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Objetivo: Analisar como diferentes pessoas, em diferentes momentos, avaliam e respondem de às exigências colocadas pela pandemia. Esta análise permite compreender oscilações na adesão a recomendações de comportamentos de prevenção de contágio por SARS-CoV-2 durante a pandemia por COVID-19. A partir disto, estratégias, ações e materiais de comunicação de crise e risco, podem ser customizadas às perceções sociais do risco, i.e., como as pessoas avaliam o perigo, esforço e incerteza vs. recursos para lidar com estas, num certo momento. Método: Foi realizado, entre março de 2020 e março de 2021, um estudo de monitorização, com extração e análise longitudinal de dados de mais de 120 mil comentários públicos de utilizadores portugueses de redes sociais, em resposta a publicações sobre a COVID-19 emitidas pela Direcção-Geral da Saúde e por sete meios de comunicação social nacionais (Expresso, TVI24, RTP3, SIC Notícias, Correio da Manhã, Público, Observador). Este estudo seguiu uma abordagem que tem demonstrado ser relevante na recolha de evidências científicas que sustentem estratégias, ações e materiais eficazes no incremento de adesão a recomendações e mobilização social dos cidadãos, a abordagem ResiliScence, que considera os cidadãos como “sensores sociais”, permitindo detetar oscilações nas suas avaliações e respostas ao longo do tempo. Principais resultados: Em certos períodos, o nível de perceção de risco sistémico refletiu a gravidade da situação epidemiológica, mas noutros períodos isso não ocorreu, com algumas expressões de incerteza/desconfiança face à gravidade dos números reportados ou elevada perceção de risco quando a situação epidemiológica não era grave (e.g., início do ano letivo). Considerando a representação social das caraterísticas da crise percecionadas num certo momento (ver os vários modelo de crise no anexo III), particularmente as exigências, os indicadores de esforço foram predominantes face a indicadores de perigo e de incerteza na situação, o que dá suporte à hipótese que a atual crise de saúde se tornou crónica, predominando a denominada fadiga pandémica. O período da pandemia em que o risco sistémico foi percecionado como mais baixo, co-ocorreu com os primeiros casos de COVID-19 confirmados no país e com o primeiro registo de zero óbitos (inferindo-se que ambos os acontecimentos tenham sido potenciadores da perceção de controlo). Também no período de Natal verificou-se baixa perceção de risco, potencialmente associada à “sensação de segurança” nos encontros familiares e às consequências do longo período de esforço/fadiga nos meses precedentes, limitador de capacidades para se ser vigilante. O mais alto nível de perceção de risco ocorreu em janeiro de 2021, quando Portugal atravessou a mais grave situação epidemiológica desde o início da pandemia. Os resultados quantitativos podem ser visualizados em: Conclusões: Após cada “período de crise”, em que a perceção de risco sistémico aumentou consistentemente até atingir o pico, verificou-se um “período de restauração”, em que esta diminuiu consistentemente, atingindo os níveis médios do ciclo anterior. Estes resultados podem por um lado, indicar resiliência social e individual, em que após cada crise existe recuperação e potenciação de recursos. Por outro lado, podem revelar escape/negação da situação com atenuação do risco, após um período de risco alto. Mais ainda, servem de alerta pois a repetição de vários ciclos de crise-recuperação pode originar consequências negativas na saúde psicológica e consequente maior tempo de recuperação após cada “pico” de crise, caso não sejam providenciados suficientes recursos sociais e pessoais aos cidadãos, que tornem a recuperação mais eficaz. Neste âmbito, uma abordagem de sensores sociais permite customizar a comunicação de crise e de risco às perceções sociais da situação (modelo de crise identificado) num certo momento (e.g., empatia, reconhecimento do esforço e agradecimento pela adesão aos comportamentos recomendados, se o esforço psicológico for predominante no modelo de crise identificado neste).
