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Deodato Fernandes, Sérgio Joaquim

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  • Palliative care production for health professionals in the context of home care
    Publication . Silva, Alexandre Ernesto; Duarte, Elysangela Dittz; Fernandes, Sérgio Joaquim Deodato
    Objectives: to analyze palliative care production developed by health professionals to home care patients. Methods: this is an exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, using the transpersonal care theoretical framework. Thirteen interviews were conducted with health professionals and 18 observations were conducted on different cases. Content analysis was performed using MAXQDA©. Results: actions performed: maintenance and follow-up measures to people eligible for palliative care, in acts of dialogue and "listening" to caregivers and users, conducting guidelines for the care and self-care process, performing technical procedures, delivery of materials, referrals and medical prescriptions to users. Final Considerations: it is perceived the need for advances in the implementation of government policies in Brazil that insert palliative care into the Health Care Network through educational, managerial and care actions that ensure human dignity, thus allowing the development of these and other palliative care interventions.
  • Family transitions to homelessness: a qualitative approach
    Publication . Figueiredo, Amélia Simões; Ferrito, Cândida; Santos, Alexandra Sarreira; Deodato, Sérgio; Seabra, Paulo; Vidal, Teresa; Figueiredo, Henriqueta
    Objectives: to characterize the homeless families who use a Public Shower Room; identify significant life events/phenomena for the family’s transition to homelessness; understand the relationship between significant life events; identify future expectations of respondents. Methods: an exploratory, descriptive study using the interview and thematic content analysis. Sample consisted of public shower room users. Results: mental illness, social, personal and family factors justify the transition of subjects to homelessness. The total absence of hopelessness alternates with expectations for the future based on resilience and hope. Final Considerations: we highlight in the study the self-determination expressed in small expressions of the narrative, on the one hand, as well as aspects related to the evolution of family relationships, on the other.
  • Perceção dos pais sobre o estado nutricional de crianças de idade pré-escolar
    Publication . Lourenço, Margarida; Nunes, Elisabete; Vaz, Judite; Andrade, Filipa; Deodato, Sérgio
    Introdução: A avaliação do estado nutricional, para além de ser uma etapa indispensável no estudo de uma criança, é um importante indicador de saúde e bem-estar. A sua monitorização é importante para se detetar precocemente o excesso de peso. A evidência demonstra que os pais que não reconhecem problemas de peso nos seus filhos, subestimando o excesso de peso dos mesmos. Objetivo: Classificar o estado nutricional das crianças de idade pré-escolar; analisar a perceção parental relativamente ao estado nutricional das mesmas. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, transversal, descritivo. Amostra não probabilística por conveniência constituída por 78 crianças com idades entre 4 e 6 anos a frequentar agrupamento escolar de Lisboa e pais. Instrumento de recolha de dados através de questionário sócio-demográfico e do esquema silhuetas “Body Silhouette Chart”. Efetuada avaliação antropométrica da criança. Dados recolhidos no primeiro semestre de 2014. Análise estatística efetuada através do software estatístico IBM® SPSS® Statistics 19. Resultados: 67,1% das crianças apresenta peso normal. Maioria dos pais tem uma imagem real e ideal de peso normal (47.4% e 55.4% respetivamente). Não existe diferença estatisticamente significativa entre perceção real e perceção ideal dos pais (X2=-2,693, p=0.007). Não existe diferença estatisticamente significativa entre perceção real e ideal em função do género das crianças (imagem real [U=616.00, p=0.688]; imagem ideal [U=574.50, p=0.527]). Existe correlação estatisticamente significativa entre a perceção real dos pais e o IMC (rs=0.40, p<0.001). Conclusão: A maioria das crianças apresenta um estado nutricional adequado, porém verifica-se uma grande percentagem de crianças pré-obesas e obesas, pelo que se delineou uma intervenção junto das crianças, pais e profissionais. A maioria dos pais percecionam filhos com peso normal e gostam que assim seja, embora exista um número significativo em que a perceção ideal seja a pré-obesidade. Conclui-se que não existe discrepância entre a imagem real e ideal dos filhos.
  • Experiences of homeless families in parenthood: a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative evidence
    Publication . Andrade, Filipa Maria Reinhardt; Figueiredo, Amélia Simões; Capelas, Manuel Luís; Charepe, Zaida; Deodato, Sérgio
    The objective of this systematic review was to identify the available qualitative data and to develop a framework to address the life experiences of homeless families in parenthood. The research was performed in the PubMed and CINAHL Complete databases, for works published in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. Studies that included qualitative data, or both qualitative and quantitative data, were considered for this research. A total of 358 articles were obtained, of which 37 were assessed for eligibility, and 26 were rejected. In the end, 11 studies were selected. The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Qualitative Research was used. These studies were conducted mostly in the United States, in temporary/transitional shelters for nuclear or single-parent families (led by women) in a homeless situation. In this context, the area which arose as the more relevant one was mental health, followed by the social studies. Two types of dimensions emerged from the results: mediating dimensions (which include the categories “Insecurity”, “Lack of Privacy”, “Isolation”, “Stigma” and “Disempowerment”) that are responsible for difficulties related to education, and behavioural changes in both the parents and the children; and supporting dimensions (which include the categories “Context as a Facilitator”, “Relationship with Others” and “Parents’ and children’s Self”) that lead to motivation, as well as the acquisition of strategies by the parents, to resolve parenting issues. This research helps expand nursing knowledge and presents a synthesis of the life experiences of homeless families in parenthood. Nursing can respond to the vulnerable population, due to its predominant role in promoting their health.
  • Conceptual models of nursing in critical care
    Publication . Vieira, João V.; Deodato, Sérgio; Mendes, Felismina
    Introduction. Intensive care units are systems organized for the provision of care to patients in critical situations. In general, it is suggested that intensive care consists of a multidisciplinary and interprofessional specialty. Nevertheless, the predominance, relative to the professions that incorporate these units, falls on nurses. A conceptual model of nursing provides a framework for reflection, observation, and interpretation of phenomena and, specifically, it provides guidelines and guidance for aspects of clinical practice. Objective. To understand the applicability of conceptual models of nursing in intensive care units. Method. Review of the literature following the Scoping Review protocol of the Joanna Briggs Institute. The research was performed in CINAHL, Cochrane, Pubmed, Scopus, and Web of Science to identify studies published prior to 2021. Fourteen studies were selected. Results. There is no conceptual model of nursing universally accepted as ideal for intensive care units. However, there is unanimity in the identification of several benefits associated with the application of a conceptual model of nursing in the care of critically ill patients. Conclusion. For the selection of a conceptual model of nursing for these contexts, the focus should be on the person and the choice should fall on the model that is most appropriate to the patient, and not on the philosophy that supports the model. Considering the nature of care, the nursing team can select a model or a combination of models.