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Desde a publicação do livro A Origem das Espécies, que a Igreja foi confrontada com a impossibilidade da criação do mundo, como aparece descrita no livro do Génesis. Apesar de ter ocorrido uma forte tensão nas primeiras décadas, com o aparecimento de novos métodos de estudo dos textos bíblicos, e o aumento da evidência científica a favor da evolução, foi-se assumindo que o relato genesíaco é alegórico e foram-se dando os primeiros passos tendo em vista a conciliação das duas áreas do saber. Embora os estudos biológicos ainda tenham muito para explorar, torna-se necessário, a par com o que vai acontecendo ao nível da Física, abrir portas para que se fomente o diálogo entre a Teologia da Criação – que se debruça sobre a posição do homem no universo – e a Ciência evolutiva.
Since the publication of The Origin of Species, the Church was confronted with the im-possibility of the world being created, just as it is described in the book of Genesis. Although there was a great tension in the first decades, with the blooming of new methods focused on biblical studies and the increasing amount of scientific evidence supporting evolution, the nar-ration of the Genesis started to be considered as an allegory and the first steps were given to-wards the reconciliation between science and religion. Despite there is still a long way to go regarding biological studies, it is becoming neces-sary, as it already happens with Physics, to search a way to promote the dialogue between the theology of creation – which is focused on the place of Mankind in the universe – and the evolutive science.
Since the publication of The Origin of Species, the Church was confronted with the im-possibility of the world being created, just as it is described in the book of Genesis. Although there was a great tension in the first decades, with the blooming of new methods focused on biblical studies and the increasing amount of scientific evidence supporting evolution, the nar-ration of the Genesis started to be considered as an allegory and the first steps were given to-wards the reconciliation between science and religion. Despite there is still a long way to go regarding biological studies, it is becoming neces-sary, as it already happens with Physics, to search a way to promote the dialogue between the theology of creation – which is focused on the place of Mankind in the universe – and the evolutive science.
Criação Evolução Cristificação da criação Relação homem-mulher Creation Evolution Cristification of the creation Relation of man and woman