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A presente investigação reporta um caso de estudo sobre a eficiência e a qualidade de gestão no setor hospitalar. Aborda o Controlo de Gestão de um hospital pertencente à Misericórdia do Porto, fazendo a análise global dos seus processos com foco na ala da Consulta Externa (CE). Assenta numa metodologia mista, conciliando as abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa. Sendo um estudo empírico, a base teórica assenta em vários trabalhos sobre eficiência e controlo de gestão, com uma ênfase particular no contributo da metodologia da World Management Survey. Aplicada à saúde, procura comparar as práticas de gestão em diversos hospitais em todo o mundo, identificando falhas, concluindo com propostas de melhorias das mesmas. O estudo desenvolvido, contempla ainda, o acompanhamento da ala da CE, partindo para uma subsequente análise e estudo dos processos que a integram, através da elaboração de diversos esquemas e tabelas. Os principais resultados obtidos, no inquérito seguindo a metodologia WMS, revelam que os inquiridos atribuem uma boa pontuação ao hospital, muitas vezes com pontuações superiores à média do setor. Em particular, destacam-se as categorias “definição de objetivos” e “gestão de talento”, respetivamente, como a melhor e a pior. Contudo, estes resultados não se estendem à CE, desde logo com a existência de um desequilíbrio na distribuição de tempo afeto à CE, seguido de uma produção abaixo das metas estratégicas definidas, originando problemas de rentabilidade nesta ala, com os gastos incorridos superiores às receitas, resultando em resultados negativos.
This research reports a case study on the efficiency and quality of management in the hospital sector. It approaches the Management Control of a hospital belonging to Misericórdia do Porto, performing a global analysis of its processes with a focus on the External Consultation (EC) ward. It is based on a mixed methodology, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. As an empirical study, the theoretical basis is based on several works on efficiency and management control, with particular emphasis on the contribution of the World Management Survey methodology. Applied to health, it compares management practices in several hospitals around the world, identifying flaws and concluding with proposals for their improvement. The study developed, also includes the follow-up of the EC wing, starting with a further analysis and study of the processes that comprise it, through the elaboration of several schemes and tables. The main results obtained, in the survey using the WMS methodology, reveal that the participants attribute a good score to the hospital, often with scores higher than the sector's average. In particular, the categories "goal setting" and "talent management" stand out as the best and worst, respectively. However, these results do not extend to the EC, starting with the existence of an unequal distribution of time allocated to the EC, followed by a production below the defined strategic goals, causing profitability problems in this ward, with expenses incurred higher than revenues, resulting in negative results.
This research reports a case study on the efficiency and quality of management in the hospital sector. It approaches the Management Control of a hospital belonging to Misericórdia do Porto, performing a global analysis of its processes with a focus on the External Consultation (EC) ward. It is based on a mixed methodology, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. As an empirical study, the theoretical basis is based on several works on efficiency and management control, with particular emphasis on the contribution of the World Management Survey methodology. Applied to health, it compares management practices in several hospitals around the world, identifying flaws and concluding with proposals for their improvement. The study developed, also includes the follow-up of the EC wing, starting with a further analysis and study of the processes that comprise it, through the elaboration of several schemes and tables. The main results obtained, in the survey using the WMS methodology, reveal that the participants attribute a good score to the hospital, often with scores higher than the sector's average. In particular, the categories "goal setting" and "talent management" stand out as the best and worst, respectively. However, these results do not extend to the EC, starting with the existence of an unequal distribution of time allocated to the EC, followed by a production below the defined strategic goals, causing profitability problems in this ward, with expenses incurred higher than revenues, resulting in negative results.
Práticas de gestão Benchmarking Gestão hospitalar Eficiência Management practices Hospital management Efficiency