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No presente trabalho de investigação propõe-se o estudo do tema do Instituto da Impugnação Pauliana, e os efeitos da procedência da mesma, num contexto do processo de insolvência. Esta figura, como estudaremos, observou alterações significativas quer ao nível do seu campo de jurisdição, quer mesmo, ao nível dos seus requisitos, efeitos e decorrentes deste último, a sua inserção relativamente à natureza que reveste, desde a sua primeira abordagem no ordenamento jurídico português, com especial atenção ao Código Civil de 1867 (Seabra), comparativamente ao Código Civil atual. Iremos analisar o enquadramento da pauliana, meio puramente conservatório máxime, garantia geral de conservação do património, e atualmente existente apenas no âmbito das relações jurídico-privadas, no processo de insolvência, que é um processo de cariz especial e urgente. Para isso, debruçar-nos-emos sobre uma figura criada e exercitável apenas em contexto insolvencial, que se assemelha à impugnação pauliana do direito civil, tendo em conta o fim visado e até mesmo os seus requisitos, que é a resolução em benefício da massa insolvente. Após uma exposição detalhada destes expedientes, cumpre-nos destacar os contrastes entre os mesmos, e tomar posicionamento relativamente ao âmbito de aplicabilidade da impugnação pauliana, quando a Resolução em beneficio da massa, já não seja juridicamente admissível, e, mais importante, a questão de saber o âmbito da esfera, onde os efeitos de uma eventual procedência deste meio conservatório, ao mesmo tempo que corre em separado, um processo de insolvência sobre o mesmo sujeito, se vão fazer sentir. Analisaremos ao longo da presente exposição, ainda que subtilmente, o direito comparado (italiano, espanhol, francês, alemão), no que diz respeito à questão controvertida no seu todo.
This research paper proposes to study the theme of the Paulian Challenge Institute and the effects of its origin in the context of insolvency proceedings. This figure, as we shall study, has observed significant changes both in its field of jurisdiction and even, in terms of its requirements, effects and arising from the latter, its insertion in relation to the nature it has, since its first approach in the Portuguese legal order, with particular attention to the Civil Code of 1867 (Seabra), compared to the current Civil Code. We will examine the framework of the Pauliana, purely conservative means, general guarantee of conservation of heritage, and currently exist only in the context of legal-private relations, in insolvency proceedings, which is a special and urgent process. To that end, we will look at a figure created and exerciseable only in insolvency context, which resembles the Paulian challenge of civil law, taking into account the objective pursued and even its requirements, which is resolution for the benefit of the insolvent mass. After a detailed exposition of these expedients, it is necessary to highlight the contrasts between them, and to take a position on the scope of applicability of the Paulian challenge, when the Resolution for the benefit of the mass, is no longer legally permissible, and, more importantly, the question of the scope of the sphere, where the effects of a possible origin of this conservatory, at the same time as it runs separately, insolvency proceedings on the same subject will be felt. We shall examine throughout this exhibition, albeit subtly, comparative law (Italian, Spanish, French, German) with regard to the question at issue as a whole.
This research paper proposes to study the theme of the Paulian Challenge Institute and the effects of its origin in the context of insolvency proceedings. This figure, as we shall study, has observed significant changes both in its field of jurisdiction and even, in terms of its requirements, effects and arising from the latter, its insertion in relation to the nature it has, since its first approach in the Portuguese legal order, with particular attention to the Civil Code of 1867 (Seabra), compared to the current Civil Code. We will examine the framework of the Pauliana, purely conservative means, general guarantee of conservation of heritage, and currently exist only in the context of legal-private relations, in insolvency proceedings, which is a special and urgent process. To that end, we will look at a figure created and exerciseable only in insolvency context, which resembles the Paulian challenge of civil law, taking into account the objective pursued and even its requirements, which is resolution for the benefit of the insolvent mass. After a detailed exposition of these expedients, it is necessary to highlight the contrasts between them, and to take a position on the scope of applicability of the Paulian challenge, when the Resolution for the benefit of the mass, is no longer legally permissible, and, more importantly, the question of the scope of the sphere, where the effects of a possible origin of this conservatory, at the same time as it runs separately, insolvency proceedings on the same subject will be felt. We shall examine throughout this exhibition, albeit subtly, comparative law (Italian, Spanish, French, German) with regard to the question at issue as a whole.
Garantia de conservação do património Impugnação Pauliana Resolução em benefício da massa insolvente Processo de insolvência Heritage conservation guarantee Paulian challenge Resolution for the benefit of the insolvent mass Insolvency proceedings