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Numa Era fortemente marcada pela evolução tecnológica, a par de uma sociedade pautada
pelo consumo, assiste-se a um aumento desenfreado de opções de compra para o
consumidor. Devido a este leque alargado de produtos e serviços, o consumidor é
constantemente abordado pelas diversas marcas existentes no mercado através das suas
ações de comunicação. Como consequência, o desenvolvimento de uma atenção seletiva
afigura-se compreensível. Cabe às marcas encontrar formas de concentrar a atenção do
consumidor e é aqui que surge a diferenciação como fator essencial para o valor da marca.
De acordo com o modelo concetual de Aaker, o brand equity engloba um conjunto de
características que contribuem para a valorização da marca – lealdade, notoriedade,
qualidade percebida, associações à marca e outros ativos. A identidade e imagem da marca
são atributos que estão diretamente ligados ao seu valor, pelo que o Prisma da Identidade
da Marca de Kapferer se baseia numa coerência entre aquilo que a marca defende ser,
através dos seus valores identitários, e aquilo que é percecionado pelos seus stakeholders.
Com este estudo, ambicionou-se perceber se a perceção do valor da marca Millennium
bcp, junto dos clientes, reflete os seus valores identitários. O Brand Equity Ten de Aaker e
o Prisma da Identidade da Marca de Kapferer representam os modelos teóricos nos quais a
presente investigação se baseou. Os resultados obtidos permitiram validar quatro das cinco
hipóteses postuladas. Assim, foi possível aferir que os clientes do Millennium bcp, estão
familiarizados com a marca, reconhecem a qualidade dos seus produtos e serviços,
associam-lhe sentimentos positivos à mesma e identificam os seus valores identitários,
apesar de não se considerarem totalmente fiéis à marca. Foi ainda verificável uma
consonância entre a identidade e a perceção da marca pelos clientes, o que abona a favor
do valor da marca Millennium bcp.
In an age strongly marked by technological developments and a consumer society, there has been a rampant increase in buying options. Because of the wide range of products and services available, consumers are in constant contact with innumerable brands in the market through communication actions. As a consequence, the development of selective attention is understandable. It is up to brands to find ways to focus consumer attention, and this is where differentiation emerges as an essential factor for brand value. According to Aaker's conceptual model, brand equity encompasses a set of characteristics that contribute to brand valuation: brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations, and other assets. Brand identity and image are attributes that are directly linked to value, so Kapferer's Brand Identity Prism is based on the coherence between what a brand claims to be, through its identity values, and what is perceived by stakeholders. This study aims to understand whether the perception of the value of the Millennium bcp brand among customers reflects the bank’s identity values. Aaker's Brand Equity Ten and Kapferer's Brand Identity Prism are the theoretical models on which this research was based. The results obtained validate four of the five hypotheses postulated. It was possible to infer that Millennium bcp's customers are familiar with the brand, recognize the quality of its products and services, associate positive feelings with it, and are aware of its identity values, althought do not consider themselves completely loyal to the brand. A match between the identity and the perception of the brand by the customers was also verified, which supports the brand valuation of Millennium bcp.
In an age strongly marked by technological developments and a consumer society, there has been a rampant increase in buying options. Because of the wide range of products and services available, consumers are in constant contact with innumerable brands in the market through communication actions. As a consequence, the development of selective attention is understandable. It is up to brands to find ways to focus consumer attention, and this is where differentiation emerges as an essential factor for brand value. According to Aaker's conceptual model, brand equity encompasses a set of characteristics that contribute to brand valuation: brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations, and other assets. Brand identity and image are attributes that are directly linked to value, so Kapferer's Brand Identity Prism is based on the coherence between what a brand claims to be, through its identity values, and what is perceived by stakeholders. This study aims to understand whether the perception of the value of the Millennium bcp brand among customers reflects the bank’s identity values. Aaker's Brand Equity Ten and Kapferer's Brand Identity Prism are the theoretical models on which this research was based. The results obtained validate four of the five hypotheses postulated. It was possible to infer that Millennium bcp's customers are familiar with the brand, recognize the quality of its products and services, associate positive feelings with it, and are aware of its identity values, althought do not consider themselves completely loyal to the brand. A match between the identity and the perception of the brand by the customers was also verified, which supports the brand valuation of Millennium bcp.
Brand equity Identidade da marca Imagem da marca Perceção Valores Brand identity Brand image Perception Identity values