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Medeiros Garcia, Maria de Lurdes

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  • Risk behaviors to psychoactive substances use in children and young people in Lisbon
    Publication . Deodato, Sérgio; Nunes, Elisabete; Capelas, Manuel; Seabra, Paulo; Sarreira-Santos, Alexandra; Medeiros-Garcia, Lurdes
    Objective: To characterize the risk behavior of the psychoactive substances use in a youth population of Lisbon. Method: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study. Participants were 113 children and young people who responded to the Portuguese version of the Risk and Health Behavior questionnaire - Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Results: Participants with regard to age were between 9-13, most attending the 5th grade, living with parents, had good school performance, good relationship with colleagues while 1/4 refer problems. When concerned, recourse to the mother, but it is significant the attention of peers. As for the trial of psychoactive substances was found: 9.7% tobacco, 19.5% alcohol, other substances 5.3%. Conclusion: With regard to risk behavior stands primarily to early alcohol testing. Emerged as protective factors: family relationship and relationship with the school space. This age group may constitute the ideal time for prevention.
  • Community Mental Health Nursing consultation in a public bathhouse: a spiritual coping resource
    Publication . Simões Figueiredo, Amélia; Vidal, Teresa; Ferrito, Cândida; Neves-Amado, João; Sarreira-Santos, Alexandra; Medeiros Garcia, Maria de Lurdes; Roldan-Merino, Juan; Ramirez, Antonia
    (1) Background: The spiritual dimension’s importance in health/disease processes is widely recognized, also being demonstrated by scientific evidence. Hence, its study is crucial, particularly with respect to a Mental health nursing consultation occurring in a community resource, such as a public bathhouse. This study aims to identify the nursing interventions of spiritual nature developed over 5 years in the abovementioned setting, thus characterizing the Portuguese reality; (2) Methods: Observational, cross-sectional and quantitative study, based on a sample comprising all users who attended a community Mental health nursing consultation, from March 2015, to 31 December 2019; (3) Results: A total of 205 nursing appointments were performed, from which emerged a set of 346 diagnoses, resulting in 455 nursing interventions. Of the latter, some deserve to be highlighted, due to a greater prevalence: “listening” (61; 13%), “supporting” (38; 8%), “promoting self-esteem” (37; 8%), “monitoring vital signs” (31; 7%), and “identifying attitude towards care” (25; 5%); (4) Conclusions: even though some of the interventions performed during the consultations were associated with the spiritual dimension, the collected data points towards a need for new diagnoses and nursing interventions, namely, those which may help mitigate spiritual distress.
  • Nursing consultation in a public bathhouse: a community resource for the vulnerable population in a European capital
    Publication . Simões-Figueiredo, Amélia; Seabra, Paulo; Sarreira-Santos, Alexandra; Vollrath, Antónia; Medeiros-Garcia, Lurdes; Vidal, Teresa; Neves-Amado, João
    Background: In Portugal’s capital, Lisbon, there are 19 public showers (PS) attended by a vulnerable population. Aim: To describe the assessment and interventions performed during nursing consultations. Method: This is a quantitative, observational, and cross-sectional study. Findings: In a convenience sample of 77 users, 52% are females, 43% are single, 52% do not possess any economic resources, 87% have mental health issues, and 32% are homeless. The main nursing focuses found were: arterial hypertension, disease management skills, and emotional suffering. The most used nursing intervention is listening, followed by the expression of feelings, valuing the individual and his/her story, analyzing causes, providing support, and comforting. Conclusions: This study shows that the main focus of the nursing care in these facilities is the human being. The respect for individuality and dignity was the primary concern, in an attempt to empower the individual to better manage his/her health and illness processes.
  • A felicidade em pessoas com doença mental: uma revisão integrativa da literatura
    Publication . Seabra, Paulo; Sarreira-Santos, Alexandra; Medeiros-Garcia, Lurdes; Costa, Alexandre; Cardoso, Idália; Figueiredo, Amélia Simões
    CONTEXTO: A forma como cada pessoa vive e sente satisfação com a sua experiência de vida, tem naturalmente uma dimensão subjetiva mas reveladora de aspetos intrínsecos da dimensão humana. A felicidade pode ser um conceito agregador dessas dimensões embora de difícil definição para pessoas com ou sem doença mental. OBJETIVO: Identificar a perceção de felicidade em pessoas com doença mental, os fatores que contribuem para aumentar ou menorizar essa perceção. MÉTODOS:Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Pesquisa em bases de dados internacionais, realizada em agosto de 2016. Foi aplicado um conjunto de descritores e critérios de inclusão. Obteve-se uma amostra final de 7 estudos, publicados entre 2006-2014. RESULTADOS:Não se encontraram definições aprofundadas do conceito expressas pelos participantes. Emerge como aproximação ao conceito a capacidade para interação social ou enquanto fenómeno intrinsecamente relacionada com a religiosidade. A felicidade depende pouco de eventos externos e reforça-se com fatores duradouros e de uma dimensão mais interior e predeterminada previamente à doença. Os fatores que contribuem são essencialmente de ordem pessoal, familiar, suporte social alargado e emocional. Os que contribuem para menorizar a felicidade são de ordem pessoal, efeitos secundários da medicação, escassez de suporte social alargado, disfunção afetiva e emocional. A família não surgiu enquanto fator associado a menor felicidade. CONCLUSÕES:A felicidade está interligada à vivência social e ao bem-estar, à resiliência, a fatores protetores internos da própria pessoa.