Dedicámo-nos a estudar apenas os casos de validade ou invalidade da interrupção ou recusa de concessão de um novo crédito. Focar-nos-emos somente no plano da ilicitude. Ao longo da Dissertação abordaremos temas como a responsabilidade extracontratual e contratual, dando enfoque a esta última. Será a partir desta que o nosso Estudo se começará a desenvolver. Consequentemente, optámos por estudar, de facto, uma estrutura contratual, refletindo sobre as suas características, o Contrato de Abertura de Crédito. O nosso grande objetivo, através da análise de minutas contratuais, foi o de responder a uma questão: quais os recortes negativos da obrigação de conceder crédito, havendo um vínculo contratual entre o creditante – o banco – e um creditado – o cliente.
Our research is dedicated to the examination of the Bank's Accountability for Failure to Extend Credit. We have only studied the cases of validity or invalidity of the interruption or refusal to grant new credit. We will focus only on the level of unlawfulness. Throughout the dissertation, we shall delve into matters encompassing both noncontractual and contractual liability, with a particular emphasis on the last. This will serve as the starting point for the progression of our study. As a result, considering the previously mentioned factors, we have opted to indeed investigate a contractual framework, in which we will contemplate the characteristics of the Credit Opening Contract. With this in mind, and through the scrutiny of contractual drafts, our primary objective was to address a fundamental query: What are the adverse facets linked to the responsibility of granting credit, particularly in scenarios where a contractual nexus exists among the creditor, the bank, and the party being credited, the customer.
Our research is dedicated to the examination of the Bank's Accountability for Failure to Extend Credit. We have only studied the cases of validity or invalidity of the interruption or refusal to grant new credit. We will focus only on the level of unlawfulness. Throughout the dissertation, we shall delve into matters encompassing both noncontractual and contractual liability, with a particular emphasis on the last. This will serve as the starting point for the progression of our study. As a result, considering the previously mentioned factors, we have opted to indeed investigate a contractual framework, in which we will contemplate the characteristics of the Credit Opening Contract. With this in mind, and through the scrutiny of contractual drafts, our primary objective was to address a fundamental query: What are the adverse facets linked to the responsibility of granting credit, particularly in scenarios where a contractual nexus exists among the creditor, the bank, and the party being credited, the customer.
Banco Cláusula Concessão de crédito Contrato de abertura de crédito Contrato Creditado Creditante Empresa Exigibilidade antecipada Interrupção de crédito Minuta contratual Responsabilidade civil Responsabilidade contratual e extracontratual Responsabilidade obrigacional Bank Clause Granting credit Credit opening contract Contract Credited Creditor Company Early demand Credit interruption Contractual drafts Civil liability Contractual liability Obligation liability