8 results
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- Validation of the comprehensiveness of an instrument on ethical problems in primary carePublication . Junges, José Roque; Zóboli, Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone; Schaefer, Rafaela; Nora, Carlise Rigon Dalla; Basso, MikaelaThe study aimed to validate the comprehensiveness of an instrument on the occurrence of ethical problems in primary health care and discuss their results. This is a methodological research. The technique used was Delphi, which seeks to obtain a consensus on a subject by experts, using structured questionnaires that are modified to obtain consensus on the comprehensibility of content. The sample was composed by nine professionals with expertise in primary health care in São Leopoldo. Data collection was in March and April 2011. In the first round, the professional was asked to respond whether the described situation has represented an ethical problem, whether the statement was clear and whether there was any suggestion to rewriting the problem. Were presented thirty-six statements, and to twenty was suggested new rewrite. After the review and systematization the proposed amendments, has begun the second round to seek consensus among all the statements that its writing had changed. In the second round, the consensus required by the method was obtained. Using the method supported significantly to build the instrument in its initial stage, what makes it appropriated and comprehensive for the subsequent steps of the validation.
- Double nursing degree: potentialities and challenges of an international student academic experiencePublication . Nora, Carlise Rigon Dalla; Schaefer, Rafaela; Schveitzer, Mariana Cabral; Zoboli, Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone; Vieira, Margarida MariaObjective: To share the experience of a Double Nursing degree promoted between the Nursing School of the Universidade de São Paulo and the Health Sciences Institute of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, reflecting on the potentialities and challenges of this opportunity for graduate students. Method: This is an experience report presented in chronological order and of a descriptive nature. The double degree in Nursing was accomplished over a period of 6 months in a different institution from the institution of origin. Results: Among the activities developed during the Double Degree are: participating in examining boards, congresses, seminars, courses, meetings, lectures, colloquium, classes, research groups and technical visits to health services. A table presents and describes the main benefits of the experience experienced by the authors. Conclusion: When well-planned and well-developed, a double degree can promote personal, cultural and professional development of the students, favoring internationalization and contributing to the qualification of graduate programs.
- Elements and strategies for ethical decision-making in nursingPublication . Nora, Carlise Rigon Dalla; Deodato, Sérgio; Vieira, Margarida; Zoboli, ElmaThis study aimed to identify the elements and strategies that facilitate the ethical decision-making of nurses faced with ethical problems, from publications on the theme. An integrative literature review was carried out. Data collection was performed between the months of April and May 2014, in the databases: SciELO, CINAHL, LILACS and MEDLINE. Original, theoretical and case study articles, with a health team that included nurses, published in Portuguese, English and Spanish were included. A total of 19 studies were selected, the analysis of which resulted in three categories: external factors of ethical decision-making in nursing, individual factors of ethical decision-making in nursing and facilitating strategies of ethical decision-making in nursing. It was concluded that nurses need to use strategies that develop sensitivity, ability and ethical competence, in order to make prudent ethical decisions, contributing to the quality of health care.
- Ethical deliberation in health: an integrative literature reviewPublication . Nora, Carlise Rigon Dalla; Zoboli, Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone Zoboli; Vieira, Margarida M.Working in the health field requires that professionals master means and tools for resolving the ethical dilemmas they face. We conducted an integrative review of the literature in health-related databases. We included original research articles, reports of experience, theoretical studies, case studies and editorials, in English, Spanish and Portuguese carried out with healthcare teams that included nurses. The review covered 28 studies, published between 1999 and 2013. The analysis yielded four categories: concept of deliberation; strategies of deliberation; contributions of deliberation, and facilitators of implemention of the deliberation process. We concluded that deliberation is a useful and relevant strategy for health teams in the analysis, assessment and indication of the best course of action in problem solving. It is also an instrument of continuing education for professionals through mutual exchange of experience and dialogue about values, beliefs and principles.
