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A presente comunicação enquadra-se no segundo tema do X Seminário Internacional de Serviço Social “Social Work facing human rights challenge in times of uncertainty”, e apresenta uma reflexão, a partir da revisão da literatura, da existência de diferentes concepções relativamente ao que pode ser considerado investigação na prática do Assistente Social abordando, particularmente, o espaço de consenso, que é a sua congruência com o ethos da profissão e os seus valores (Pain, 2011). Neste sentido, a investigação na prática profissional está intimamente relacionada com os valores que regem o Serviço Social (Smith, 2012; Wade & Neuman, 2007)defendendo-se, desta forma, que se trata de uma relação ontológica. A importância da inter-relação entre investigação na prática do Serviço Social e os valores que estão presentes em todo o processo de investigação, realça o importante papel do interventor, nomeadamente, na formulação da questão(ões) de investigação, na orientação e definição da participação dos utentes, e na garantia que os instrumentos de recolha de dados estejam de acordo com os princípios do Serviço Social (nomeadamente a justiça social). Tendo por base estes argumentos, esta comunicação pretende contribuir para: 1) uma análise que relaciona a natureza do serviço social e a investigação na ótica dos seus princípios, valores e ética; 2) a reflexão sobre a relevância da investigação no contexto da prática e possíveis desafios ao trabalharmos com pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade (Powell,2005); 3) o reforço da ideia que a investigação na prática além de melhorá-la e informá-la pretende, também, transformá-la (Dominelli, 2005).
This paper is part of the second theme of the X International Social Work Seminar, and presents a reflection, fromthe literature review, on the existence of different conceptions regarding what can be considered practiceresearch and particularly addressing the space of consensus, which is its congruence with the ethos of theprofession and its values (Pain, 2011). In this sense, and as mentioned, practice research is closely related to thevalues that govern Social Work (Smith, 2012; Wade & Neuman, 2007), thus defending itself as an ontologicalrelation. The importance of the interrelation between practice research in Social Work and the values that arepresent throughout the research process, highlights the important role of the intervener, namely in formulating theresearch question(s), in guiding and defining participation and ensuring that the data collection instruments are inaccordance with the principles of Social Work (in particular social justice). On the basis of these arguments, thiscommunication intends to contribute to: 1) an analysis that relates the nature of social work and research in theperspective of its principles, values and ethics; 2) reflection on the relevance of research in the context of practiceand possible challenges in working with people in situations of vulnerability (Powell, 2005); 3) the reinforcement ofthe idea that practice research, besides improving practice and informing practice, also intends to transform it(Dominelli, 2005).
This paper is part of the second theme of the X International Social Work Seminar, and presents a reflection, fromthe literature review, on the existence of different conceptions regarding what can be considered practiceresearch and particularly addressing the space of consensus, which is its congruence with the ethos of theprofession and its values (Pain, 2011). In this sense, and as mentioned, practice research is closely related to thevalues that govern Social Work (Smith, 2012; Wade & Neuman, 2007), thus defending itself as an ontologicalrelation. The importance of the interrelation between practice research in Social Work and the values that arepresent throughout the research process, highlights the important role of the intervener, namely in formulating theresearch question(s), in guiding and defining participation and ensuring that the data collection instruments are inaccordance with the principles of Social Work (in particular social justice). On the basis of these arguments, thiscommunication intends to contribute to: 1) an analysis that relates the nature of social work and research in theperspective of its principles, values and ethics; 2) reflection on the relevance of research in the context of practiceand possible challenges in working with people in situations of vulnerability (Powell, 2005); 3) the reinforcement ofthe idea that practice research, besides improving practice and informing practice, also intends to transform it(Dominelli, 2005).