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O presente Trabalho Final de Mestrado (TFM) incide na área de Gestão de Recursos Humanos (GRH), focando-se na análise do tema Acolhimento e Integração (A&I). Esta investigação visa a caracterização do programa de A&I da empresa em estudo, à luz do estado da arte. Perante um cenário em que cada vez mais se evidencia o valor do capital humano nas organizações, assiste-se a uma evolução e popularização das
práticas e ferramentas de A&I. Este investimento, instrumentalizado nas atividades e qualidade do programa que as empresas disponibilizam aos recémadmitidos, assegura resultados positivos para ambas as partes. O conhecimento que é transmitido ao indivíduo e os recursos que lhe são fornecidos, contribuem para o bom desempenho profissional do colaborador na empresa e aceleração da sua integração na mesma. Paralelamente, o crescente envolvimento e identificação do membro acolhido com a organização que integra contribui para o bom funcionamento da empresa, nomeadamente para o aumento do índice de retenção dos seus colaboradores. Consciente da relevância do tema investigado, a metodologia selecionada pela autora permitiu dar resposta aos objetivos deste estudo. Partindo de um referencial teórico sobre A&I, efetuou-se um estudo de caso que retrata o tema em questão, recorrendo à realização de entrevistas semi-diretivas que objetivam a recolha de perceções sobre a matéria em análise. Em traços gerais, os principais resultados desta investigação permitiram concluir que é visível o alinhamento entre as práticas em uso no terreno e a
análise da literatura efetuada, complementada com alguns pontos de melhoria.
The present Master Thesis focuses on the field of Human Resources Management, particularly on the analysis of the Welcome and Integration practices. This research aims to characterize the onboarding program of the company under study, in the light of the state of the art. Given a scenario in which the value of human capital in organizations is increasingly recognized, there is an evolution and popularization of the practices and tools of Welcome and Integration. This investment, monitored in the activities and quality of the program which companies make available to the newly admitted, ensures positive results for both parties. The knowledge that is transmitted to the individuals and the resources provided to them, contributes to the good professional performance of the employees in the company and accelerate its integration. At the same time, the increasing involvement and identification of the member received in the organization, contributes to the proper functioning of the company, in particular increases the retention index of the company employees. Aware of the relevance of the researched subject, the methodology selected by the author allowed us to respond to the objectives of this study. Starting from a set of theoretical references about Welcome and Integration, was developed a case study that portrays the subject in question, through the realization of semidirectives interviews that aim the collection of perceptions on the matter in analysis. In general terms, the main results of this investigation allowed to conclude that the alignment between the practices in use in the field and the analysis of the literature is visible, coupled with some points of improvement.
The present Master Thesis focuses on the field of Human Resources Management, particularly on the analysis of the Welcome and Integration practices. This research aims to characterize the onboarding program of the company under study, in the light of the state of the art. Given a scenario in which the value of human capital in organizations is increasingly recognized, there is an evolution and popularization of the practices and tools of Welcome and Integration. This investment, monitored in the activities and quality of the program which companies make available to the newly admitted, ensures positive results for both parties. The knowledge that is transmitted to the individuals and the resources provided to them, contributes to the good professional performance of the employees in the company and accelerate its integration. At the same time, the increasing involvement and identification of the member received in the organization, contributes to the proper functioning of the company, in particular increases the retention index of the company employees. Aware of the relevance of the researched subject, the methodology selected by the author allowed us to respond to the objectives of this study. Starting from a set of theoretical references about Welcome and Integration, was developed a case study that portrays the subject in question, through the realization of semidirectives interviews that aim the collection of perceptions on the matter in analysis. In general terms, the main results of this investigation allowed to conclude that the alignment between the practices in use in the field and the analysis of the literature is visible, coupled with some points of improvement.
Socialização organizacional Acolhimento e integração Programa de acolhimento e integração Colaborador recém-admitido Organizational socialization Welcome and integration Onboarding program Newly arrived employee