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Pretende-se com este artigo dar a conhecer as práticas digitais de crianças (com menos de 8 anos de idade) no seu ambiente familiar, mais especificamente em casa. Os pais são os principais mediadores relativamente ao contacto de crianças destas idades com meios digitais, tendo também um papel relevante ao influenciar as suas práticas, perceções e atitudes. Apresentamos assim alguns resultados relativos a um projeto Europeu, baseado numa metodologia qualitativa, nomeadamente na grounded theory, onde recorremos a entrevistas a pais e crianças como método de recolha de dados. Os resultados revelam que os pais desempenham diferentes papéis -são vistos como modelos, protetores, companheiros e supervisores. Estes diferentes papéis relacionam-se diretamente com assuas práticas pessoais e, principalmente, com as suas perceções e atitudes em relação às tecnologias.
This chapter presents an overview of the digital practices of young children (under 8 years old) in the home. At such an early age, parents are the main mediators of the contact with digital media, thus paying a preponderant role in shaping the young children's practices, perceptions and attitudes. In this chapter, we present partial results of a European-scale qualitative project that followed a methodology based on grounded theory, using interviews to families as method. Our findings reveal different roles played by the parents - role models, gatekeepers, companions, and supervisors. We also found that these different roles are related to the parenting style and also to the parents' own digital practices, and most importantly, perceptions and attitudes towards digital media.
This chapter presents an overview of the digital practices of young children (under 8 years old) in the home. At such an early age, parents are the main mediators of the contact with digital media, thus paying a preponderant role in shaping the young children's practices, perceptions and attitudes. In this chapter, we present partial results of a European-scale qualitative project that followed a methodology based on grounded theory, using interviews to families as method. Our findings reveal different roles played by the parents - role models, gatekeepers, companions, and supervisors. We also found that these different roles are related to the parenting style and also to the parents' own digital practices, and most importantly, perceptions and attitudes towards digital media.
Crianças 0-8 anos Meios digitais Ambiente familiar digital Mediação parental Young children Digital media Digital homes Parental mediation