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  • Geriatric care: ways and means of providing comfort
    Publication . Ribeiro, Patrícia Cruz Pontífice Sousa Valente; Marques, Rita Margarida Dourado; Ribeiro, Marta Pontifice
    Objective: To know the ways and means of comfort perceived by the older adults hospitalized in a medical service. Method:: Ethnographic study with a qualitative approach. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 22 older adults and participant observation of care situations. Results: The ways and means of providing comfort are centered on strategies for promoting care mobilized by nurses and recognized by patients(clarifying/informing, positive interaction/communication, music therapy, touch, smile, unconditional presence, empathy/proximity relationship, integrating the older adult or the family as partner in the care, relief of discomfort through massage/mobilization/therapy) and on particular moments of comfort (the first contact, the moment of personal hygiene, and the visit of the family), which constitute the foundation of care/comfort. Final considerations: Geriatric care is built on the relationship that is established and complete with meaning, and is based on the meeting/interaction between the actors under the influence of the context in which they are inserted. The different ways and means of providing comfort aim to facilitate/increase care, relieve discomfort and/or invest in potential comfort.
  • The role of the nurse in caring for the critical patient with sepsis
    Publication . Branco, Maria João Chambel; Lucas, Ana Paula Mirco; Marques, Rita Margarida Dourado; Sousa, Patrícia Pontífice
    OBJECTIVES: to know the nursing interventions in the identification, prevention and control of sepsis in critical patients. METHODS: integrative review of the literature, with two parallel researches using different MesH terms, using the EBSCO database and Google Scholar. Nine studies were included in the sample. RESULTS: nursing interventions are centered on the creation/implementation of protocols for the early recognition of sepsis, the training of teams to ensure a safe and effective approach and the adoption of measures for infection prevention and control as a way to prevent sepsis. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: the evidence shows that nurses are fundamental in the early identification, control and prevention of sepsis, preventing disease progression and contributing to decreased morbidity and mortality.
  • Delirium: nursing interventions directed to the hospitalized adult patient – a bibliographic review
    Publication . Bento, Marta Sofia Pão Mole; Marques, Rita Margarida Dourado; Sousa, Patrícia Pontífice
    Delirium is a neuropsychiatric syndrome, characterized by an acute attention and cognition deficit disorder, of multifactorial etiology. It has a high prevalence in the elderly population and it’s an indicator of a poor prognosis. It leads to a negative impact, provoking deterioration in the person’s quality of life. Objectives: This study aimed to identify the nursing interventions directed to the hospitalized adult / elderly, for the control of delirium. Methodology: Using a PICO question as a reference, a review of articles published between 2012 and 2017 was carried out. That identified, which nursing interventions aimed at the adult / elderly person hospitalized with delirium. Results: In this bibliographic review 5 studies were selected, in common, they present tendentially, non-pharmacological dynamic strategies of preventive character towards the delirium. This evidences the role of nursing in carrying out preventive actions (preferentially directed to risk factors, which may trigger this neurological alteration), such as the maintenance of the sensorial balance, assessing the local environment, monitoring pain, sleep and the stimulation of the early mobility. Conclusion: The interventions for delirium should include the identification of predisposing and precipitating factors with adequate actions, for its resolution. Research is imperative, to recognize and validate witch interventions may control delirium (prevent/ treat) and thus reduce its consequences.
  • Nursing approach to the person in critical situation submitted to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: scoping review
    Publication . Chaiça, Verónica; Pontífice-Sousa, Patrícia; Marques, Rita
    Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) corresponds to a form of mechanical cardiopulmonary support used to treat severe respiratory failure, since it allows extracorporeal gas exchange. Additionally, in patients with severe heart failure, or experiencing cardiorespiratory arrest, this technique also provides systemic circulation. Nevertheless, ECMO carries some risks, such as clot formation. It is in this context that the nurse has a key role. Objective: To map the available scientific evidence about the nurses' approach to the critically ill person subjected to ECMO. Method: We conducted a scoping review, using databases accessed through the EBSCOhost platform and following the methodology proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. Through the combination of appropriate MesH descriptors, we selected articles published between 2009 and 2019, written in Portuguese or English. Results: Five studies were included in the review. Their analysis allowed us to verify that the nurse's approach focuses on the monitoring, surveillance, management and coordination of the care provided to critically ill patients subjected to ECMO. It was also found that the adoption of adequate protocols, the training of the multidisciplinary teams and an efficient communication between team members contributed to an effective, safe and high-quality performance when facing patients subjected to ECMO. Conclusion: An appropriate nursing approach is essential to ensure the provision of care with quality, and safety, to the patient subjected to ECMO.
  • Cuidados de enfermagem podológicos promotores de conforto ao idoso: uma revisão integrativa
    Publication . Jorge, Maria Helena Alves; Pontífice-Sousa, Patrícia; Marques, Rita
    Introdução: Os cuidados podológicos referem-se aos cuidados com as extremidades dos membros inferiores e pés, nomeadamente na avaliação dos pés da pessoa, higiene e intervenções que abordam problemas com a manutenção ou recuperação de problemas minor das unhas e pés. Envolvem um conjunto de intervenções não invasivas que protegem a saúde dos pés e que devem constituir um foco de atenção/intervenção dos enfermeiros. Objetivo: Identificar na literatura científica as alterações que ocorrem nos pés dos idosos e conhecer os cuidados de Enfermagem podológicos promotores de conforto ao idoso. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura realizada em fevereiro de 2020 nas bases de dados científicas: CINAHL; MEDLINE Cochrane e Mediclatina, no período amostral de janeiro 2009 a dezembro 2019. Resultados: Nos 27 artigos encontrados foram selecionados 5, que evidenciaram as alterações que ocorrem nos pés dos idosos e respetivos cuidados de enfermagem podológicos. Estes cuidados devem, para além de confortadores, avaliar e identificar os problemas, evitar as incapacidades e as complicações, reabilitar as incapacidades detetadas e promover a independência funcional, o autocuidado e a autoestima, levando a uma melhor qualidade de vida do idoso. Conclusão: A prevalência de problemas nos pés dos idosos é uma realidade. Foram apresentadas as alterações que ocorrem nos pés dos idosos, bem como as intervenções de enfermagem que respondem às necessidades podológicas e de conforto.