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Objetivos: Avaliar a relação entre variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas, perceção de intimidade relacional, satisfação conjugal, preocupações sentidas durante a gravidez e morbilidade psicológica (ansiedade, depressão e stress).Tipo de estudo: Observacional, transversal.Local: ACeS da zona norte do País (Barcelos/Esposende – ACeS Cávado III).População: Grávidas no segundo e terceiro trimestres de gravidez.Métodos: A amostra foi recolhida nas sessões de preparação para o parto efetuadas no ACeS Cávado III, tendo as utentes respondido a um questionário.Resultados: Maiores preocupações associam-se a maior morbilidade psicológica, menor perceção de intimidade relacional e satisfação conjugal associam-se a maior morbilidade psicológica. A perceção de intimidade relacional relacionou-se positivamente com a satisfação conjugal e negativamente com as preocupações.Conclusões: A gravidez pode comportar consideráveis riscos para a saúde mental da mulher.
Objectives: to assess the relationship between sociodemographic and clinical variables, relationship intimacy, marital satisfaction, worries during pregnancy and psychological morbidity (anxiety, depression and stress). Type of study: observational, cross-sectional. Location: ACES in the northern zone of the country (Barcelos/Esposende- ACES of Cávado III). Population: women in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Methods: the sample was collected during childbirth preparation consultationsin theACES of Cávado III and women completed the questionnaires after the childbirth preparation class. Results: Greater worries were associated with more psychological morbidity, less perception of relationship intimacy and of marital satisfaction were associated with more psychological morbidity. The perception of relationship intimacy was positively associated with marital satisfaction and negatively associated with worries during preg
Objectives: to assess the relationship between sociodemographic and clinical variables, relationship intimacy, marital satisfaction, worries during pregnancy and psychological morbidity (anxiety, depression and stress). Type of study: observational, cross-sectional. Location: ACES in the northern zone of the country (Barcelos/Esposende- ACES of Cávado III). Population: women in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Methods: the sample was collected during childbirth preparation consultationsin theACES of Cávado III and women completed the questionnaires after the childbirth preparation class. Results: Greater worries were associated with more psychological morbidity, less perception of relationship intimacy and of marital satisfaction were associated with more psychological morbidity. The perception of relationship intimacy was positively associated with marital satisfaction and negatively associated with worries during preg
Gravidez Ansiedade Depressão Stress Pregnancy Anxiety Depression