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O presente relatório de estágio foi desenvolvido em contexto de trabalho na Colep Portugal, S.A. e visa desenvolver um Plano de Marketing para o segmento de mercado de aerossóis na Europa, com base numa estratégia industrial e business-to-business (B2B). O objetivo foi criar um sistema de Marketing focado nos clientes, com vista a melhorar a relação com os já existentes, torná-la mais duradoura e expandir a atividade para novos mercados, conquistando assim novos clientes. Para a consecução deste objetivo, numa fase inicial descreve-se a empresa num conjunto de variáveis qualitativas e quantitativas, através do Modelo dos 7 S’s e do Marketing Mix atual. A fim de compreender as dimensões que envolvem a Colep e a atratividade da indústria em que o negócio se insere, procede-se ainda a outras três análises – PESTAL, Cinco Forças de Porter e SWOT. Numa segunda fase, tendo como base os dados recolhidos na primeira, propõem-se o planeamento, as estratégias e as ações de implementação. Considerando o período de estágio – aproximadamente seis meses –, não foi possível executar todas as atividades de planeamento necessárias para concluir o desenho do Plano de Marketing, pelo que a proposta apresentada poderá ser alvo de alterações.
The present internship report was established in a working context at Colep Portugal, S.A. and the main goal was to develop a Marketing Plan to the aerosol market segment in Europe, adopting an industrial and business-to-business (B2B) approach. Therefore, the objective was to create a Marketing system focused on customers, objectifying the relationship improvement with the already existent ones, turning it more lasting, and the activity expansion to new markets, conquering new customers. In order to accomplish this goal, the institution is firstly described in a set of qualitative and quantitative variables, namely trough 7 S’s Model and current Marketing mix strategy. In order to frame the realities that involve Colep and to better understand the attractiveness of the business in which the company is inserted, we also proceed to other analysis – PESTEL, Five Forces of Porter and SWOT. Secondly, based on the data collected in the previous stage, we propose the planning, the strategies and the actions to implement. Considering the internship duration – nearly six month –, it was not possible to execute every planning activity required to conclude the Marketing Plan design. Therefore, the presented proposal may suffer some changes.
The present internship report was established in a working context at Colep Portugal, S.A. and the main goal was to develop a Marketing Plan to the aerosol market segment in Europe, adopting an industrial and business-to-business (B2B) approach. Therefore, the objective was to create a Marketing system focused on customers, objectifying the relationship improvement with the already existent ones, turning it more lasting, and the activity expansion to new markets, conquering new customers. In order to accomplish this goal, the institution is firstly described in a set of qualitative and quantitative variables, namely trough 7 S’s Model and current Marketing mix strategy. In order to frame the realities that involve Colep and to better understand the attractiveness of the business in which the company is inserted, we also proceed to other analysis – PESTEL, Five Forces of Porter and SWOT. Secondly, based on the data collected in the previous stage, we propose the planning, the strategies and the actions to implement. Considering the internship duration – nearly six month –, it was not possible to execute every planning activity required to conclude the Marketing Plan design. Therefore, the presented proposal may suffer some changes.
Aerossol Embalagem Folha de flandres Europa Plano de marketing Estratégia B2B Customer-Centric Marketing Aerosol Can Tinplate Europe Marketing Plan Strategy