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Este artigo apresenta as práticas e percepções de um grupo de crianças com menos de oito anos e suas famílias sobre a utilização de tecnologias digitais na escola e o seu potencial para a aprendizagem, incidindo na articulação entre o ensino formal e as aprendizagens informais em contexto familiar. Os dados foram coletados por meio de atividades com as crianças e entrevistas com as famílias, e depois trabalhados a partir de uma análise de conteúdo qualitativa. Os resultados revelam que o uso das tecnologia sdigitais em contexto escolar tem mais incidência no 1º ciclo, sendo incipientes no pré-escolar. Além disso, o potencial pedagógico de dispositivos como o computador e o tablet são subaproveitados tanto em contexto de escola como pelas famílias, nos lares. Os pais consideram que os filhos ainda são muito jovens para utilizar tecnologias digitais em tarefas escolares e acreditam que ainda não estão preparados para o fazer (embora as crianças revelem competências digitais e práticas complexas).
This article shows the practices and perceptions of a group of children under eight years old and their families regarding the use of digital technologies in schools and their potential for learning, focusing on the relationship between formal and informaleducation in the family context. Data were collected through activities with children and interviews with the families, and then worked through a qualitative content analysis. The results show that the use of digital technologies in schools has more incidence in primary school than in preschool. In addition, the pedagogical potential of devices like the computer and the tablet is underexplored both in school context and by families at home. Parents believe that their children are too young to use digital technologies in school work and consider that they are not yet prepared to do so (although children reveal enough digital skills and complex practices).
This article shows the practices and perceptions of a group of children under eight years old and their families regarding the use of digital technologies in schools and their potential for learning, focusing on the relationship between formal and informaleducation in the family context. Data were collected through activities with children and interviews with the families, and then worked through a qualitative content analysis. The results show that the use of digital technologies in schools has more incidence in primary school than in preschool. In addition, the pedagogical potential of devices like the computer and the tablet is underexplored both in school context and by families at home. Parents believe that their children are too young to use digital technologies in school work and consider that they are not yet prepared to do so (although children reveal enough digital skills and complex practices).
Crianças 0-8 anos Escola Tecnologias digitais 0-8 children School Digital technologies