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Em setembro de 2016 a Associação Portuguesa para os Direitos do consumidores (Deco) realizou um inquérito para aferir o conhecimento que os portugueses tinham sobre as principais organizações nacionais e internacionais. Em antepenúltimo lugar ficou o Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI). Dada a proximidade temporal entre a vinda do FMI a Portugal e a elaboração desse inquérito, consideramos pertinente analisar a imagem que os portugueses têm sobre a organização que figura entre as instituições de que os portugueses mais ouviram falar, através dos media, nos últimos anos. O desconhecimento dos
portugueses relativamente ao FMI é notório nas respostas aos inquéritos, em que apenas 5% dos inquiridos classificaram de forma correta todas as afirmações sobre a instituição: o valor mais baixo dos países em estudo.
In September 2016, the Portuguese Association for the Rights of Consumers (Deco) carried out a survey to determine the Portuguese’s knowledge about the main national and international organizations. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was ranked second-last. Given the time proximity between the IMF’s visit to Portugal and the elaboration of that survey, we deemed appropriate to analyze that organization’s image for the Portuguese, as it is one of the institutions that the Portuguese have heard the most through the media, in recent years. Portuguese people’s ignorance about the IMF is obvious from the answers given to the surveys, whereby only 5% of the respondents correctly classified all the statements about the institution: the lowest value of the countries under study.
In September 2016, the Portuguese Association for the Rights of Consumers (Deco) carried out a survey to determine the Portuguese’s knowledge about the main national and international organizations. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was ranked second-last. Given the time proximity between the IMF’s visit to Portugal and the elaboration of that survey, we deemed appropriate to analyze that organization’s image for the Portuguese, as it is one of the institutions that the Portuguese have heard the most through the media, in recent years. Portuguese people’s ignorance about the IMF is obvious from the answers given to the surveys, whereby only 5% of the respondents correctly classified all the statements about the institution: the lowest value of the countries under study.
Organizações Comunicação Fundo Monetário Internacional (Fmi) Reputação Organizations Communications International Monetary Fund (IMF) Reputation