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A transição demográfica nos países desenvolvidos, pelos grandes desafios que
apresenta à sustentabilidade da ordem social e política, tem ganho crescente relevância
na área das políticas públicas. A par da preocupação com as tendências demográficas em
curso, as políticas públicas têm seguido a uma preferência programática em favor da
autonomização dos indivíduos em relação a laços e dependências familiares, com o
especial objectivo de incentivar a emancipação feminina. Nesse sentido, as políticas
públicas têm relegado o modelo de “male breadwinner” a um passado superado e
indesejável. Utilizando um conceito essencial desta temática, podemos dizer que as
políticas públicas têm seguido o rumo da denominada “desfamiliarização”
(defamilisation). Considerando que a eficácia das actuais políticas da família de
orientação natalista continua por comprovar, comprometendo a renovação demográfica
nos países europeus, este estudo pretende questionar e ajudar a clarificar – contando com
contributos das políticas públicas, da demografia, da economia da família, da sociologia
e da sociobiologia – se taxas de natalidade mais altas poderão estar dependentes da
existência de reciprocidade e de diferenciação funcional intrafamiliar.
The demographic transition in the developed countries has gained increasing relevance in the domain of public policies, due to the great challenges it presents to the sustainability of social and political order. In addition to the concern with current demographic trends, public policies have followed a programmatic preference in favor of the autonomy of individuals in relation to family ties and dependencies, with the special objective of encouraging female emancipation. So, the public policies have relegated the male breadwinner model to an outdated and undesirable past. Using an essential concept of this theme, we can say that public policies have followed the path of the so-called «defamilisation». Considering that the effectiveness of current natalist-oriented family policies remains to be proven, compromising demographic renewal in European countries, this study aims to question and help to clarify - with contributions from public policies, demography, family economy, sociology and sociobiology – whether higher birth rates may be dependent on the existence of reciprocity and intra-family functional differentiation.
The demographic transition in the developed countries has gained increasing relevance in the domain of public policies, due to the great challenges it presents to the sustainability of social and political order. In addition to the concern with current demographic trends, public policies have followed a programmatic preference in favor of the autonomy of individuals in relation to family ties and dependencies, with the special objective of encouraging female emancipation. So, the public policies have relegated the male breadwinner model to an outdated and undesirable past. Using an essential concept of this theme, we can say that public policies have followed the path of the so-called «defamilisation». Considering that the effectiveness of current natalist-oriented family policies remains to be proven, compromising demographic renewal in European countries, this study aims to question and help to clarify - with contributions from public policies, demography, family economy, sociology and sociobiology – whether higher birth rates may be dependent on the existence of reciprocity and intra-family functional differentiation.
Família Transição demográfica Políticas públicas Parentalidade Igualitarismo Natalidade Especialização Family Demographic transition Public policies Parenthood Egalitarianism Fertility Specialisation