Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2019-12-06"
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- Financial literacy amongst Portuguese students attending higher education on business related coursesPublication . Sebastião, Rui Pedro Assureira Ferreira Silva; Silva, Susana Cristina Lima da Costa e; Duarte, Paulo Alexandre de OliveiraFinancial markets are global and financial products that are increasingly complex. Therefore, an individual’s financial knowledge is vital for informed decision-making enabling the best personal financial management possible. Given the importance of financial literacy in people’s lives, its determinants have tried to be identified to understand how it influences financial literacy levels, namely among young people. Hence, the goal of this study will be to assess the level of financial literacy of young Portuguese students, addressing the impact of the level of education on the financial literacy of college students. To test this, data from a questionnaire distributed to both Bachelor’s and Master’s students in business related courses at higher education institutions (namely Coimbra Business School and the Economics Faculty of Coimbra University) and through social media (namely Facebook) were analysed. The main findings were that both the level of the degree being studied (whether either a bachelor’s or master’s degree is being studied) and the academic background of the individual’s parents have a positive impact on financial literacy. Furthermore, the level of financial literacy of Portuguese students attending higher education is low, especially in terms of their knowledge of the main financial concepts.
- Understanding the factors that are preventing online shopping from thriving in PortugalPublication . Morais, Ana Luísa Nogueira; Silva, Susana Cristina Lima da Costa e; Martins, Carla Sofia CarvalhoThe primary objective of this master thesis is to understand which factors have an impact on the opinion and behavior of the Portuguese population regarding online shopping. It aims to identify and understand which factors have a negative or a positive impact on the subject at hand. Regarding the identification of the relevant factors that affect online shopping, a research work was done over articles and other papers that mention the several aspects of online shopping, whether these studies were in Portugal or not, and whether these factors actually demonstrate an impact on the online shopping, and if so, how do these factors affect consumer behavior regarding online shopping. The identified factors are product risk, financial risk, convenience risk, non-delivery risk, convenience, price and advantages of the conventional mall. After listing the factors that have an impact on the online shopping mall, a questionnaire was exclusively carried out for the Portuguese population in order to evaluate the different factors in counterpart of the online shopping frequency of the respondents. With the answers collected from the questionnaire, the data were analyzed, showing a negative impact of the different risk factors (product risk, financial risk, non-delivery risk and convenience risk) and the advantages of conventional shopping malls, and a positive impact of the factor price and convenience factor in the frequency of online shopping. An analysis was also made of the same data obtained according to the demographic variables: age, gender and school education level, proving the differences in the impact that the demographic variables bring to the results obtained.
- Criatividade e design : um estudo exploratório dos processos de criação em contexto organizacionalPublication . Bicho, Daniela Alexandra Crespo; Costa, Helena Gil da; Teixeira, Luís Miguel LopesQuais os processos criativos que empresas de design utilizam no desenvolvimento dos seus projetos? Esta questão orientou a presente investigação, num estudo exploratório dos processos criativos em contexto organizacional, em que se descreve o processo e as estratégias utilizados no desenvolvimento de projetos. Através de uma perspetiva sistémica da criatividade o processo criativo é identificado tendo em conta, a estrutura da organização (os colaboradores e parceiros), alguns factores que podem influenciar (bloquear ou estimular) a produção de ideias (intrínsecos e extrínsecos) bem como, os produtos desenvolvidos pela organização. Da análise de dados resulta uma reflexão final sobre novas possibilidades no entendimento do processo criativo considerando o tempo fator essencial nas organizações e na vida profissional-pessoal de cada um de nós. A criatividade é, por fim, entendida como uma atitude.
- Écriture collaborative en cours de langue étrangère: une expérience entre des étudiants universitaires en France et au PortugalPublication . Beaufils, Anne-France; Louchet, Marie Joelle LouchetCet article présente une expérience réalisée avec deux classes d’étudiants de l’Université Catholique Portugaise (niveaux A2 et B1), Lisbonne, Portugal et une classe d’étudiants de l’Université Paul Valéry (niveau A2), Montpellier, France. L’étude a pour but d’observer dans quelle mesure l’écriture collaborative peut avoir un impact sur l’apprentissage et sur la motivation des étudiants. Le logiciel FramaPad a été utilisé avec des étudiants des deux pays, les uns apprenantla langue des autres.L’approche qualitative a été choisie et les données ont été recueillies par un questionnaire que les participants ont rempli. Les données ont ensuite été analysées selon les techniques d’analyse de contenu.L’écriture collaborative, au même titre que d’autres outils relevant des TIC, apparaît comme un moyen approprié pour renforcer l’implication et la motivation des étudiants,mais également pour promouvoir l’apprentissage, étant donné que les étudiants ont la possibilité d’être créatifs et interagir avec leurs pairs dans une approche d’enseignement/apprentissage centrée sur l’apprenant.
