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  • Biocompatibility and effectiveness of a novel, organic olive oil-based denture adhesive: a multicenter randomized and placebo-controlled clinical trial
    Publication . Azevedo, Luís; Correia, André; Almeida, Carlos F.; Molinero-Mourelle, Pedro; Correia, Maria; Highsmith, Jaime del Río
    To assess the clinical efficacy of a novel, organic olive oil-based denture adhesive and its effect on Candida albicans growth in maxillary edentulous individuals wearing complete dentures, individuals were selected from two dental schools in Portugal and Spain. Twenty-eight complete dentures were relined, following a standardized protocol. The novel product (test) was compared with a commercialized adhesive (control) and Vaseline (placebo) randomly assigned in a cross-study design. The retention resistance was measured with a gnathometer and a dynamometer. The patients related outcome evaluations with a five-point questionnaire, and the Candida albicans growth in a Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) medium was used to evaluate differences between the placebo and experimental product. Twenty-three participants were included. The dynamometer evaluation showed significant differences between not using a denture adhesive and using either (experimental, p = 0.03; control, p = 0.04) and no significant differences between the two adhesives (p > 0.05). In the subjective analysis, the experimental adhesive showed a significantly longer effectiveness (p = 0.001), and the control reported better results in taste (p = 0.03) and in chewing (p = 0.001). The test adhesive showed better (p < 0.001) Candida albicans growth inhibition. The experimental adhesive showed longer effectiveness than the control and the placebo with a better inhibition capacity for the growth of Candida albicans. Patients reported better abilities for speech, chewing, taste, and retirement in the control adhesive.
  • Embedding environmental sustainability within the modern dental curriculum – exploring current practice and developing a shared understanding
    Publication . Duane, Brett; Dixon, Jonathan; Ambibola, Giwa; Aldana, Clara; Couglan, James; Henao, Daniel; Timus, Daniela; Veiga, Nélio; Martin, Nicolas; Darragh, Jáuregui‐Hogan; Ramasubbu, Darshini; Perez, Francesc; Schwendicke, Falk; Correia, Maria; Quinteros, Maria; Harten, Maria van; Paganelli, Corrado; Vos, Peter; Lopez, Rosa Moreno; Field, James
    Introduction: Evidence concerning the interactions between human health and planetary health has grown extensively in recent years. In turn, the perceived importance of environmental sustainability within higher education is growing at a rapid rate. This paper provides a summary of key elements as they apply to dentistry, and provides an introduction to the reader of an early consensus of how sustainability could be included as part of the dental curriculum. Methods: The consensus opinion within this paper largely centres around discussion at the ADEE sustainability workshop at the annual conference in Berlin (August 2019). In order to help inform discussions at the workshop, a brief scoping questionnaire was circulated to potential participants regarding their understanding and current teaching practices in sustainability. An infographic was designed to help delegates remember the important elements of sustainable dentistry. Delegates discussed the concept of sustainability alongside the infographic, and how they could link these with the Graduating European Dentist (GED) curriculum. Results: The discussions within the workshop largely centred around 4 main themes: Disease prevention and health promotion, Patient education and empowerment, Lean service delivery and Preferential use of strategies with lower environmental impact. Discussion: It is apparent that there is a widespread need for teaching materials relating to environmental sustainability; this includes specific learning outcomes relating to the 4 educational domains of the Graduating European Dentist curriculum, and methods for teaching and assessing these outcomes. Conclusion: This paper reports consensus on the first phase of a pan‐European working group on Sustainability in dental education.
  • Oral health behaviour perception scale applied among a sample of Portuguese adolescents
    Publication . Amaral, Odete; Couto, Patrícia; Coelho, Inês; Correia, Maria José; Veiga, Nélio Jorge
    Introduction: The application of a scale can be particularly useful for the epidemiological studies comparing different populations and for analysis of the influence of distinct aspects of oral health on the development of certain health conditions. The aim of this study consists in the creation of a scale to classify the level of perception of the oral health behaviors applicable to a sample of Portuguese adolescents. Material and Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was designed with a total of 649 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18 years old from five public schools in the Viseu and Guarda districts, in Portugal. Data was collected by the application of a self-administered questionnaire and, after analysis of data collection, the newly Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) oral health perception scale was created. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS-IBM software version 24.0 (IBM SPSS, Chicago, Il., USA). In the descriptive statistical analysis, absolute and descriptive frequencies were used for variables with nominal measurement level, mean as a measure of central tendency and standard deviation as a measure of dispersion for interval variables. Results: Oral health behaviors perception respecting the assumptions defined by the present scale has been elaborated. The result showed that 67% of the sample presented a poor perception of their oral health behaviors, 23.9% intermediate/sufficient, while 8.2% refer having good perception, respecting the assumptions defined for the elaboration of the present scale. Conclusion: For this purpose, through the scale to classify the level of oral health behaviors applicable to the sample of portuguese adolescents, it is possible to compare the data of several samples and understand what are the most frequent oral or eating habits among adolescents.
