O artigo resulta de um projeto de investigação centrado na necessidade de equacionar a educação artística, mais concretamente a arte contemporânea, na promoção de uma cultura de cidadania no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1.º CEB). Este trabalho privilegia uma investigação qualitativa e foi ao encontro dos seguintes objetivos: implementar um conjunto de atividades pedagógicas assentes na arte contemporânea no 1.º CEB e compreender o seu impacto na aprendizagem dos alunos e na prática profissional dos professores. As conclusões emergentes do estudo evidenciam a importância da arte contemporânea no desenvolvimento de competências que visam a construção de uma cidadania ativa.
The article results from a research project focused on the need to equate artistic education, more specifically contemporary art, in promoting a culture of citizenship in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education (1st CEB). This work focuses on qualitative research and has met the following objectives: To implement a set of pedagogical activities based on contemporary art in the 1st CEB and to understand its impact on student learning and professional practice of teachers. The emerging conclusions of the study highlight the importance of contemporary art in the development of skills that aim to build active citizenship.
The article results from a research project focused on the need to equate artistic education, more specifically contemporary art, in promoting a culture of citizenship in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education (1st CEB). This work focuses on qualitative research and has met the following objectives: To implement a set of pedagogical activities based on contemporary art in the 1st CEB and to understand its impact on student learning and professional practice of teachers. The emerging conclusions of the study highlight the importance of contemporary art in the development of skills that aim to build active citizenship.
Educação artística Arte contemporânea Cidadania 1.º ciclo do ensino básico Artistic education Contemporary art Citizenship 1st cycle of basic education
Oliveira, M. (2017). A educação artística no trilho de uma nova cidadania. Revista de Estudos e Investigación en Psicología y Educacíon. v. extr., n.4, 11-15
Universidad de A Coruña