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O presente relatório surge no âmbito do Curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem com Especialização em Enfermagem de Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica, da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Este documento corresponde ao culminar do percurso percorrido, pretendendo se aqui a mobilização e reflexão crítica dos vários conhecimentos adquiridos durante este processo, resultantes da aprendizagem clínica e da investigação aplicada. Tem como objetivo apresentar os projetos e atividades desenvolvidas em cada contexto de estágio, identificando as competências desenvolvidas e adquirias, no que diz respeito ao âmbito de atuação do Enfermeiro Especialista de Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica. Foram quatro os contextos de aprendizagem clínica, representativos das diferentes áreas da prática do Enfermeiro Especialista em Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica, sendo da sua competência promover o mais elevado estado de saúde possível, em crianças e jovens. Neste sentido, o Referencial Teórico que orientou todo o percurso foi o Modelo de Promoção da Saúde, proposto por Nola Pender. Especificamente, ao longo dos quatro contextos, houve a possibilidade de desenvolver atividades no âmbito da promoção da segurança na medicação ao doente em idade pediátrica, de acordo com as necessidades de cada local. No estágio de Cuidados de Saúde Primários, após elaboração do diagnóstico de situação, foram realizadas três sessões de educação para a saúde, com diferentes público-alvo: “Afetos e Sexualidade na Adolescência – Métodos Contracetivos”; outra no âmbito do curso de preparação para o parto, sobre “Amamentação”; e a terceira, “Desenvolver a Brincar”, tendo para esta também sido elaborado um folheto informativo. No contexto de Neonatologia, surgiu a necessidade e possibilidade de elaboração de uma Orientação Técnica sobre a preparação e administração de Medicação, e numa fase posterior a construção de duas tabelas de consulta rápida: uma sobre a medicação mais utilizada e outra, sobre medicação de urgência. Com base na Scoping Review realizada no decorrer do Mestrado, foi também realizada e apresentada uma sessão de formação dirigida à equipa multidisciplinar, apresentando as “Principais Estratégias para Prevenir os Erros de Medicação em Pediatria”. No Internamento de Pediatria, no âmbito da promoção da segurança na medicação, foi solicitada a realização de um guião de auditorias à equipa de enfermagem. Neste contexto foi ainda realizada e apresentada uma sessão de formação sobre estratégias para prevenir os erros de medicação em pediatria, reforçando a importância da dupla confirmação. Com o objetivo de resumir toda a informação, foi também realizado um cartaz informativo sobre a dupla confirmação. Finalmente, no estágio que decorreu em ambiente de Urgência Pediátrica, foi identificado como prioritário a elaboração de um documento, com fundamentação científica, que justificasse a aquisição de material específico para administrações entéricas. Ainda neste sentido, foi realizado um folheto informativo, para ser entregue aos pais/responsáveis. A par com as atividades anteriormente mencionadas, todos os contextos permitiram a colaboração e a prestação de cuidados à criança/jovem e família, considerando que as diversas atividades desenvolvidas foram fundamentais para a aquisição e desenvolvimento de competências no âmbito do grau de Mestre com especialização em Enfermagem Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica.
