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As recentes alterações climáticas ditam um novo paradigma na gestão, um equilíbrio dinâmico entre sustentabilidade e lucro. O empreendedorismo no setor do vinho poderá passar pelo green management, visando criar valor acrescentado ao produto e consequente vantagem competitiva.
Elaborou-se um processo de produção “ECO” para a marca Foral D. Henrique, utilizando garrafas mais leves, com dimensões que permitem o transporte de quantidades maiores.
A produção efetiva do Foral D. Henrique “ECO” permitiu analisar a influência na decisão de compra do aspeto da garrafa e da menção “ECO” e ainda o valor acrescentado à marca em lucro e notoriedade, utilizando como ponto de comparação o Foral D. Henrique 2015 e o Foral D. Henrique “Ecova Sedução”.
O presente estudo um misto de Estudo Causal e Estudo Descritivo, que analisa de forma sistemática, lógica e robusta os comportamentos de compra dos inquiridos relativamente ao novo produto, criado exclusivamente para ser objeto deste trabalho. Foi também efetuada a análise comparativa da estrutura de custos dos produtos e da respetiva cadeia de abastecimento, fazendo uma projeção do impacte económico nos custos e proveitos da Adega Cooperativa de Mangualde, CRL.
Estas alterações resultaram, do ponto de vista económico, numa redução de 4,61% no custo de produção e transporte, do ponto de vista ambiental, numa diminuição de 7,06% nos resíduos introduzidos na cadeia de abastecimento.
Os resultados do inquérito indicam que os consumidores, quando menos informados, dão mais importância ao aspeto; quando mais informados, valorizam o preço. O conceito Eco é válido, desde que a mensagem seja transmitida corretamente ao consumidor, estando 67,2% dos inquiridos dispostos a pagar mais, o que pode ter um impacte de 4.48% na faturação no posto de venda.
A chave do sucesso do negócio verde é a comunicação.
Climate change imposes a new paradigm in Management, a dynamic balance between sustainability and profit. Entrepreneurship in wine business may go through Green Management, aiming to generate increased value to product and consequent competitive advantage. An "ECO" production process was developed for the Foral D. Henrique brand, using lighter bottles with dimensions that allow the transport of larger quantities. The actual production of Foral D. Henrique "ECO" made it possible to analyze the influence on the purchase decision of the bottle and the "ECO" brand, and the value added to the brand in profit and notoriety, using Foral D Henrique 2015 and the Foral D. Henrique "Ecova Sedução" as balance. This study is a mixture of Causal Study and Descriptive Study that systematically, logically and robustly analyzes the buying behaviors of the respondents regarding the new product created exclusively to be object of this study. A comparative analysis of the cost structure of the products and their supply chain was also made, with a projection of the economic impact on the costs and revenues of the Adega Cooperativa de Mangualde, CRL. These changes have resulted in a reduction in the cost of production and transport of 4.61% and from the environmental point of view, in a decrease of 7,06% in waste introduced into the supply chain. The results of the survey indicate that consumers when less informed give more importance to the aspect and when more informed value the price. The Eco concept is valid as long as the message is correctly communicated to the consumer, with 67.2% of the respondents willing to pay more, which can have a 4.48% impact on the billing at the point of sale. The key to green business success is communication.
Climate change imposes a new paradigm in Management, a dynamic balance between sustainability and profit. Entrepreneurship in wine business may go through Green Management, aiming to generate increased value to product and consequent competitive advantage. An "ECO" production process was developed for the Foral D. Henrique brand, using lighter bottles with dimensions that allow the transport of larger quantities. The actual production of Foral D. Henrique "ECO" made it possible to analyze the influence on the purchase decision of the bottle and the "ECO" brand, and the value added to the brand in profit and notoriety, using Foral D Henrique 2015 and the Foral D. Henrique "Ecova Sedução" as balance. This study is a mixture of Causal Study and Descriptive Study that systematically, logically and robustly analyzes the buying behaviors of the respondents regarding the new product created exclusively to be object of this study. A comparative analysis of the cost structure of the products and their supply chain was also made, with a projection of the economic impact on the costs and revenues of the Adega Cooperativa de Mangualde, CRL. These changes have resulted in a reduction in the cost of production and transport of 4.61% and from the environmental point of view, in a decrease of 7,06% in waste introduced into the supply chain. The results of the survey indicate that consumers when less informed give more importance to the aspect and when more informed value the price. The Eco concept is valid as long as the message is correctly communicated to the consumer, with 67.2% of the respondents willing to pay more, which can have a 4.48% impact on the billing at the point of sale. The key to green business success is communication.
Green management Green supply chain Green marketing Wine supply chain