  • Estudo comparativo de comportamentos e autoperceção em saúde oral de populações adultas com e sem deficiência intelectual
    Publication . Martins, Inês; Veiga, Nélio; Correia, Maria; Coelho, Inês; Couto, Patrícia
    Objetivos: Comparar os comportamentos de saúde oral e a autoperceção da necessidade de tratamento em populações adultas com e sem deficiência intelectual. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo de prevalência numa amostra de conveniência de 480 indivíduos com idades compreendidas entre os 18-64 anos (240 indivíduos com deficiência intelectual leve filiados na HUMANITAS e 240 sem deficiência, utentes da Clínica Universitária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa), através da aplicação de um questionário sociodemográfico e de saúde oral onde se pretende avaliar: número de dentes naturais; frequência e técnicas de higienização; periodicidade e motivo das consultas médico-dentárias; autoperceção da condição oral e necessidade de tratamentos. A análise estatística foi realizada no software SPSS versão 22.0, com recurso aos testes estatísticos Qui-Quadrado e Mann-Whitney. Resultados: Relativamente à condição oral da população com deficiência verificou-se que 32,9% dos indivíduos tinha menos de 20 dentes, valor este superior ao da população sem deficiência (10%). Também a percentagem de higienização oral diária foi inferior na população com deficiência (79,6% vs 94,2%), assim como o uso de fio dentário (7,1% vs 47,1%) ou elixir (24,1% vs 49,2%). Verificámos ainda nos indivíduos com deficiência uma menor percentagem de consultas médico-dentárias nos últimos 6 meses (28,4% vs 59,2%), especialmente por motivo de rotina (18,8% vs 46,3%), uma maior autoperceção da necessidade de tratamento (75,2% vs 56,7%), e uma autoperceção menos favorável da condição oral, já que menos de metade (37,4% vs 56,2%) da amostra descreveu a sua condição oral como boa ou superior. Conclusões: Apesar dos fracos resultados gerais obtidos em ambas as populações, os comportamentos de saúde oral da população com deficiência intelectual são inferiores aos da população sem deficiência. Assim, a formação dos profissionais de saúde, dos cuidadores e a implementação de programas públicos de saúde oral são essenciais para melhorar a saúde oral destes indivíduos.
  • Dental caries and oral health behavior assessments among Portuguese adolescents
    Publication . Veiga, Nélio Jorge; Cecchi, Maria Helena Ribeiro de; Martins, Johnny; Cunha, Inara Pereira da; Meneghim, Marcelo de Castro; Correia, Maria José; Couto, Patrícia
    Introduction: Adolescents have a high risk of developing caries in Portugal. The present study is designed to assess dental caries experience among the adolescents by the application of DMFT index, characterize the oral health risk factors and to determine the association between caries experience and socio-demographic variables. The characterization of the oral health behaviors of adolescents of the central region of Portugal will help in the development of specific oral health education strategies to improve oral health among the local communities. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among a convenient sample of 694 adolescents aged 12 to 18 years attending public schools in two Portuguese districts using a structured questionnaire designed to investigate oral health and behavior of participants. In addition, a clinical examination was carried out noting the decayed, missing and filled teeth. A descriptive analysis of the variables was performed using the Chi-square, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests (p<0.05). A multivariate analysis was applied for analysis of the association between variables. Results: The mean DMFT index score of 2.91±2.9 was obtained. Of the total sample, 73% consumed sugary food daily, 50.1% considered having good oral health and 70.8% did not report pain in the last 12 months. Most adolescents (79.4%) brushed their teeth daily and 60% did not use dental floss. Of the total sample, 96.4% had a dental appointment in the last 12 months, 46.4% of which was for preventive purposes. Applying the Chi-square statistical test, we verified that the adolescents who brush their teeth daily presented a good perception about their oral health (p<0.001), the DMFT index scores were associated with the residence area (p=0.01) and the presence of dental caries was associated with the perception of oral health (p=0.049) and sugary food intake (p=0.029).Conclusion: Portuguese adolescents presented a low DMFT index. The DMFT index was associated with residence area, perception of oral health and sugary food intake. Daily toothbrushing was associated with self-perception of oral health. It is suggested that oral health promotion and prevention programs should aim to reduce the risks of oral disease development.