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O estudo realizado surge com o objetivo de conhecer o percurso e as influências na enfermagem em Portugal, ao longo do período cronológico de 1143 a 1973, com um enquadramento no trajeto da assistência e com uma relação com a História de Portugal. Para isso, a identificação das funções dos enfermeiros assim como a sua análise são cruciais para chegarmos a uma interpretação de como as diversas tipologias de influências foram mais ou menos determinantes no percurso dos enfermeiros ao longo destes 830 anos.
Com a utilização de uma metodologia histórica, com etapas organizadas e com objetivos para cada uma delas, perspetivamos uma relação com um conjunto de factos históricos de todos os séculos e de todas as regiões de Portugal, que nos permitiram encontrar um conjunto de conhecimentos para acrescentar ao quadro da história da enfermagem em Portugal.
As ideias que ficaram deste estudo começam pela identificação da influência educativa ter sido ao longo dos séculos determinante no percurso realizado pelos enfermeiros, quer pela ausência de uma educação profissional organizada antes do século XX, quer também pela educação antes do ingresso na atividade profissional. Por outro lado, não nos foi possível identificar uma organização sistemática por períodos que nos levasse a relacionar os factos com uma alteração em relação às funções dos enfermeiros em termos de instituições hospitalares.
Identificamos também dois caminhos diferentes realizados pelos enfermeiros em Portugal: a evolução em Lisboa, Porto e Coimbra e a evolução no restante país. Nestes dois caminhos a dinâmica organizacional e as funções dos enfermeiros eram bastante diferentes.
Embora não se enquadrasse nos nossos objetivos, no entanto verificamos a existência quase sempre de pessoas de ambos os géneros na prática dos cuidados aos enfermos, apenas com pequenos períodos já no século XX de alguma predominância do género feminino.
A construção currícular no início da educação organizada em enfermagem teve as suas origens nas funções que os enfermeiros já executavam nos hospitais ao longo do país, ou seja, apareceu com base na tradição prática do exercício dos enfermeiros.
study appears to meet the route objective and influences in nursing in Portugal, along the timeline from 1143 to 1973, with a framework on the way of assistance and a relationship with the History of Portugal. To this end, identifying the functions of nurses as well as their analysis, are crucial to arrive at an interpretation of how the various types of influences were more or less relevant in the course of the nurses over these 830 years With the use of a historical methodology, with steps arranged, and objectives for each, setting out a relationship with a set of historical facts , all ages and from all regions of Portugal, we possible to find a set of knowledge, to add to the context of nursing history in Portugal The ideas that were in this study, begin with identifying the educational influence has been over the centuries, determining the trajectory performed by nurses or by the absence of an organized professional education, before the twentieth century, also wants the education before enrolling at the professional activity. Moreover, we were unable to identify a systematic organization of periods, to take us to relate the facts with an amendment in relation to the functions of nurses in terms of hospitals Also identified two different paths made by nurses in Portugal: evolution in Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra and developments elsewhere in the country. In these two paths organizational dynamics and the roles of nurses were quite different. Although there would fit on our objectives, however, verify the existence, almost always, people of both sexes, in practice care for the sick, with only short periods in the twentieth century, some female predominance. The curriculum construction, the beginning of organized education in nursing, had its origins in the roles that nurses already performed in hospitals throughout country appearing on the tradition of practical exercise of nurses.
study appears to meet the route objective and influences in nursing in Portugal, along the timeline from 1143 to 1973, with a framework on the way of assistance and a relationship with the History of Portugal. To this end, identifying the functions of nurses as well as their analysis, are crucial to arrive at an interpretation of how the various types of influences were more or less relevant in the course of the nurses over these 830 years With the use of a historical methodology, with steps arranged, and objectives for each, setting out a relationship with a set of historical facts , all ages and from all regions of Portugal, we possible to find a set of knowledge, to add to the context of nursing history in Portugal The ideas that were in this study, begin with identifying the educational influence has been over the centuries, determining the trajectory performed by nurses or by the absence of an organized professional education, before the twentieth century, also wants the education before enrolling at the professional activity. Moreover, we were unable to identify a systematic organization of periods, to take us to relate the facts with an amendment in relation to the functions of nurses in terms of hospitals Also identified two different paths made by nurses in Portugal: evolution in Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra and developments elsewhere in the country. In these two paths organizational dynamics and the roles of nurses were quite different. Although there would fit on our objectives, however, verify the existence, almost always, people of both sexes, in practice care for the sick, with only short periods in the twentieth century, some female predominance. The curriculum construction, the beginning of organized education in nursing, had its origins in the roles that nurses already performed in hospitals throughout country appearing on the tradition of practical exercise of nurses.