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Introdução: As deformidades dentofaciais estão cada vez mais prevalentes no
mundo. Estas são causadoras de repercussões na vida social, profissional e
psicológica dos pacientes e acaba por interferir com a sua autoestima e qualidade
de vida. Tornase fundamental, desta forma, saber gerir o psicológico do paciente
para que o tratamento seja bemsucedido.
Objetivos: Esta investigação tem como principais objetivos tentar perceber o
impacto que as deformidades dentofaciais têm sobre os pacientes com indicação
para o TratamentoOrtodônticoCirúrgicoOrtognático e comparar com o grupo
Materiais e Métodos: Estudo transversal descritivo, realizado a dois grupos de
pacientes, uns com deformidades dentofaciais e com indicação para cirurgia
ortognática (grupo de estudo) e os outros com indicação para o tratamento
ortodôntico convencional (grupo controlo). A recolha de dados foi feita com dois tipos
de questionários, um para avaliar a qualidade de vida (WHOQoLBREF) e o outro
para avaliar a autoestima (Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg).
Resultados: A amostra é constituída por um total de 79 pacientes que se dividem
em dois grupos, o grupo de estudo com 32 pacientes e o grupo controlo com 42
pacientes. No total da amostra a idade varia entre os 1748 anos e a média das
idades é de 25,35 (±5,93). No que toca ao género 69,62% são do género feminino e
30,38% são do género masculino. Relativamente à autoestima, tivemos uma média
de 49,94 (±7,54) e por fim a qualidade de vida, onde se obteve uma média no
domínio geral de 8,45 (±1,07), no domínio físico 16,85 (±2,14), no domínio
psicológico 16,53 (±2,14), nas relações sociais de 16,30 (±2,78) e no meio ambiente
de 16,48 (±7,54).
Conclusão: Pacientes com deformidades dentofaciais apresentaram uma
qualidade de vida e uma autoestima mais baixas em comparação com o grupo
Introduction: Dentofacial deformities are increasingly prevalent in the world. These cause repercussions in the social, professional, and psychological life of patients and end up interfering with their selfesteem and quality of life. Therefore, it is essential to know how to manage the patient's psychological condition for the treatment to be successful. Objectives: This investigation has as its main objectives try to understand the impact that dentofacial deformities have on patients with indication for OrthodonticSurgicalOrthognathic Treatment and compare with the control group. Materials and Methods: Descriptive crosssectional study, conducted with two groups of patients, one with dentofacial deformities and with an indication for orthognathic surgery (study group) and the other with an indication for conventional orthodontic treatment (control group). Data collection was performed using two types of questionnaires, one to assess the quality of life (WHOQoLBREF) and the other to assess selfesteem (Rosenberg SelfEsteem Scale). Results: The sample consists of a total of 79 patients who are divided into two groups, the study group with 32 patients and the control group with 42 patients. In the total sample, age varies between 1748 years and the average age is 25.35 (±5.93). Concerning gender, 69.62% are female and 30.38% are male. Regarding selfesteem, we had an average of 49.94 (±7.54). Finally, quality of life, which obtained an average in the general domain of 8.45 (±1.07), in the physical domain of 16.85 (±2.14), in the psychological domain of 16.53 (±2.14), in social relationships of 16.30 (±2.78), and the environment of 16.48 (±7.54). Conclusion: Patients with dentofacial deformities had a lower quality of life and selfesteem compared to the control group
Introduction: Dentofacial deformities are increasingly prevalent in the world. These cause repercussions in the social, professional, and psychological life of patients and end up interfering with their selfesteem and quality of life. Therefore, it is essential to know how to manage the patient's psychological condition for the treatment to be successful. Objectives: This investigation has as its main objectives try to understand the impact that dentofacial deformities have on patients with indication for OrthodonticSurgicalOrthognathic Treatment and compare with the control group. Materials and Methods: Descriptive crosssectional study, conducted with two groups of patients, one with dentofacial deformities and with an indication for orthognathic surgery (study group) and the other with an indication for conventional orthodontic treatment (control group). Data collection was performed using two types of questionnaires, one to assess the quality of life (WHOQoLBREF) and the other to assess selfesteem (Rosenberg SelfEsteem Scale). Results: The sample consists of a total of 79 patients who are divided into two groups, the study group with 32 patients and the control group with 42 patients. In the total sample, age varies between 1748 years and the average age is 25.35 (±5.93). Concerning gender, 69.62% are female and 30.38% are male. Regarding selfesteem, we had an average of 49.94 (±7.54). Finally, quality of life, which obtained an average in the general domain of 8.45 (±1.07), in the physical domain of 16.85 (±2.14), in the psychological domain of 16.53 (±2.14), in social relationships of 16.30 (±2.78), and the environment of 16.48 (±7.54). Conclusion: Patients with dentofacial deformities had a lower quality of life and selfesteem compared to the control group
Deformidade dentofacial Cirurgia ortognática Qualidade de vida Autoestima Ortodontia Dentofacial deformities Orthognathic surgery Quality of life Selfesteem Orthodontics