O principal objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a relação entre o envolvimento académico, o burnout e o rendimento académico em alunos do ensino secundário, avaliando que diferenças estatisticamente significativas existem entre o ensino científico humanístico e o ensino profissional. A existência de diferenças relacionadas ao género nessas relações também foi investigada. A amostra foi composta por 110 alunos, sendo que 77 alunos frequentam o ensino científico humanístico e 33 alunos frequentam o ensino profissional no secundário. Foram aplicados três questionários: um questionário sociodemográfico; para
avaliar o envolvimento dos alunos utilizou-se a escala UWES-S, versão portuguesa adaptada
por Cadime, Lima, Marques Pinto & Ribeiro, (2016); para avaliar o Burnout utilizou-se a escala MBI –SS (Maslach Burnout Inventory – Student Survey - Schaufeli et al, 2002) adaptada para a versão portuguesa por Alexandra Marques Pinto, (2013). Os resultados revelaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos níveis de exaustão e cinismo sendo superiores no género feminino. No que diz respeito as diferenças na dimensão de exaustão em função do ensino, os resultados permitiram perceber diferenças estatisticamente significativas sendo superiores no ensino regular. Os resultados sugerem ainda que as correlações realizadas
demonstraram que existe relação estatisticamente significativa entre as diversas dimensões do burnout com a dimensões do envolvimento académico. Contrariamente ao esperado, as correlações realizadas demonstraram que não existe relação estatisticamente significativa entre as dimensões do envolvimento com a dimensões do desempenho académico.
The main objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between academic involvement, burnout and academic performance in secondary school students, evaluating what statistically significant differences exist between regular education and professional education. The existence of gender-related differences in these relationships has also been investigated. The sample consisted of 110 students attending regular or vocational education in secondary education. Three questionnaires were applied: a sociodemographic questionnaire; to assess student involvement, the UWES-S scale, a Portuguese version adapted by Cadime, Lima, Marques Pinto & Ribeiro, (2016) was used; to evaluate Burnout, the MBI –SS scale (Maslach Burnout Inventory - Student Survey - Schaufeli et al, 2002) was used, adapted to the Portuguese version by Alexandra Marques Pinto, (2013). The results revealed statistically significant differences in levels of exhaustion and cynicism, being higher in females. With regard to the differences in the exhaustion dimension as a result of education, the results allowed us to perceive statistically significant differences, being higher in regular education. The results also suggest that the correlations performed demonstrated that there is a statistically significant relationship between the various dimensions of burnout with the dimensions of academic involvement. Contrary to expectations, the correlations performed demonstrated that there is no statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of involvement and the dimensions of academic performance.
The main objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between academic involvement, burnout and academic performance in secondary school students, evaluating what statistically significant differences exist between regular education and professional education. The existence of gender-related differences in these relationships has also been investigated. The sample consisted of 110 students attending regular or vocational education in secondary education. Three questionnaires were applied: a sociodemographic questionnaire; to assess student involvement, the UWES-S scale, a Portuguese version adapted by Cadime, Lima, Marques Pinto & Ribeiro, (2016) was used; to evaluate Burnout, the MBI –SS scale (Maslach Burnout Inventory - Student Survey - Schaufeli et al, 2002) was used, adapted to the Portuguese version by Alexandra Marques Pinto, (2013). The results revealed statistically significant differences in levels of exhaustion and cynicism, being higher in females. With regard to the differences in the exhaustion dimension as a result of education, the results allowed us to perceive statistically significant differences, being higher in regular education. The results also suggest that the correlations performed demonstrated that there is a statistically significant relationship between the various dimensions of burnout with the dimensions of academic involvement. Contrary to expectations, the correlations performed demonstrated that there is no statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of involvement and the dimensions of academic performance.
Envolvimento académico Burnout Rendimento académico Academic involvement Academic performance