The present report is part of the Master’s in Nursing with Specialization in Nursing of Children’s’ Health and Pediatrics, from Católica Portuguese University. This document is a result of the entire course; therefore, it is intended to make a critical reflection about the wide different range of knowledges acquired during this process, which result from the clinical learning and applied investigation. Its objective is to present the developed projects and activities, considering each background of clinical learning and identifying the competences which were developed and acquired in terms of the work of the Nurse Specialized in Children’s’ Health and Pediatrics. There were four different backgrounds of clinical learning, and those represent the different practical areas of the Specialist Nurse in Children’s Health and Pediatrics, being his/her main competence to provide the best health level, both in children and youngsters. Therefore, the Theoretical Reference that oriented the entire process was the Health Promotion Model, proposed by Nola Pender. In a most specific way, throughout the four contexts it was possible to develop activities concerning the promotion of safety in medicating the patient in pediatric age, having in mind the needs of each location. In the Primary Health Care internship, after the elaboration of the situation diagnosis, three sessions of health education were made, with different targets: the first, “Affections and Sexuality in Adolescence - Contraceptive Methods”; other within the scope of course preparation for labor, about “Breast Feeding”; and the third, “Developing While Playing”. For this one, an informative flyer was created. In the context of Neonatology, it arose the need and possibility to develop a Technical Orientation about Medication Preparation and Administration, and, in a later phase, the creation of two tables for quick reference: one about the most used medication and the other about urgent medication. Based on the Scoping Review made during the Master Course, it was also made and presented a training session directed to the multidisciplinary team, presenting the “Main Strategies to Prevent the Medication Mistakes in Pediatrics”. In Pediatric Service, within the scope of the promotion of safety in medication, the creation of a guide for application in nursing teams’ auditions was required. In this context, a training session about "Strategies to Prevent Medication Mistakes in Pediatrics" was also made and presented, to reinforce the importance of double confirmation. With the main purpose of summarizing all the information, an informative poster about double confirmation was also created. Finally, during the internship in the Pediatric Urgency, it was identified as a priority creating a document, with scientific grounds, that justified the acquisition of specific material for enteric administration. Still in this basis, an informative flyer was made, to be delivered to parents/responsibles. According to the activities previously mentioned, all of the context allowed the collaboration and provision of care to the children/youngsters and the family, and therefore we consider the range of developed activities was fundamental to the acquisition and development of competencies within the scope of the Master’s Degree with Specialization in Nursing of Children's Health and Pediatrics.
The present report is part of the Master’s in Nursing with Specialization in Nursing of Children’s’ Health and Pediatrics, from Católica Portuguese University. This document is a result of the entire course; therefore, it is intended to make a critical reflection about the wide different range of knowledges acquired during this process, which result from the clinical learning and applied investigation. Its objective is to present the developed projects and activities, considering each background of clinical learning and identifying the competences which were developed and acquired in terms of the work of the Nurse Specialized in Children’s’ Health and Pediatrics. There were four different backgrounds of clinical learning, and those represent the different practical areas of the Specialist Nurse in Children’s Health and Pediatrics, being his/her main competence to provide the best health level, both in children and youngsters. Therefore, the Theoretical Reference that oriented the entire process was the Health Promotion Model, proposed by Nola Pender. In a most specific way, throughout the four contexts it was possible to develop activities concerning the promotion of safety in medicating the patient in pediatric age, having in mind the needs of each location. In the Primary Health Care internship, after the elaboration of the situation diagnosis, three sessions of health education were made, with different targets: the first, “Affections and Sexuality in Adolescence - Contraceptive Methods”; other within the scope of course preparation for labor, about “Breast Feeding”; and the third, “Developing While Playing”. For this one, an informative flyer was created. In the context of Neonatology, it arose the need and possibility to develop a Technical Orientation about Medication Preparation and Administration, and, in a later phase, the creation of two tables for quick reference: one about the most used medication and the other about urgent medication. Based on the Scoping Review made during the Master Course, it was also made and presented a training session directed to the multidisciplinary team, presenting the “Main Strategies to Prevent the Medication Mistakes in Pediatrics”. In Pediatric Service, within the scope of the promotion of safety in medication, the creation of a guide for application in nursing teams’ auditions was required. In this context, a training session about "Strategies to Prevent Medication Mistakes in Pediatrics" was also made and presented, to reinforce the importance of double confirmation. With the main purpose of summarizing all the information, an informative poster about double confirmation was also created. Finally, during the internship in the Pediatric Urgency, it was identified as a priority creating a document, with scientific grounds, that justified the acquisition of specific material for enteric administration. Still in this basis, an informative flyer was made, to be delivered to parents/responsibles. According to the activities previously mentioned, all of the context allowed the collaboration and provision of care to the children/youngsters and the family, and therefore we consider the range of developed activities was fundamental to the acquisition and development of competencies within the scope of the Master’s Degree with Specialization in Nursing of Children's Health and Pediatrics.
Enfermagem Erro de medicação Promoção da saúde Medicação Segurança EESIP Health promotion Medication Medication error Nursing Safety Specialization in nursing of children’s health and pediatrics