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A concorrência no mercado globalizado está cada vez mais intensa. As empresas precisam de se destacar, oferecendo um valor diferenciado aos clientes a fim de se manterem competitivas. Os clientes estão mais exigentes e esperam por isso, produtos e serviços de alta qualidade e um atendimento mais personalizado e diferenciador. Neste trabalho foi efetuado um estudo de caso na FCL Ferragens, uma empresa familiar sediada em Viseu, com mais de 35 anos de tradição e experiência na comercialização de ferragens para construção e mobiliário. Foram definidos dois objetivos gerais: compreender a organização e o seu contexto; definir estratégias que visem a melhoria da eficiência interna, a qualidade do serviço e a competitividade da organização. Foi utilizada uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa, descritiva e transversal. A recolha de dados foi levada a cabo pelo investigador no seu contexto profissional, baseando-se: (1) na sua própria experiência, vivência e conhecimento da organização; (2) observação in loco registada em notas de campo; (3) análise documental (interna e externa); (4) análise da satisfação dos clientes (com recurso ao software MAXQDA 24); (5) análise do website e das redes sociais da empresa. O estudo conclui que a implementação de ferramentas da qualidade, ainda que de forma parcial, contribui para a satisfação dos clientes e para a melhoria contínua dentro da organização, nomeadamente por via da redução de desperdícios, da melhoria da comunicação e da otimização dos processos internos. Esta implementação parte da avaliação do contexto da organização, integra a construção de uma equipa empoderada, motivada e autónoma, e culmina nas práticas de melhoria contínua, a fim de tornar o sistema cada vez mais robusto e adaptado às necessidades da organização, uma vez que depende, em grande medida, do envolvimento dos seus recursos humanos. Por fim, verifica-se que a empresa em estudo integra bons níveis de digitalização e tem revelado grande resiliência face aos desafios do mercado, factos que estão refletidos nos bons resultados alcançados, com bons índices de crescimento, solidez financeira e de satisfação dos clientes. Sabendo que as PME enfrentam lacunas tecnológicas e de conhecimentos que as separam das empresas de maior dimensão, esta investigação contribui para o avanço nesta área de estudo, fornecendo algumas ferramentas práticas, enquadradas ao mundo real.
Competition in the globalized market is becoming increasingly intense. Companies need to stand out by offering differentiated value to customers in order to remain competitive. Customers are more demanding and expect high quality products and services and a more personalized and differentiated service. In this work, a case study was carried out at FCL Ferragens, a family business based in Viseu, with over 35 years of tradition and experience in the sale of hardware for construction and furniture. Two general objectives were defined: to understand the organization and its context; to define strategies aimed at improving internal efficiency, service quality and the organization's competitiveness. A qualitative, descriptive and cross-sectional methodology was used. Data collection was carried out by the researcher in his professional context, based on: (1) his own experience and knowledge of the organization; (2) on-site observation recorded in field notes; (3) document analysis (internal and external); (4) analysis of customer satisfaction (using MAXQDA 24 software); (5) analysis of the company's website and social networks. The study concludes that the implementation of quality tools, albeit partially, contributes to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement within the organization, namely by reducing waste, improving communication and optimizing internal processes. This implementation starts with an assessment of the organization's context, includes building an empowered, motivated and autonomous team, and culminates in continuous improvement practices in order to make the system increasingly robust and adapted to the organization's needs, since it depends to a large extent on the involvement of its human resources. Finally, it can be seen that the company under study integrates good levels of digitalization and has shown great resilience in the face of market challenges, which is reflected in the good results achieved, with good growth rates, financial strength and customer satisfaction. Knowing that SMEs face technological and knowledge gaps that separate them from larger companies, this research contributes to progress in this area of study by providing some practical, real-world tools.
Competition in the globalized market is becoming increasingly intense. Companies need to stand out by offering differentiated value to customers in order to remain competitive. Customers are more demanding and expect high quality products and services and a more personalized and differentiated service. In this work, a case study was carried out at FCL Ferragens, a family business based in Viseu, with over 35 years of tradition and experience in the sale of hardware for construction and furniture. Two general objectives were defined: to understand the organization and its context; to define strategies aimed at improving internal efficiency, service quality and the organization's competitiveness. A qualitative, descriptive and cross-sectional methodology was used. Data collection was carried out by the researcher in his professional context, based on: (1) his own experience and knowledge of the organization; (2) on-site observation recorded in field notes; (3) document analysis (internal and external); (4) analysis of customer satisfaction (using MAXQDA 24 software); (5) analysis of the company's website and social networks. The study concludes that the implementation of quality tools, albeit partially, contributes to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement within the organization, namely by reducing waste, improving communication and optimizing internal processes. This implementation starts with an assessment of the organization's context, includes building an empowered, motivated and autonomous team, and culminates in continuous improvement practices in order to make the system increasingly robust and adapted to the organization's needs, since it depends to a large extent on the involvement of its human resources. Finally, it can be seen that the company under study integrates good levels of digitalization and has shown great resilience in the face of market challenges, which is reflected in the good results achieved, with good growth rates, financial strength and customer satisfaction. Knowing that SMEs face technological and knowledge gaps that separate them from larger companies, this research contributes to progress in this area of study by providing some practical, real-world tools.
Gestão da qualidade Qualidade 4.0 Comércio e serviços PME Mobiliário Construção Quality management Quality 4.0 Commerce and services SME Furniture Construction