- Factors driving to the propensity to purchase luxury second-hand fashion and apparelPublication . Almeida, Catarina Andreia Da Silva; Silva, Susana Costa e; Duarte, Paulo De OliveiraNo longer restricted to the consumption of brand-new luxury goods, the alternative reselling of luxury goods is becoming a common practice among consumers. Largely neglected, second-hand consumption has been redefined in today’s retail marketplace and among individuals’ opinion due to several changes of the consumerist society, increasing the willingness to adopt new shopping alternatives. Once strictly reserved to only brand-new goods, today´s second-hand luxury is now generating a challenge for luxury well received among consumers. The purpose of this investigation is to analyze the second-hand luxury market and determine the factors which drive to second-hand luxury consumption. The topic of second-hand luxury is still largely ignored by the scientific researchers and yet the phenomenon is becoming strong among costumers, since many unexplored questions underlying the motivational factors are still to be discovered. After analyzing the motivational factors of consumption of both second-hand and luxury, six individuals living in Monaco were selected to conduct interviews concerning their luxury second-hand consumption habits. Among respondents, three were store managers of second-hand luxury and the other three were enthusiasts and loyal clients of this studied model. In order to determine the motivational "engines" of the second-hand luxury consumption, a qualitative method followed by a content analysis was the research technique considered the most appropriate to collect, interpret and finally analyze the outcomes Findings – The results show that five dimensions “Need for Uniqueness”, “Extrinsic Motivations”, “Intrinsic Motivations”, “Product-Related - Authenticity” and “Fear of Inauthenticity” are the motivational "engines" of second-hand luxury consumption. The study found that the need for uniqueness is the central aspect influencing the consumption of second-hand luxury. On the contrary, the fear of inauthenticity is considered as a negative influencer of this studied model. However, this study revealed that the dimension of second-hand luxury is dominated by the hedonic values and luxury effect on consumers. Unexpected at first sight, ethical and sustainable reasons were found as emerging behavioral attitudes driving consumers to second-hand luxury.
- Plano de marketing para o segmento de mercado de aerossóis da Colep na EuropaPublication . Santos, Mariana Joanes Rodrigues dos; Silva, Susana Cristina Lima da Costa eO presente relatório de estágio foi desenvolvido em contexto de trabalho na Colep Portugal, S.A. e visa desenvolver um Plano de Marketing para o segmento de mercado de aerossóis na Europa, com base numa estratégia industrial e business-to-business (B2B). O objetivo foi criar um sistema de Marketing focado nos clientes, com vista a melhorar a relação com os já existentes, torná-la mais duradoura e expandir a atividade para novos mercados, conquistando assim novos clientes. Para a consecução deste objetivo, numa fase inicial descreve-se a empresa num conjunto de variáveis qualitativas e quantitativas, através do Modelo dos 7 S’s e do Marketing Mix atual. A fim de compreender as dimensões que envolvem a Colep e a atratividade da indústria em que o negócio se insere, procede-se ainda a outras três análises – PESTAL, Cinco Forças de Porter e SWOT. Numa segunda fase, tendo como base os dados recolhidos na primeira, propõem-se o planeamento, as estratégias e as ações de implementação. Considerando o período de estágio – aproximadamente seis meses –, não foi possível executar todas as atividades de planeamento necessárias para concluir o desenho do Plano de Marketing, pelo que a proposta apresentada poderá ser alvo de alterações.
- A perceção do valor de uma marca : estudo de caso : Millennium BCPPublication . Freire, Filipa Patraquim dos Santos; Brandão, Nuno Manuel Coelho de GoulartNuma Era fortemente marcada pela evolução tecnológica, a par de uma sociedade pautada pelo consumo, assiste-se a um aumento desenfreado de opções de compra para o consumidor. Devido a este leque alargado de produtos e serviços, o consumidor é constantemente abordado pelas diversas marcas existentes no mercado através das suas ações de comunicação. Como consequência, o desenvolvimento de uma atenção seletiva afigura-se compreensível. Cabe às marcas encontrar formas de concentrar a atenção do consumidor e é aqui que surge a diferenciação como fator essencial para o valor da marca. De acordo com o modelo concetual de Aaker, o brand equity engloba um conjunto de características que contribuem para a valorização da marca – lealdade, notoriedade, qualidade percebida, associações à marca e outros ativos. A identidade e imagem da marca são atributos que estão diretamente ligados ao seu valor, pelo que o Prisma da Identidade da Marca de Kapferer se baseia numa coerência entre aquilo que a marca defende ser, através dos seus valores identitários, e aquilo que é percecionado pelos seus stakeholders. Com este estudo, ambicionou-se perceber se a perceção do valor da marca Millennium bcp, junto dos clientes, reflete os seus valores identitários. O Brand Equity Ten de Aaker e o Prisma da Identidade da Marca de Kapferer representam os modelos teóricos nos quais a presente investigação se baseou. Os resultados obtidos permitiram validar quatro das cinco hipóteses postuladas. Assim, foi possível aferir que os clientes do Millennium bcp, estão familiarizados com a marca, reconhecem a qualidade dos seus produtos e serviços, associam-lhe sentimentos positivos à mesma e identificam os seus valores identitários, apesar de não se considerarem totalmente fiéis à marca. Foi ainda verificável uma consonância entre a identidade e a perceção da marca pelos clientes, o que abona a favor do valor da marca Millennium bcp.