Goal: To analyse how different people, at different times, evaluate and respond to the demands placed by the pandemic. This allows to understand the oscillations in the adherence to SARS-CoV-2 contagion prevention behaviours’ recommendations during COVID- 19 pandemic. From this, crisis and/or risk communication actions and materials, can be customized to social perceptions of risk, i.e. the way people assess the dangers, effort and uncertainties vs. the resources available to cope with these, at a given moment.Method: A monitoring study was carried out between March 2020 and March 2021, based on longitudinal data extraction and analysis of more than 120,000 public comments from Portuguese social media users, in response to publications on COVID- 19 issued by the Directorate-General for Health and by seven national media (Expresso, TVI24, RTP3, SIC Notícias, Correio da Manhã, Público, Observador). This study has followed an approach that has proven relevant in obtaining scientific evidence to support effective actions and materials in increasing adherence to the recommendation and social mobilization of citizens - the ResiliScence approach. This approach considers citizens as "social sensors", allowing the detection of fluctuations in their evaluations and responses over time. Main results: In certain periods, the level of systemic risk perception reflected the severity of the epidemiological situation, but in other periods this did not happen, with some expressions of uncertainty/distrust regarding the seriousness of the reported numbers or high-risk perception when the epidemiological situation was not severe (e.g., school year beginning). Considering the social representation of the crisis characteristics at a certain moment (see the various crisis templates in Annex III), particularly the demands, the effort indicators were predominant in comparison to danger and uncertainty indicators in the situation, supporting the hypothesis that the current health crisis became chronic, with a predominance of the so-called pandemic fatigue.The pandemic period in which perceived systemic risk was lower, occurred with the first cases of COVID-19 confirmed in the country and with the first record of zero deaths (from which it can be inferred that both events have potentiated perceived control). Also in the Christmas period, there was a low perception of risk, potentially associated with “feelings of safety” associated with family meetings and with the consequences of a long effort/fatigue period in the preceding months, which limits resources that are essential to be vigilant. The highest level of risk perception occurred in January 2021, when Portugal went through the most serious epidemiological situation since the beginning of the pandemic. Quantitative results can be visualized at: After each “crisis period”, in which the perceived systemic risk consistently increased until reaching a peak, a “restoration period” was identified, where this perceived risk decreased consistently, reaching the average levels of the previous cycle. These results can, on the one hand, indicate social and individual resilience, in which after each crisis there is recovery and potentiation of resources. On the other hand, this can also indicate escape/denial of the situation with risk attenuation, after a period of high risk. Furthermore, this may serve as a warning because the repetition of several crisis-recovery cycles can originate negative consequences for psychological health and consequent longer recovery time after each "peak" of crisis, unless sufficient social and personal resources are provided to citizens, that make recovery more effective.In this context, a social sensors approach may make it possible to customize crisis and risk communication to social perceptions of the situation (identified crisis template) at a certain moment (for example, showing empathy, recognizing effort and thanking for the adherence to protective behaviours recommendations, if psychological effort is predominant in the crisis template identified).
Goal: To analyse how different people, at different times, evaluate and respond to the demands placed by the pandemic. This allows to understand the oscillations in the adherence to SARS-CoV-2 contagion prevention behaviours’ recommendations during COVID- 19 pandemic. From this, crisis and/or risk communication actions and materials, can be customized to social perceptions of risk, i.e. the way people assess the dangers, effort and uncertainties vs. the resources available to cope with these, at a given moment.Method: A monitoring study was carried out between March 2020 and March 2021, based on longitudinal data extraction and analysis of more than 120,000 public comments from Portuguese social media users, in response to publications on COVID- 19 issued by the Directorate-General for Health and by seven national media (Expresso, TVI24, RTP3, SIC Notícias, Correio da Manhã, Público, Observador). This study has followed an approach that has proven relevant in obtaining scientific evidence to support effective actions and materials in increasing adherence to the recommendation and social mobilization of citizens - the ResiliScence approach. This approach considers citizens as "social sensors", allowing the detection of fluctuations in their evaluations and responses over time. Main results: In certain periods, the level of systemic risk perception reflected the severity of the epidemiological situation, but in other periods this did not happen, with some expressions of uncertainty/distrust regarding the seriousness of the reported numbers or high-risk perception when the epidemiological situation was not severe (e.g., school year beginning). Considering the social representation of the crisis characteristics at a certain moment (see the various crisis templates in Annex III), particularly the demands, the effort indicators were predominant in comparison to danger and uncertainty indicators in the situation, supporting the hypothesis that the current health crisis became chronic, with a predominance of the so-called pandemic fatigue.The pandemic period in which perceived systemic risk was lower, occurred with the first cases of COVID-19 confirmed in the country and with the first record of zero deaths (from which it can be inferred that both events have potentiated perceived control). Also in the Christmas period, there was a low perception of risk, potentially associated with “feelings of safety” associated with family meetings and with the consequences of a long effort/fatigue period in the preceding months, which limits resources that are essential to be vigilant. The highest level of risk perception occurred in January 2021, when Portugal went through the most serious epidemiological situation since the beginning of the pandemic. Quantitative results can be visualized at: After each “crisis period”, in which the perceived systemic risk consistently increased until reaching a peak, a “restoration period” was identified, where this perceived risk decreased consistently, reaching the average levels of the previous cycle. These results can, on the one hand, indicate social and individual resilience, in which after each crisis there is recovery and potentiation of resources. On the other hand, this can also indicate escape/denial of the situation with risk attenuation, after a period of high risk. Furthermore, this may serve as a warning because the repetition of several crisis-recovery cycles can originate negative consequences for psychological health and consequent longer recovery time after each "peak" of crisis, unless sufficient social and personal resources are provided to citizens, that make recovery more effective.In this context, a social sensors approach may make it possible to customize crisis and risk communication to social perceptions of the situation (identified crisis template) at a certain moment (for example, showing empathy, recognizing effort and thanking for the adherence to protective behaviours recommendations, if psychological effort is predominant in the crisis template identified).
Direção-Geral da Saúde