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A inclusão tem um papel decisivo no desenvolvimento dos alunos e esta assume,
hodiernamente, como um princípio basilar na construção de uma educação equitativa e
justa. Esta, deve criar condições de adaptação às necessidades, características, interesses
e individualidades de cada um. Como tal, requer dos docentes reflexão e ponderação
constante do seu papel, assim como das suas práticas. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo
tem como objetivo estudar o papel da autoeficácia e atitudes dos professores na adoção
de práticas inclusivas. Com base numa amostra não probabilística, de professores do 1º
ciclo até ao 3º ciclo, foram recolhidos dados utilizando um Questionário
Sociodemográfico, a Escala de Autoeficácia na Implementação de Práticas Inclusivas, o
instrumento Multidimentional Attitudes Toward Inclusion e a Escala de Prática
Inclusiva. Os resultados permitem perceber uma relação significativa entre autoeficácia
e atitudes docentes com as práticas inclusivas. Docentes mais velhos evidenciam
atitudes mais positivas face à inclusão e revelam menores estratégias de colaboração;
quando evidenciam maior grau académico, revelam atitudes mais positivas e maior
autoeficácia. Revelam ainda maior autoeficácia na colaboração quando exercem funções
em necessidades educativas especiais (NEE). Os docentes que evidenciam uma maior
autoeficácia, maior grau percebido de sucesso com alunos com NEE e um maior nível
de confiança no ensino demonstram ter maior autoeficácia, atitudes inclusivas
cognitivas e afetivas mais elevadas, menos atitudes inclusivas comportamentais, e fazer
uso de práticas mais inclusivas.
Inclusion has an important role in the development and training of students, nowadays, as a basic principle in the construction of an equitable and fair education. It should be adapted to the needs, characteristics, interests and the self of each one. So, it should be required from the teachers a constant reflection and ponderation about their role as well as their educational practices. In this way, the present study has the goal to study the moderating role of self-efficacy between attitudes and inclusive practices. It is intended to develop a quantitative of cross-sectional study and it will be chosen a nonprobabilistic sample in which there will be teachers of the primary school until middle school. To select the data, it will be used a sociodemographic questionnaire, the selfefficacy scale in the implementation of the inclusive practices, the instrument Multidimensional Attitudes Toward Inclusion and inclusive practice scale. The results show a significant relationship between teachers' self-efficacy and attitudes towards inclusive practices. Older teachers have more positive attitudes towards inclusion and show fewer collaboration strategies; when they have a higher academic degree, they show more positive attitudes and higher self-efficacy. They also show greater selfefficacy in collaboration when working with special educational needs. Teachers who show higher self-efficacy, higher perceived success with students with special educational needs, and a higher level of confidence in teaching demonstrate higher selfefficacy, higher inclusive cognitive and affective attitudes, lower inclusive behavioral attitudes, and use more inclusive practices.
Inclusion has an important role in the development and training of students, nowadays, as a basic principle in the construction of an equitable and fair education. It should be adapted to the needs, characteristics, interests and the self of each one. So, it should be required from the teachers a constant reflection and ponderation about their role as well as their educational practices. In this way, the present study has the goal to study the moderating role of self-efficacy between attitudes and inclusive practices. It is intended to develop a quantitative of cross-sectional study and it will be chosen a nonprobabilistic sample in which there will be teachers of the primary school until middle school. To select the data, it will be used a sociodemographic questionnaire, the selfefficacy scale in the implementation of the inclusive practices, the instrument Multidimensional Attitudes Toward Inclusion and inclusive practice scale. The results show a significant relationship between teachers' self-efficacy and attitudes towards inclusive practices. Older teachers have more positive attitudes towards inclusion and show fewer collaboration strategies; when they have a higher academic degree, they show more positive attitudes and higher self-efficacy. They also show greater selfefficacy in collaboration when working with special educational needs. Teachers who show higher self-efficacy, higher perceived success with students with special educational needs, and a higher level of confidence in teaching demonstrate higher selfefficacy, higher inclusive cognitive and affective attitudes, lower inclusive behavioral attitudes, and use more inclusive practices.
Autoeficácia Atitudes Práticas inclusivas Professores Teachers’ self-efficacy Attitudes Inclusive practices