- Adolescent and youth health policies in the Portuguese-Brazilian context: specificities and approximationsPublication . Schaefer, Rafaela; Barbiani, Rosangela; Nora, Carlise Rigon Dalla; Viegas, Karin; Leal, Sandra Maria Cezar; Lora, Priscila Schmidt; Ciconet, Rosane; Micheletti, Vania DezotiObjective: To characterize the scientific production on adolescent health policies and programs in Brazil and Portugal in the period 2010-2017. Method: This is a literature review based on the Scoping Review method. The research guidingquestion was: “How is the scientific production on adolescent health policies and programs in Brazil and Portugal characterized?”Search was carried out in October 2017 on the BVS, EBSCO and Google Scholar platforms. Results: Twenty-two studies were selected, namely, 17 Brazilian and 5 Portuguese. Seven cross-cutting thematic categories were identified, as follows: policy and program evaluation; health promotion and education; mental health; sexual and reproductive health; violence; oral health and nutritional health. We canconclude that, albeit in different social contexts, the themes reflect traditional areas of intervention of policies and programs, except for those arising from the phenomenon of structural violence, markedly present in the Brazilian reality. Also, the lack of emerging issues such as gender identities, migratory flows, and morbimortality from external causes reveal a possible care gap in policies and programs and a necessary field to be explored.
- Sufrimiento moral en el personal de enfermeríaPublication . Ramos, María Dolores Burguete; Álvarez, Enrique Sáez; Nora, Carlise Rigon Dalla; Schaefer, Rafaela; López-Gómez, Jorge; Berbegal, Pablo Rico; Martínez-Riera, José RamónThe aim of this study is to determine the perception of a group of nurses about the causes of mental suffering in their daily work. Method: This is a study using qualitative methodology, obtaining information through a discussion group. The number of attendees was six and worked in different areas. Results: Moral suffering was grouped into three dimensions related to the personal dimension, in relation to the patient and their environment and ultimately to conflicts with the health team. Conclusions: The conceptualization of moral suffering seems complex, as it is clear from the study a large number of existing factors are involved, in relation to the work environment and the private sphere of individuals. About the latter, factors are related to personality, gender, lack of knowledge and commitment to the profession itself that causes pain when the right conditions to practise are not met.
- Nursing practices in the primary health care context: a scoping reviewPublication . Barbiani, Rosangela; Nora, Carlise Rigon Dalla; Schaefer, RafaelaObjective: to identify and categorize the practices performed by nurses working in Primary Health Care and Family Health Strategy Units in light of responsibilities established by the profession’s legal and programmatic frameworks and by the Brazilian Unified Health System. Method: a scoping review was conducted in the following databases: LILACS, IBECS, BDENF, CINAHL and MEDLINE, and the Cochrane and SciELO libraries. Original research papers written by nurses addressing nursing practices in the primary health care context were included. Results: the review comprised 30 studies published between 2005 and 2014. Three categories emerged from the analysis: practices in the service; practices in the community; and management and education practices. Conclusion: the challenges faced by nurses are complex, as care should be centered on the population’s health needs, which requires actions at other levels of clinical and health responsibility. Brazilian nursing has achieved important advancements since the implementation of policies intended to reorganize work. There is, however, a need to shift work processes from being focused on individual procedures to being focused on patients so that an enlarged clinic is the ethical-political imperative guiding the organization of services and professional intervention.
- Ethical problems experienced by nurses in primary health care: integrative literature reviewPublication . Nora, Carlise Rigon Dalla; Zoboli, Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone Zoboli; Vieira, MargaridaEste estudo tem como objetivo identificar problemas éticos evidenciados por enfermeiros da atenção primária e recursos de enfrentamento a partir de publicações sobre a temática. Realizou-se uma revisão integrativa da literatura entre os meses de outubro e novembro de 2013, nas bases: BDTD, CINAHL, LILACS, MEDLINE, Biblioteca Cochrane, PubMed, RCAAP e SciELO. Foram incluídos artigos, dissertações e teses publicados em inglês, espanhol e português, no período de 1992 a 2013, totalizando 31 estudos. Da análise resultaram quatro categorias: problemas éticos na relação entre a equipe, problemas éticos na relação com o usuário, problemas éticos na gestão dos serviços de saúde e os recursos de enfrentamento dos problemas éticos. Conclui-se que os enfermeiros precisam ser preparados para enfrentar os problemas éticos, evidenciando-se a importância da formação em ética durante o processo educativo, antes e durante a prática profissional, proporcionando o desenvolvimento de sensibilidade e competência ética para a resolução desses problemas.