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  • Evidence of a glocal marketing strategy: a case study in the Brazilian telecommunication market
    Publication . Duarte, Paulo; Yamasaki, Viviane; Rocha, Thelma Valéria; Silva, Susana Costa e
    This article is devoted to analyse and discuss the level of control and autonomy that multinational enterprises (MNEs) should grant to their subsidiaries. It analyse the impact of subsidiaries' capacity to innovate and develop new products and services to the Brazilian telecommunications market, based on the case-study of Telefónica business, a subsidiary of Telefónica, a Spanish multinational communication company. The Lasserre's global integration/local responsiveness framework was applied to the data obtained from face-to-face in-depth structured interviews with key actors in Telefónica business (TNB) to investigate the relationship between global integration strategy and local adaptation in the Brazilian telecommunications market. The results show that Telefónica uses a glocal approach since its subsidiary has the autonomy to create and adapt its products when the headquarters recognise that global decisions might not meet local demands. By showing that Telefónica has successfully used a glocal approach on the Brazilian market, as its subsidiary had the autonomy to create and adapt products when global company products might not meet local demands, this study is useful for other multinational companies when going to new markets.
  • The adaptation versus standardization dilemma: the case of an American company in Brazil
    Publication . Rocha, Thelma Valéria; Silva, Susana Costa e
    This study analyzes the adaptation versus standardization dilemma in International Marketing in subsidiaries of multinationals corporations. It highlights the importance of GMS – global marketing strategies – in the ability to innovate in subsidiaries in emerging economies, as Brazil. The objective is to find out how the level of autonomy displayed by subsidiaries influences the adaptation vs. standardization dilemma, and, consequently, the marketing-mix program. The methodology followed is qualitative research using a case-study approach in an American multinational from the food sector. In this case, we found out that firm's brands are very important to this firm's success overseas, which sustains that brand policies should be defined carefully at both levels: subsidiaries and headquarters. This brand policy influences direct the autonomy to innovate in marketing at subsidiaries level. This study is useful for managers at subsidiaries who need to understand the importance of global marketing strategies, and also for managers at headquarters who need to verify in which circumstances autonomy pays off.
  • Estratégias de marketing no processo de internacionalização de franquias brasileiras
    Publication . Camargo, Maria Adriana de A. P.; Rocha, Thelma Valéria; Silva, Susana Costa e
    Objetivo – Analisar a influência das estratégias de marketing sobre o processo de internacionalização das franquias brasileiras considerando os diferentes estágios que estas se encontram na atuação internacional. Metodologia – Pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter exploratório, sendo desenvolvidos três estudos de caso com redes de franquias brasileiras do segmento de calçados e vestuário: duas empresas com participação ativa e uma com alto envolvimento no exterior. Seis diretores e gerentes de marketing dessas empresas foram entrevistados. Resultados – Verifica-se que as redes de franquias entrevistadas praticam a padronização do seu marketing mix, mas possuem menor preocupação com as atividades de coordenação, concentração e integração dos movimentos de marketing. Contribuições – Recomendações para gestores em diferentes estágios de internacionalização e um conjunto de sugestões para futuras pesquisas sobre o uso das estratégias de marketing e marcas em mercados emergentes.
  • O consumo de cirurgia estética: a influência da autoestima e do materialismo
    Publication . Yamasaki, Viviane; Ponchio, Mateus Canniatti; Silva, Susana Costa e; Rocha, Thelma Valéria
  • Evidence of a glocal marketing strategy: a case study in the Brazilian telecommunication market
    Publication . Yamasaki, Viviane; Rocha, Thelma Valéria; Duarte, Paulo; Silva, Susana Costa e
    Adaptation versus standardization dilemma has been coined as a major issue within the international marketing literature for the past fifty years, and academic research has showed that the extreme positions were unbearable and that the virtue lied in a middle position between these two positions. This opened space for another stream of research devoted to analyze and discuss the level of control and autonomy that Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) should grant to their subsidiaries. In this paper, we analyze the impact of subsidiaries’ capacity to innovate in marketing in an emerging economy. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to explore marketing autonomy in Multinational Enterprises’ subsidiaries to innovate and develop new products and services to the Brazilian telecommunications market. Using the grid proposed by Lasserre, several interviews to senior managers of Telefónica were conducted in order to evaluate the level of autonomy of Telefonica’s Brazilian subsidiary. The results show that Telefónica uses a glocal approach, since its subsidiary has autonomy to create and adapt its products when the headquarters recognize that global decisions might not meet local demands. Despite being a single case study, Telefóncia is a giant in the telecommunication sector, operating in numerous countries, thus the current insights on the way the company runs global operations may be helpful not only for researchers but also for other companies.
  • O consumo de cirurgia estética: a influência da auto-estima e do materialismo
    Publication . Yamasaki, Viviane; Ponchio, Mateus Canniatti; Silva, Susana Costa e; Rocha, Thelma Valéria
    Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a influência da autoestima, da autoavaliação do corpo e do materialismo na aceitação à cirurgia estética em São Paulo (Brasil) e em Porto (Portugal), na visão crosscultural. São revisados os conceitos de autoestima, autoavaliação do corpo, materialismo e aceitação à cirurgia plástica estética (CPE). Os principais estudos que guiaram a mensuração desses construtos neste trabalho são: Rosenberg (1965) e Dini, Quaresma e Ferreira (2004) para autoestima; Marsh e O‟Neill (1984) para autoavaliação do corpo; Richins (2004) e Ponchio e Aranha (2008) para materialismo; e Henderson-King e Henderson-King (2005) e Swami et al. (2011) para aceitação à CPE. Obtiveram-se duas amostras, de tamanhos 217 e 148, compostas por respondentes das cidades de São Paulo e Porto, respectivamente. Os principais resultados indicaram: (i) o efeito de gênero –as mulheres aceitam mais a cirurgia plástica estética do que os homens; (ii) o efeito país –os respondentes de São Paulo aceitam mais a CPE do que os de Porto; (iii) ausência de associação entre autoestima e aceitação à CPE; (iv) fraca associação negativa entre autoavaliação do corpo e aceitação à CPE; e (v)forte evidência de que pessoas mais materialistas aceitam a CPE mais do que as menos materialistas.