- Market potential of yeast beta-glucans in the cosmetic industry within the Alchemy ProjectPublication . Soares, Ângela Sofia Marques; Silva, Maria da Conceição Andrade eThis thesis proposes to respond to an analysis of the market potential for an Amyris by-product - beta-glucans. Specifically, we intend to analyze the potential use of this byproduct in the cosmetics market worldwide. To this end, close contacts were established with the Alchemy project research team (a partnership between the Faculty of Biotechnology of the Portuguese Catholic University and Amyris), and a literature research was carried out, from market analysis to scientific studies on the potential and benefits of beta-glucans. These efforts resulted in a market analysis for the application of beta-glucans in the cosmetics industry, and for this purpose a swot analysis was carried out. Thus, we tried to list the advantages and disadvantages of the potential cosmetic product with beta-glucans, trying to guide the response to the market. The main conclusions point to the possibility of applying beta-glucans with different bioactivities in cosmetics, which is enhanced by biotechnological development. This leads to the development of high purity molecules, which contributes and increases the benefit associated to odor and allergenicity when applied to cosmetics. The application of these beta-glucans in cosmetic products can be commercialized in the Asian market due to their properties and market potential in the health care category, with the claim “lightening and brightening”. Beta-glucans are not yet well-known by the end consumer, which could be both a threat and an opportunity as the gap could result in a way for Amyris to stand out as a leader in transparency and to explain why its molecules are the best.As limitations of the present study, we can identify the fact that the research is still in its infancy and is a medium-long term project, as well as the difficulties of transposing the laboratory process to industrial reality. The study aims to monetize the by-products already existing in the process, thus increasing profitability, according to the assumptions of the circular economy.
- A perceção de valor de uma marca junto dos clientes : estudo de caso : Hotel EvoluteePublication . Águeda, Quélia Filipa Esgaio; Brandão, Nuno Manuel Coelho de GoulartNos últimos anos, as práticas usadas nos projetos de marketing e publicidade tem sofrido várias alterações para assim, chegarem aos consumidores que o marketing tradicional já não consegue alcançar. É nesta linha, que surgem novos tipos de marketing, como é o caso do marketing experiencial. Este tipo de marketing, adveio da necessidade de se gerarem estratégias diferenciadores e verdadeiramente eficazes como é o caso da experiência. A era digital, facilitou muito a criação de relações entre a marca e os consumidores e, em muitos casos, os consumidores conseguem experienciar os produtos e serviços mesmo antes de chegarem ao meio físico. O presente estudo tem assim como finalidade aferir a perceção do valor da marca a partir dos seus clientes, ou seja, avaliar se a empresa está a criar um relacionamento com os mesmos, de forma a que estes promovam o brand equity pelos domínios digitais. E apurar quais os indicadores do valor da marca, como a lealdade, notoriedade, qualidade percebida, associações à marca e outros ativos, que os clientes do hotel Evolutee mais valorizam. Os principais resultados permitiram que se pudesse validar as cinco hipóteses em estudo. Mais precisamente os clientes do hotel Evolutee demonstraram uma ligação de lealdade com a marca; reconhecem a qualidade nos serviços prestados; e consideram de modo acentuados os valores das associações à marca. Validando assim, todos os indicadores do valor da marca o que também se denotou revelante pelo facto de mais de 60% dos inquiridos já ter estado mais de uma vez, nos últimos três anos, no hotel Evolutee
- Between soft power and cultural diplomacy : a case study of the Louvre Abu DhabiPublication . Poiret, Martin Antoine; Cachola, Ana Cristina PiresThe Louvre Abu Dhabi has opened in November 2017 on Saadiyat Island. The cultural cooperation between France and the UAE to build the first universal museum in the region provides a variety of elements that this research intends to conciliate, contextualise and explore under the scope of culture studies in order to address the museum institution not necessarily as a repository for works of art and their conservation, but rather as an object through which power dynamics operate. As constantly evolving and redefined place, this dissertation interrogates the 21st century’s museum institution and its missions through the case study of the Louvre Abu Dhabi. Of all times, the museum institution has been, through cultural policies, bearing political projections and the Louvre is no exception as it played a significant role within France’ changing landscape after the revolution. Today, museums such as the Louvre still are flagships of national politics, but their recent development abroad assigned them other missions. Indeed, in a global context of international relations and cultural diplomacy, they tend to become accurate vehicles for a nation’s soft power and its representation outside its borders. At the crossroads of museum studies, political sciences, and international relations, this dissertation will attempt to bring a global understanding of how the Louvre Abu Dhabi, because of the political nature of the process of its creation, acts as a receptacle where political projections from both France and Abu Dhabi are intersecting. The universal character of the museum will also be discussed in the light of the contextual debates that the notion suggests