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O presente relatório foi realizado no âmbito do curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem
na área de Especialização em Enfermagem de Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica da Universidade
Católica Portuguesa, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde de Lisboa.
Atualmente, necessitamos de encontrar, compreender e utilizar a informação e os
diferentes serviços de saúde nos diferentes momentos da vida, pelo que a literacia em saúde
assume um papel de extrema importância. A adolescência é um período onde ocorrem
inúmeras transformações de diferente cariz, em que surge a necessidade de experimentação
de sensações novas, de transgressão de limites e de afirmação de si. Assim, a literacia em
saúde torna-se uma prioridade no campo de atuação do enfermeiro especialista com o jovem
adolescente. Deste modo, foi definido neste percurso de formação, o objetivo geral:
“Contribuir para a promoção da literacia em saúde em jovens adolescentes com
comportamentos de risco”. Neste sentido, foi realizado um breve enquadramento
conceptual e teórico, bem como uma revisão de scoping acerca da presente temática. Os
resultados obtidos permitiram fundamentar as atividades que foram desenvolvidas nos
diferentes contextos de estágio, contribuindo para uma prática especializada baseada na
evidência. A linha de pensamento norteadora que ofereceu suporte e fundamento às
intervenções desenvolvidas foi o referencial teórico de Enfermagem do Modelo de Betty
Neuman da Teoria dos Sistemas.
Por ordem cronológica, o estágio decorreu maioritariamente em ambiente hospitalar,
nomeadamente Serviço de Urgência Pediátrica, Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Especiais
Neonatais e Internamento de Pediatria tendo início a 9 de setembro e prolongando-se até dia
18 de dezembro de 2020. A metodologia utilizada para a realização deste relatório teve como
base a descrição, análise e reflexão crítica acerca dos objetivos definidos, bem como
atividades realizadas nos diferentes contextos, das quais destaco a promoção da literacia em
saúde com o jovem adolescente, utilizando como recurso a tecnologia, assim como
experiências e oportunidades de aprendizagem vivenciadas ao longo desde percurso.
Concluindo, o presente relatório visa espelhar a aquisição de competências comuns
inerentes ao Enfermeiro Especialista e do Enfermeiro Especialista de Saúde Infantil e
Pediátrica, subjacentes no sentido de criatividade, responsabilidade, compromisso e
capacidade crítico-reflexivo do mesmo.
This report was created in the context of the Master’s Degree in Nursing, under the Speciality of Infant and Paediatric Health at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde de Lisboa. Currently, it is necessary to find, understand, and utilize the information and the different health services in the different life stages, hence health literacy holds a role of extreme importance. Adolescence is a time when numerous transformations of different nature occur, a time when the necessity of experimenting new sensations, limit transgression and own affirmation arises. Health literacy becomes then a priority in the scope of action for the specialist nurse working with young adolescents. With this in mind, it was defined for this academic work the following general objective: “To contribute for health literacy promotion within young adolescents having risk behaviours”. To accomplish this a brief conceptual and theoretical framework was carried out, as well as a scoping review of the present theme. The results supported the activities that were developed in the different contexts of the internship, contributing to a specialized evidence-based practice. The guiding line of thought that supported the interventions developed was the theoretical nursing framework of Betty Neuman Systems Model. In chronological order, the internship took place mostly in a hospital environment, namely Paediatric Emergency Service, Neonatal Special Intensive Care Unit and Paediatric Ward beginning September 9 and extending until December 18, 2020. The methodology used for the realization of this report was based on the description, analysis and critical reflection on the defined objectives, activities carried out in different contexts, among which i highlight the promotion of health literacy with young adolescentes using technology, as well as experiences and learning opportunities experienced along the way. Concluding, this report aims to mirror the acquisition of common skills inherent to the Specialist Nurse and the Specialist Child and Paediatric Health Nurse, underlying in the sense of creativity, responsibility, commitment and critical-reflective capacity.
This report was created in the context of the Master’s Degree in Nursing, under the Speciality of Infant and Paediatric Health at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde de Lisboa. Currently, it is necessary to find, understand, and utilize the information and the different health services in the different life stages, hence health literacy holds a role of extreme importance. Adolescence is a time when numerous transformations of different nature occur, a time when the necessity of experimenting new sensations, limit transgression and own affirmation arises. Health literacy becomes then a priority in the scope of action for the specialist nurse working with young adolescents. With this in mind, it was defined for this academic work the following general objective: “To contribute for health literacy promotion within young adolescents having risk behaviours”. To accomplish this a brief conceptual and theoretical framework was carried out, as well as a scoping review of the present theme. The results supported the activities that were developed in the different contexts of the internship, contributing to a specialized evidence-based practice. The guiding line of thought that supported the interventions developed was the theoretical nursing framework of Betty Neuman Systems Model. In chronological order, the internship took place mostly in a hospital environment, namely Paediatric Emergency Service, Neonatal Special Intensive Care Unit and Paediatric Ward beginning September 9 and extending until December 18, 2020. The methodology used for the realization of this report was based on the description, analysis and critical reflection on the defined objectives, activities carried out in different contexts, among which i highlight the promotion of health literacy with young adolescentes using technology, as well as experiences and learning opportunities experienced along the way. Concluding, this report aims to mirror the acquisition of common skills inherent to the Specialist Nurse and the Specialist Child and Paediatric Health Nurse, underlying in the sense of creativity, responsibility, commitment and critical-reflective capacity.
Promoção da literacia Adolescentes Comportamentos de risco Enfermeiro Intervenções Literacy promotion Adolescents Risk behaviours Nurse Interventions